St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Posts by Jennifer McGovern (Page 51)

Notices — Sunday 28th June 2020

NOTICES: Fr Jeff and Michelle are on hol­i­days for the next two weeks (Sunday 28th June & Sunday 5th July).  We wish them a safe and refresh­ing hol­i­day.   Update – The par­ish is now imple­ment­ing the guidelines sup­plied by the Dio­cese in co-oper­­a­­tion with State Health author­it­ies.  A copy of our Cov­­id-19 plan will…

Notices — Sunday 21st June 2020

NOTICES: Update – The par­ish is now imple­ment­ing the guidelines sup­plied by the Dio­cese in co-oper­­a­­tion with State Health author­it­ies.  A copy of our Cov­­id-19 plan will be avail­able on Sunday.  Col­lec­tion Giv­ing — Dur­ing the lock-down, col­lec­­tion-plate giv­ing was replaced by giv­ing through inter­net bank­ing (see chart below), such that total giv­ing did not…

Notices — Sunday 14th June 2020

NOTICES: Flowers in the church today are in memory of Eric Cham­pi­on (Priest) Today:  Peter Sey­mour will lead us in a ser­vice of Pray­er Praise and Pro­clam­a­tion at 5.00 p.m. in the Church.   After­wards we will find a place where we can safely share in a meal. Update – The par­ish is now imple­ment­ing the guidelines…

Notices — Sunday 7th June — Trinity Sunday

NOTICES: Happy Birth­day to: Andy Ser­afin; Ruth Cham­pi­on; Julie Olston; Thomas Raj; Don­ald Thomas; Leil­ani Reddy; Anthea Nath; Rachel Ready; Johnny Nitchar­oen; and Atom Kit­tir­at.    The flowers today have been donated by the Reddy, Nath & Anand fam­il­ies in memory of Edward Reddy.    Update – The par­ish is now imple­ment­ing the guidelines supplied…

Notices_Sunday 31st May_Day of Pentecost

NOTICES: Update – At the time of writ­ing we are wait­ing for advice of any fur­ther eas­ing of restric­tions regard­ing num­bers allowed to attend our church ser­vices.   We will update parish­ion­ers as soon as we have that inform­a­tion.  Fr. Jeff Wed­nes­day Heal­ing Ser­­vice- this will be held in the church to allow for dis­tan­cing and…