Notices_Sunday 6th August — Feast of the Transfiguration


Thank you to Fr Philip Brad­ford for con­tinu­ing as our Locum and tak­ing our Sunday and Wed­nes­day ser­vices over the com­ing weeks.  Fr Philip will be work­ing for us on Tues­day, Wed­nes­day and Thursday dur­ing the week.   Fr Jeff and Michelle will be away on long ser­vice leave until 10th Sept 2023.


TONIGHT: 5pm Even­ing Ser­vice in the chapel.



Con­grat­u­la­tions to Ron and Katie Wil­li­ams who cel­eb­rate their 60th Wed­ding Anniversary on the Feast of St Laurence.  Happy Anniversary!!




Happy Birth­day to:  Brett Dav­ies, Jen­nifer McGov­ern & Ron Nath.




Small Group Lunches and Din­ners:   It has been sug­ges­ted that Parish­ion­ers may wish to be part of a small group; to meet for a meal once a month, and just gen­er­ally get to know each oth­er better.  If this is some­thing you would like to be involved in, please see the notice on the board in the hall and add your name and con­tact details.  There is a page for host­ing and one for attend­ing.


Loc­al Indi­gen­ous His­tory Com­mit­tee: Last year’s Sydney Syn­od reques­ted that each par­ish write a loc­al indi­gen­ous his­tory of their area.  At its 2023 AGM our par­ish approved the form­a­tion of a com­mit­tee to do this.  The Com­mit­tee has been meet­ing since Feb­ru­ary this year keep­ing the fol­low­ing words as a guide: know­ledge, under­stand­ing and engagement.  Through a know­ledge of the past we hope to grow in under­stand­ing and rela­tion­ship with First Nations Peoples.

While we have found some his­tor­ic­al inform­a­tion per­tain­ing to pre-European set­tle­ment and early white set­tle­ment we are lack­ing in resources from early white set­tle­ment to the present day.  If you know of any print or human resources we would be very grateful.  Oral his­tor­ies of any First Nations people either liv­ing in this area or from out­side with a know­ledge of the loc­al area would be par­tic­u­larly helpful.  If you have ideas, do speak to a mem­ber of the Committee.  Mem­bers are: Selina Hardy, Louisa Sil­ver­man, Jo Middleton, Mandy Tib­bey, Moya Holle, Lyne Cun­neen and Tony Brown­low.


A Bible Study lead by Fr Philip — Com­men­cing on Tues­day, 8th August:   Held on Tues­day nights at 7.30pm.   Address: 5 Lin­coln Street, Stanmore.   Mob: 0431 655 220.  Please bring a bible.  Sup­per will be provided.


Tues­day 8th August 2023 – ABM AID 2023 Mar­tyrs Appeal Launch: 11.30am (Qld, NSW, Vic and Tas)
RSVP to or 1300 302 663   A Zoom link will be sent to par­ti­cipants the day before the event.  Join Arch­bish­op Geoff Smith, Prim­ate of the Anglic­an Church of Aus­tralia, to hear first-hand from our Anglic­an part­ner in Pap­ua New Guinea about the pos­it­ive impact you can make through our 2023 Mar­tyrs Appeal.  There will be time for Q&A after their present­a­tions. The event should go for about 1 hr and will be recor­ded.  If you are unable to join us but would like to see the record­ing or read the notes taken, please let us know.


Sat­urday, 12th August 2023 — Next MNO will be held at: De Lana Thai Res­taur­ant, 220 Addis­on Road, Marrickville.  Phone: 9569 4709.  Con­tact Kev­in Mob: 0405 691 055


Sun 13th August 2023 at 1pm — Cel­eb­rat­ing the life of Kev­in Tib­bey: Kev­in Tib­bey (Mandy’s fath­er) passed away recently after being on our pray­er list for quite a time.  He donated his body to sci­ence, as he felt that sci­ence gave him a fur­ther lease of life when he had bowel can­cer.  A cel­eb­ra­tion of his life will be held for fam­ily and friends, at Manly Bowl­ing Club, 59 Raglan St, Manly (behind Manly oval), in the down­stairs func­tion room.  Please let Mandy know if you would like to attend.


Sunday, 27th August — THE ATONEMENT: MULTICOLOURED OR MONOCHROME at 2pm:  At St James Hall (169–171 Phil­lip Street, Sydney) and online, Rev’d Dr Max Wood, Rect­or of St Luke’s, Mos­man, will be giv­ing a talk on the atonement.  While many evan­gel­ic­als insist on a” pen­al sub­sti­tu­tion” the­ory that spot­lights viol­ence and pun­ish­ment, this talk will intro­duce a plur­al­ity of mean­ings of Jesus’ atonement.  Fr Max Wood has an Hon­ours degree in theo­logy and under­took doc­tor­al research at Durham Uni­ver­sity where he was made a fel­low of St Chad’s College.  For fur­ther inform­a­tion con­tact Tony Brown­low.


Sunday, 27th August — 4pm Pre-Syn­od Meet­ing organ­ised by Anglic­ans Togeth­er fol­lows at St James Hall (169–171 Phil­lip Street, Sydney).


