St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Posts by Jennifer McGovern (Page 30)

Notices_ Easter Day_Sunday 17th April 2022

  East­er Joy and Bless­ings from Fr Jeff, Michelle and fam­ily. Please drive/travel safely and observe all the Cov­id pre­cau­tions for your own pro­tec­tion and the safety of oth­ers.     ABM East­er Appeal 2022 Envel­opes and Digit­al dona­tions cards are avail­able in church foy­er. Or you can donate online at   Con­grat­u­la­tions to the…

Notices_Palm Sunday_ 10th April 2022

NOTICES: This Week: Thurs 14th April — Maun­dy Thursday at 7.30 pm. Fri 15th April — Good Fri­day at 9.30am and 12 noon Sta­tions of the Cross.   Dona­tions towards flowers for East­er Day would be appre­ci­ated: Please place the dona­tion in the offer­tory plate in an envel­oped marked ‘East­er flowers’ or give to Ruth Cham­pi­on.  Thank you .…

Notices_Fifth Sunday in Lent_3rd April 2022

NOTICES:   Happy Birth­day to: Car­men Reddy; Bryson Reddy; Stephanie Reddy; Edwin Reddy; Jo Bur­ton; Eliza­beth Flem­ing; Jo Raj and Les Car­ring­ton.      TODAY — Par­ish Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing (AGM) The AGM will be held at 11.30am after the morn­ing ser­vice.  At this AGM, the Par­ish Coun­cil, War­dens and Nom­in­at­ors will be elec­ted. There…

Notices_The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary_Sunday 27th March 2022

NOTICES: Many thanks to Fr Philip for cel­eb­rat­ing and preach­ing today. Fr Jeff and Michelle are cur­rently in Adelaide for the week­end with their fam­ily in order to cel­eb­rate their daugh­ter Penny’s engage­ment to Chris­toph­er Pat­ter­son.  Penny and Chris plan to be mar­ried at St Luke’s on 4th Feb­ru­ary 2023.   NEXT SUNDAY 3rd April —…