St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Posts by Jennifer McGovern (Page 11)

Notices_Palm Sunday_24th March 2024

NOTICES:   A very big thank you to the Chiew Fam­ily and all those who helped with the BBQ and cleanup after the AGM.   Wed 27th March at 11am — Annu­al Chrism Euchar­ist will be held at St James’ King Street. Bish­op Michael Stead will Preside and preach.  All clergy and lay min­is­ters are invited…

Notices_Sunday 3rd March — Third Sunday In Lent

NOTICES   Happy Birth­day to: Peter Sey­mour; Tony Brown­low; Mar­ilyn Gibbs; Selina Hardy; Kath­er­ine Old­field; Bianca Reddy; Rick Prately; Andy Bestel; Joseph Kumar; Viol­etta Clarke; and Nam Clarke.     ABM mis­sion meet­ing has been post­poned until after the AGM.  New date is yet to be con­firmed.  It would be help­ful to have read the…