St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Posts by Jennifer McGovern (Page 56)

NOtices Sunday 22nd September

NOTICES: Next Sunday — Please remem­ber that Sunday, 29 Septem­ber, is Cre­at­ive Sunday when those of us with creative/artistic gifts have the oppor­tun­ity (an invit­a­tion) to present a token of that gift at the offer­tory (when candles are usu­ally brought up).  We have a won­der­fully gif­ted con­greg­a­tion. This will be a time to give thanks for those gifts.…

Sunday 15TH September

Today we wel­comed Bish­op Nestor, Bish­op Brent, Atty Lal­wet and a great deal of the Sydney Phil­ip­pine Anglic­an folk from as far out as the par­ish of Quakers Hill.  Led by Fr George, they per­formed tra­di­tion­al dan­cing and drum­ming.  This was fol­lowed by a ‘Pot luck’ lunch provided by the Phil­ip­pine community. 


Today Sunday 15 Septem­ber we made wel­come Bish­op Nestor, Bish­op Brent, Atty Lal­wet and a great deal of the Sydney Phil­ip­pine Anglic­an folk from as far out as the par­ish of Quakers Hill.  Led by Fr George Gay­gaya, his people per­formed tra­di­tion­al dan­cing and drum­ming.  A ‘Pot luck’ lunch was provided by the Phil­ip­pine community.…