Welcome to any visitors with us today. Please join us for morning tea.
Happy Birthday to: Oscar Davis, John M., Stuart Veitch, Laurence Burton-Veitch, Janet Walmsley, Milly Clarke, David Dunlop, Geoffrey Turnham, Kay Younie, Noel Jeffs, Michael Fleming, Ellenor Fleming, Geoff Lindsay, Ronan Nath, and Blake Bestel.
TONIGHT: 6pm Spirit of Taizé Service.
NEXT Saturday 9th November — 2.30–5.00pm:  Book Launch: “When Hope Came” — Thailand, Leprosy and a Legacy of Caring
Author: Member of St Luke’s Church:- Janet Walmsley
Volunteers needed to help set up the hall beforehand, and to help serve afternoon tea. Please see Janet or Ruth.
 In a remote island sanctuary in Northern Thailand, Australian couple Dr Trevor and Heather Smith dedicated their lives for over 50 years to bringing hope, healing and restoration to people who society had rejected and “thrown away”. This remarkable couple battled floods, stigma, poverty and isolation, working alongside local and overseas colleagues to bring about change in treatment and community attitudes. Theirs is a story of resilience and faith, of pioneering medical and social innovation, and of dedication and perseverance “against all odds”.  Most of all, it is a story of hope.
Event includes Afternoon Tea and a Q&A session chaired by Dr Greg Clarke, CEO, The Leprosy Mission Australia.
Celebrating 150 years of The Leprosy Mission’s work to eradicate the disease and the stigma of leprosy
2024 St James’ International Organ Festival:  Saturday 16th November @ 5pm – Sarah Kim (France), Australian organist.  Held at St James’ Church, 173 King Street, Sydney.  Ticket available at cost – In Person or livestream. Visit
Thursday 28th to Saturday 30th November –
MOW Conference in Brisbane.
See the leaflet in the hall, our St Luke’s Website or MOWatch Website for more information about this event.
Sunday 1st December – ’Bring and share’ lunch:  Held in the hall after the 9.30am service to celebrate Fr Jeff’s 30th Anniversary of being ordained as a Priest.
Please mark this day in your calendar and come along to share in this special day.
The Butter Chicken stall is open to take any donations and pre-orders for the Christmas Market Day.
~ Butter Chicken and Rice packs with a papadum — $10 each
~ Vegetarian Samosa with chutney — $3 each
~ Masala tea — $4
Pickup during the market day — 9am 2pm
Please see Rachael Reddy or contact her on 0410 552 144
Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd Dec at 3pm – Handel’s Messiah:  Presented by Radio Community Chest.  Held at Sydney Town Hall.  Tickets available from
Christmas 2024 Services
Sunday 22nd December — 6pm Carol Service.
Tuesday 24th December — 7.30pm Christmas Eve Service.
Wednesday 25th December — 9.30am Christmas Day Service.
(Note: There will be no 10.30am Wednesday Service on 25th Dec 2024 or 1st Jan 2025.)
7.30 pm — Tuesday Night Bible Study:  At Fr Philip’s home, 5 Lincoln Street, Stanmore. All welcome.  The study is currently on the book of Genesis. Please bring a bible.
Copies of Fr Jeff’s Sunday Sermons are made available in the church foyer each Sunday for those who would like to take a copy.
If you would like a home or hospital visit from Fr Jeff for any reason, please contact him on his Mob: 0409 719 927
ST PAULS PANTRY needs food, health and cleaning items: A basket is in the church foyer for donations.
Food for our worms – Leave your worm food gifts at church on Sundays or drop off during the week. Please remember to remove the strings from your teabags. (N.B. — no dairy, citrus, onions or meat).
Weekly Intercessions for our Community:
Sunday Katherine Oldfield; Fr Jeff & Michelle Parker; Andrew Patterson; Meaghan Patterson; Ann Petersen & Rachel.
Monday: Fran Nelson; and Johnny Nitchareon & Eed Intapan.
Tuesday: Julie Olston & Philippa; and Rick Prately & Simon.
Wednesday: Jo, Ramendra, Thomas, & Lucy Raj; and Joyce Reddy.
Thursday: Andrew, Rachael, Bianca, Belinda, Bryson Reddy.
Friday: We pray for pastoral care ministry teams at all Hospitals and all those who are ministered to.
Saturday: Almighty God, we pray for those in areas of conflict. We pray for healing and good medical care for those who have been injured. For those
who have lost homes and possessions, please meet their daily needs for food, clean water and shelter and comfort those who mourn the loss of loved ones. And bless all who are helping those impacted. Amen.
Prayers for the sick: Andy Serafin; John Bowen (Priest); Ron; Simone Crowther; Alex Regos; Helen Woellner; Douglas Johnston; Susie Brooks; Sarah; Marion Maddox; Sarah; Max Woods (Priest); Mike Nixon (Priest); Barbara Noble; and Jane Edwards.
Recently Departed: Ruth Dodd.
Anniversaries of the Departed: Violet Foster; Rockley Millen; Susan Garrad; Nellie Cornick; Austin Day (Priest); Elva Austin; Wit Takham; Owen Currie; Douglas Witt; and Catherine Shaw.
Saints Commemoration: Â 4th: Day of Australian Anglicans and Roman Catholics to pray for one another (General Synod 2001); and 8th: Saints, martyrs, missionaries and teachers of the Anglican Communion.
Long Term Pastoral Prayer list: Jennifer McGovern; Karen Steiner-Hill;Â Nalini MacIntyre; Christine Kondratenko; John Bunyan (Priest); Margaret Chiew; Gerald Grant; Barbara Raymond; Janet Walmsley; Florence Shellard; Ray Sommer; John Hardy; Lyn Carrington; Barbara Allen; Marissa & Meg Maack, Jude, Isla, & Al Donnell; Noel Jeffs; Laurie Bestel; Robert Gibbs; Michael Aiken; Sabitri Thapa; Joel Thapa; and Robert & Lyndall Dubler.
Readings for Next Sunday – Remembrance Sunday         Â
First Reading: Job 14.1–14Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Psalm: 29
Second Reading: Romans 6.3–9Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Gospel: John 5.19–29
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