Baptisms at St Lukes

Bap­tism is an entry into God’s Fam­ily, the Church. In join­ing God’s Fam­ily, it is import­ant to become famil­i­ar with the loc­al church in which you want to be bap­tised and grow in faith. We recom­mend attend­ing one of our ser­vices at St Lukes and mak­ing your­self known to our clergy and church com­munity as you inquire about bap­tism.

In bap­tism, prom­ises are made to fol­low Jesus, as God reaches out to us and con­firms his grace through his prom­ised cleans­ing. As the bap­tism ser­vice says, “Bap­tism with water sig­ni­fies the cleans­ing from sin that Jesus’ death makes pos­sible and the new life that God gives us through the Holy Spir­it. In bap­tism, the prom­ises of God are vis­ibly signed and sealed for us. We are joined to Christ, and made mem­bers of his body, the Church uni­ver­sal.”

As an Anglic­an church, we bap­tise both adults who wish to affirm their faith and also the chil­dren of believ­ers. Regard­ing chil­dren, the bap­tism ser­vice says: “Children are bap­tised in response to God’s all-embra­cing love. Par­ents and god­par­ents who have respon­ded to that love come now to bring their child for bap­tism. Before this con­greg­a­tion, they must express their trust and com­mit­ment to the prom­ises of God, and their inten­tion to bring up their child in the faith and prac­tice of the Church.”

If you would like to get bap­tised or have your child bap­tised, please con­tact us through this web­site or make your­self known at one of our weekly ser­vices so we can arrange a time to dis­cuss your plans for the bap­tism.