St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Posts by Jennifer McGovern (Page 19)

Thanksgiving Service for Fabian Lo Schiavo_Link

This is the Link for our Thanks­giv­ing ser­vice for the life of Fabi­an Lo Schiavo held at 11am on Monday 29th May.‑2/fabian/ A copy of the book­let for the ser­vice is attached below. FabianLoSchiavo_ThanksgivingService ‘Laud­ate Domin­um’, W A Moz­art, arr. Steph­en DeCesare ©2020 Steph­en DeCesare / Exul­tet Music pod­cast with per­mis­sion under ONE LICENSE #A‑604535. All…

Notices_Sunday 28th May — Pentecost Sunday

NOTICES:   The flowers in the church today have been donated by Christine Thur­ley in lov­ing memory of her broth­er Steph­en Thur­ley.     NEXT SUNDAY – 5pm Spir­it of Taize Ser­vice.   Nation­al Recon­cili­ation Week: See notice board in the hall for NATSIAC state­ment and the ULURU STATEMENT FROM THE HEART inform­a­tion.   ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks­giv­ing Ser­vice for…