Sat­urday 2nd Septem­ber at 11am – The Feast of the Com­mem­or­a­tion of the New Guinea Martyrs:  Will be held at Christ Church St Laurence, 812 George Street, Sydney.   Cel­eb­rant: Fr Daniel Dries and Speak­er: The Rev­er­end Dr Mur­ray Har­vey, Bish­op of Grafton.  Refresh­ments after­wards in the Par­ish Hall, Pitt Street, Sydney.  Please RSVP for cater­ing by 31st August to Den­ise in ABM Office



Sunday 17th Sept — 40th Anniversary of Sydney MOW:  Cel­eb­rated at Christ Church St Laurence Hay­mar­ket, at the 10.30 a.m. ser­vice, where the Arch­bish­op of Perth, Kay Goldsworthy AO, will be our guest preacher.  Fol­low­ing the ser­vice there will be a lunch­eon in the hall and a short lec­ture giv­en to hon­our the life of the late Dr Patri­cia Bren­nan, by The Ven­er­able Dr Colleen O’Reilly.

If you are a mem­ber of MOW, please ensure you renew your sub­scrip­tion pri­or to the event.   The lunch­eon will cost $30 per per­son.  Please book using Try­book­ing online at Sydney Move­ment for Ordin­a­tion web­site by 1st Septem­ber 2023.

If you would like to join our mem­ber­ship, please go to the MoWatch Aus­tralia web­site  or see Ruth who is the Sydney Convenor.  We will be respect­fully ral­ly­ing out­side Syn­od again this year to raise aware­ness of the status of women in this dio­cese, on Tues­day 12th and Wed­nes­day 13th Septem­ber at 2pm for approx. 1 hour.



Sunday 15th Octo­ber — St Luke’s Patron­al Fest­iv­al:  Our Guest Speak­er is to be The Ven­er­able Dr Colleen O’Reilly, a former parishioner.  Fol­low­ing the ser­vice we will hold a shared lunch, out­doors in the church car­park — weath­er per­mit­ting.


Sat­urday 21st Oct at 6.30pm – Warden’s Dinner:  Cel­eb­rat­ing the 30th Anniversary since our OpShop first opened on Enmore Road in 1993.  Buy your­self an OpShop outfit.  Prizes for best dressed male and female, fun­ni­est out­fit, and cheapest outfit.  So, keep your receipt to prove it!  2 course din­ner. BYOG.


Lea MacNeil has jam, con­serves, pickles and vari­ous sauces to sell; please email her at to order them from her.  All pro­ceeds go to St Luke’s Par­ish.



Weekly Inter­ces­sions for our Com­munity:

Sunday:   Joseph, Esth­er, Joyti & Joshlyn Kumar; Lea MacNeil & Don­ald Thomas; Evelyn Maack; Jen­nifer McGov­ern; John M.; and Jo Middleton.

Monday: Ron­ald Naidu; Ron, Anthea, Ron­an, Veron­ica, & Rohan Nath.

Tues­day: Fran Neilson; Pau­line Newell; and Johnny Nitchareon & Eed Intapan.

Wed­nes­day: Kath­er­ine Old­field; Julie Olston & Phil­ippa; and Andrew Pat­ter­son.

Thursday: Fr Jeff & Michelle Park­er; and Ann Petersen & Rachel.

Fri­day: We pray for Fr John Bunyan’s pas­tor­al care min­istry at Bank­stown Hos­pit­al and all those he min­is­ters to.

Sat­urday: Almighty God, we pray for those in war torn areas, par­tic­u­larly the Ukraine and the Sudan.  We pray for heal­ing and good med­ic­al care for those who have been injured.  For those who have lost homes and pos­ses­sions, please meet their daily needs for food, clean water and shel­ter and com­fort those who mourn the loss of loved ones.  And bless all who are help­ing those impacted.  Amen



Pray­ers for the sick:  Gra­hame Sadler; Christine Thur­ley; Mar­garet Chiew; Noel Jeffs; Peter Sey­mour; Dav­id Dun­lop; (Fr) John Bowen; Janet Walms­ley; Alex Regos; Christine Kon­draten­ko; Simone Abra­hams; Salochna Devi; Ruth Dodd; Robyn Palmer; Julie Ankers; Cath­er­ine Lough­man; Wolfgang Haas; Chris Middleton; Charles Said-Vas­sallo; and Helen Woell­ner.



Anniversar­ies of the Depar­ted:  Sep­tima Mor­timer; Jean Gates; Albert Wat­son; Mervyn Dav­is; Diana Gomez; Grace John­son; Aman­da Romeo; and Ian Scott.



Saints Com­mem­or­a­tion: 8th: Domin­ic, Priest, and Fri­ar. (d. 1221); 9th: Mary Sum­ner, founder of the Mother’s Uni­on (d. 1921); 10th: Laurence, Dea­con, and mar­tyr at Rome (d. 258); and 11th: Claire of Assisi (d. 1252); and John Henry New­man, Car­din­al and theo­lo­gian (d. 1890).



Long Term Pas­tor­al Pray­er list: Pau­line Newell; (Fr) John Hawkins; Rober­t & Lyn­dall Dubler; Andy Ser­afin; Florence Shel­lard; Ray Som­mer; John Hardy; Lyn Car­ring­ton; John Dick­son; Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Rhi­an­non Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Don­nell; Kuwert; Rev Laurie MacIntyre; Kiki Chun; Raul of Radio Skidrow and his fam­ily; Andrew Strat­golda; Loch­lan Lones­bor­ough; Ann Jeffs; and Singla Pal­lav.



Read­ings for Next Sunday:  Mary Moth­er of Our Lord

First Read­ing: Isai­ah 61.10–62.3             Psalm: Song of Mary (APBA P.31)

Second Read­ing: Gala­tians 4.4–7           Gos­pel: Luke 2.1–7
