Notices_Sunday 22nd September 2024 — 18th Sunday After Pentecost


A very big thank you from the War­dens and Par­ish Coun­cil, to all who were involved in the Elec­tion Day Fun­drais­ing BBQ and cake stall.  Par­tic­u­larly Eddie, Susan and Edwin Reddy, Andy Ser­afin, Stu­art Grigg, and Stu­art Veitch.  We raised $2000 on the BBQ and Cake stalls, plus $600 at the OpShop on the day — thanks to Andy Ser­afin and his volunteers.  This will help to off­set our ever-increas­ing defi­cit.



7.30 pm — Tues­day Night Bible Study: At Fr Philip’s home, 5 Lin­coln Street, Stanmore.  All welcome.  The study is cur­rently on the book of Genesis.  Please bring a bible.



Cop­ies of Fr Jeff’s Sunday Ser­mons are made avail­able in the church foy­er each Sunday for those who would like to take a copy.



If you would like a home or hos­pit­al vis­it from Fr Jeff for any reas­on, please con­tact him on his Mob: 0409 719 927




NEXT Sunday 29th Sept at 12pm — Myan­mar Lunch

Fol­low­ing 9.30am ser­vice, and tea/coffee.

Come and enjoy authen­t­ic Myan­mar food with wine or fruit juice. (*Please note: St Luke’s pro­motes the respons­ible con­sump­tion of Alco­hol)

100% of dona­tions go to the ABM Myan­mar Clean Water Pro­ject.




Sunday 29th Septem­ber at 3 pm – SYDNEY CHAMBER CHOIR CONCERT – “Heirs and Rebels”:  Held at Christ Church St Laurence. Livestream on Aus­trali­an Digit­al Con­cert Hall. Tick­ets  or call SCC Box Office 1300 661 738



Sat­urday 26th Octo­ber at 2.30pm – Sydney MOW Annu­al Meet­ing in St Luke’s par­ish hall.  Guest Speak­er is Bish­op Genieve Black­well.  After­noon tea will be served.  Every­one is invited – you don’t have to be a mem­ber to attend.



Sunday 27th Octo­ber – St Luke’s Patron­al Fest­iv­al: 9.30am Ser­vice fol­lowed by a Shared Lunch.  Our Guest Speak­er will be Bp Genieve Black­well.



Sunday 3rd Novem­ber at 2pm – The His­tory of St James Church:  2‑hour sem­in­ar presen­ted by Pro­fess­or Mark Hutchin­son, Uni­ver­sity of West­ern Sydney who has been com­mis­sioned to write the his­tory of St James’ Church.  Held: St James’ Hall, Level 1, 169–171 Philips Street.  Refresh­ments served.  Ph: (02) 8227 1200 or Email:



2024 St James’ Inter­na­tion­al Organ Fest­iv­al:  Sat­urday 16th Novem­ber @ 5pm – Sarah Kim (France), Aus­trali­an organist.  Held at St James’ Church, 173 King Street, Sydney.  Tick­et avail­able at cost – In Per­son or livestream.  Vis­it





Thursday 28th to Sat­urday 30th Novem­ber – MOW Con­fer­ence in Bris­bane.

Sat­urday 7th Decem­ber – St Luke’s Christ­mas Mar­ket — 9am to 2pm.



Anniversary – You are Invited!

On 30th Novem­ber this year Fr Jeff cel­eb­rates 30 years of priesthood.  There will be a ’bring and share’ lunch held in the Par­ish Hall on Sunday 1st Decem­ber after church to cel­eb­rate this happy day with Fr Jeff and Michelle.

Please mark this day in your cal­en­dar and come along to share this spe­cial day with them.




ST PAULS PANTRY needs food, health and clean­ing items: A bas­ket is in the church foy­er for dona­tions.



Food for our worms – Leave your worm food gifts at church on Sundays or drop off dur­ing the week.  Please remem­ber to remove the strings from your teabags.  (N.B. — no dairy, cit­rus, onions or meat).



Weekly Inter­ces­sions for our Com­munity:

Sunday: Moya Holle; Noel Jeffs; Isa­bel Kim; Joseph, Esth­er, Joyti & Joshlyn Kumar; Mandy Tib­bey & Geoff Lind­say.

Monday: Lea McNeil & Don­ald Thomas; Evelyn Maack; and Jen­nifer McGov­ern.

Tues­day: John M.; Jo Middleton; Ron­ald Naidu; and Fran Neilson.

Wed­nes­day: Anthea, Ron, Ron­an, Veron­ica & Rohan Nath.

Thursday: Johnny Nitchareon & Eed Intapan; and Kath­er­ine Old­field.

Fri­day: We pray for pas­tor­al care min­istry teams at all Hos­pit­als and all those who are min­istered to.

Sat­urday: Almighty God, we pray for those in areas of conflict.  We pray for heal­ing and good med­ic­al care for those who have been injured.  For those who have lost homes and pos­ses­sions, please meet their daily needs for food, clean water and shel­ter and com­fort those who mourn the loss of loved ones.  And bless all who are help­ing those impacted.  Amen.



Pray­ers for the sick: Andy Ser­afin; John Bowen (Priest); Ron; Nalini MacIntyre; Simone Crowth­er; Alex Regos; Ruth Dodd; Helen Woell­ner; Douglas John­ston; Susie Brooks; Sarah; Mari­on Mad­dox; Delia Bone; Kar­en Stein­er-Hill; Andrew; Day­lan Sam­inath­an; and Sarah.



Anniversar­ies of the Depar­ted: Dav­id Neary; Wil­li­am Dor­ring­ton; Thomas Mor­ton; Jean Thurl­ing; Mary Fish­er; Mary Fer­guson; and Bill Cum­mings.



Saints Com­mem­or­a­tion: 25th: Ser­gi­us of Moscow, Abbot & teach­er (d. 1392); 26th: Lancelot Andrewes, Bish­op of Winchester (d. 1626); and 27th: Vin­cent de Paul, Priest and work­er with the poor (d. 1660)



Long Term Pas­tor­al Pray­er list: Christine Kon­draten­ko; John Bunyan (Priest); Mar­garet Chiew; Ger­ald Grant; Bar­bara Ray­mond; Janet Walms­ley; Florence Shel­lard; Ray Som­mer; John Hardy; Lyn Car­ring­ton; Bar­bara Allen; Marissa & Meg Maack, Jude, Isla, & Al Don­nell; Noel Jeffs; Laurie Bestel; Robert Gibbs; Michael Aiken; Sabitri Thapa; and Joel Thapa.



Read­ings for Next Sunday – 19th Sunday After Pente­cost

First Read­ing: Esth­er 7.1–6, 9–10;9.20–22           Psalm: 124

Second Read­ing: James 5.12–20                         Gos­pel: Mark 9.38–50