St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Posts by Jennifer McGovern (Page 53)

Notices — Sunday 5th January — Epiphany of Our Lord

NOTICES: Janu­ary Birth­days: Penny Park­er; Andrew Reddy; Jo Middleton; Esth­er Kumar; Anne Hyland; and Ron­ald Clarke.  Tonight: Even­ing pray­er at 6pm.  This week:   Epi­phany Pil­grim­age to Leura – Sat­urday 11 Janu­ary, 2020. Hos­ted by Lea and Don­ald at 22 Albert Street, Leura.  Arrival time is 12 noon for Euchar­ist at 12.30pm, fol­lowed by BBQ at…

Notices — First SUnday after Christmas

NOTICES: Sunday 29th Decem­ber 2019 Next Week: Even­ing Pray­er at 6pm Par­ish Office hours – please note the Par­ish Office is closed until Tues­day 31st Decem­ber, due to Jen­nifer McGov­ern being away in Cairns.  The office open­ing hours will also change from Tues­day 31st Decem­ber to 9.00 am to 2.00 pm — Tues­days, Wed­nes­days & Thursdays. Two Camera…

Notices — Third Sunday of Advent

NOTICES: 2020 Opshop Cal­en­dars for sale – lim­ited num­ber avail­able at $2 each.  Please see Andy Ser­afin. This week: Advent Study – Monday at 7.30 pm & Wed­nes­days after Morn­ing Tea:  ome along for some lively dis­cus­sion and fel­low­ship on a Monday Even­ing. The study we are using for Advent dis­cus­sions is the Advent and Christ­mas “Sac­red Space Booklet”.…

Notices — Second sunday of Advent

Tonight: Ecu­men­ic­al Advent Pray­er Ser­vice at 7.00pm — This will be kindly hos­ted by St Paul of the Cross, 532 New Can­ter­bury Rd, Dul­wich Hill par­ish with refresh­ments after­wards (bring a plate to share).  This week: Advent Study – Monday at 7.30 pm & Wed­nes­days after Morn­ing Tea: Come along for some lively dis­cus­sion and fel­low­ship on a…