TODAY — Parish Council will meet after 9.30am service and morning tea.
OpShop 30-year celebration pens are available in the foyer for $2 each.
2024 Lenten Studies – Begin Mon 19th Feb & Wed 21st Feb:
Monday group will be at 7.30pm on Zoom. We will be using the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book, “Tarry Awhile — Wisdom from Black Spirituality for People of Faith.’’ There is an amount of reading involved. It is available from Amazon — Hardcopy $30 or the Kindle format $18.99.  The delivery from these sources is very fast so you should have a book in time for Mon 19th.Â
Wednesday group will be held in the hall after the 10.30am service and morning tea. We will be using LIVING IN HARMONY from Garratt publishing – purchased by Fr Jeff.
Sat 2nd March 2024 — Lenten Quiet Day from 9.45am – 4.15pm:
The Sydney Mission-College of the Oratory of the Good Shepherd invite you to share in a day of silence, prayer and reflection at the beginning of Lent.
Venue: The church/grounds of St John’s Balmain, Spring Street, Birchgrove.
What? Gather for coffee and conversation at 9.45 am. Â Greater Silence from 10.00 am until 4.15 pm. Â Morning and Evening Prayer; the Holy Eucharist; two addresses; opportunity for individual consultation with leader; rest in the garden and local park.
Event is Free of charge.  Participants are asked to bring their own packed lunches. Tea and coffee provided.  This year the leader is The Rev’d Linda Mary CSC.  All very welcome.
Sat 2nd March @ 6pm for 6.30pm — The first M N O for 2024:  Held at Portugalia Pizzeria, 104 Percival Road, Stanmore. Phone 9 569 987. Contact Kevin Green for details on Mob: 0405 691 055.
Sun 3rd March – AGM mission meeting after Service and morning tea:  All those interested in choosing where our ABM Mission money is donated this year, please met in the chapel for a quick chat. It would be helpful to have read the Project book prior to the meeting. If you would like a copy, please see Jennifer.
Sunday 17th March – Parish Annual General Meeting:  Will be held in the church after 9.30am service and morning tea.
If you are an office bearer, would you please submit your report/s to the Parish Office by email, on or before Sunday 25th Feb, as the collated final edition should be in the hands of parishioners the week prior to the AGM, Sunday 10th March.
And in accordance with Diocesan procedure, the date of the AGM will be affixed to the entrance doors to the church, two weeks prior to the meeting.
Dates for your Diary
Sun 24th March – 9.30am Palm Sunday.
Thurs 28th March – 7.30pm Maundy Thursday.
Fri 29th March – 9.30am Good Friday.
Sun 31st March – 9.30am Easter Day.
Tues 2nd April at 7.30 pm — Tuesday Bible Study recommences at Fr Philip’s home, 5 Lincoln St Stanmore. All welcome.  The study for this term will be The Acts of the Apostles.  Please bring a bible.
ABM Lent, Good Friday, and Easter Appeal 2024
Envelopes are available in the church foyer to place on the collect plate.  Or Scan the QR code to make a donation online.
You can also donate online at
ST PAUL’S PANTRY needs food, health and cleaning items: A basket is in the church foyer for donations.
Lea MacNeil has jam, conserves, pickles and various sauces to sell; please email her at to order them from her.  All proceeds go to St Luke’s Parish.
Food for our worms – Leave your worm food gifts at church on Sundays or drop off during the week. Please remember to remove the strings from your teabags. (N.B. — no dairy, citrus, onions or meat).
Weekly Intercessions for our Community:
Sunday: Brett Davies & Amrit MacIntyre; Edi & Oscar Davis; Susan Deas; John Dickson; and Kathy Drummond.
Monday: David Dunlop; and Michael, Ellizabeth, Tom, Ella & Nick Fleming.
Tuesday: Stephen Gates & Andrew Elder; and Marilyn Gibbs.
Wednesday: Kevin Green; Peter Gilbert & Fred Narnola; and Joyce Grant.
Thursday: Stuart Grigg & ‘Tricia; and Richard Hagan & Som.
Friday: We pray for Fr John Bunyan’s pastoral care ministry at Bankstown Hospital and all those he ministers to.
Saturday: Almighty God, we pray for those in areas of conflict. We pray for healing and good medical care for those who have been injured. For those who have lost homes and possessions, please meet their daily needs for food, clean water and shelter and comfort those who mourn the loss of loved ones. And bless all who are helping those impacted. Amen.
Prayers for the sick: Margaret Chiew; David Dunlop; John Bowen (Priest); Janet Walmsley; Joseph Kumar; Gerald Grant; Alex Regos; Christine Kondratenko; Salochna Devi; Ruth Dodd; Robyn Palmer; Catherine Loughman; Helen Woellner; Libby Davis; Stephen Griffen; Tom Hall; Nick Molesworth; Douglas Seymour; Max Wood (Priest) David Bradford; Evelyn de Zoysa; Fran, Jacqueline; Donna Harris; Douglas Johnston; Susie Brooks; Sarah and Marion.
Recently Departed: Don Reid; and Lorna Weatherill.
Anniversaries of the Departed: Niola Barr; Ivy Lawson; Eric Juergens; Edgar Fisher; Margaret Turnball; and Kathleen Rushton.
Saints Commemoration: 20th: William Grant Broughton, first Bishop of Australia (d. 1853); 23rd: Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr (d. c. 155); and 24th: Matthias, Apostle and Martyr.
Long Term Pastoral Prayer list: John Bunyan (Priest); Simone Crowther;Â Ruth Champion; John Hawkins (Priest); Robert & Lyndall Dubler; Andy Serafin; Florence Shellard; Ray Sommer; John Hardy; Lyn Carrington; John Dickson; Barbara Allen; Marissa & Meg Maack, Jude, Isla, & Al Donnell; Ann Jeffs; and Noel Jeffs.
Readings for 9.30am Service – Second Sunday in Lent
First Reading: Genisis 17.1–7, 15–16Â Â Â Â Â Â Psalm: 22.24–32
Second Reading: Romans 4.13–25Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Gospel: Mark 8.31–38
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