St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community


Women’s Read­ing Group is reg­u­larly held on 4th Wed­nes­day in the month at 7.30 p.m. 43/1 Coron­a­tion Aven­ue, Peter­sham. Please con­tact Par­ish Office or Ruth Cham­pi­on for details.


7.30pm Stand-Up Comedy Show

Join us for a clean Stand-Up Com­edy night on Thursday 6th Feb­ru­ary at 7.30pm fea­tur­ing Uncle Nath and Michael Con­nell. Drinks and nibbles will be sold on the night. A dona­tion to the Comedi­ans would be appre­ci­ated. To book seats please call or text Ruth on 0400 166 041 or email the office in