St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Notices_Sunday 27th July 2023 — Ninth Sunday After Pentecost


Thank you to Fr Philip Brad­ford for con­tinu­ing as our Locum and tak­ing our Sunday and Wed­nes­day ser­vices over the com­ing weeks.  Fr Philip will be work­ing for us on Tues­day, Wed­nes­day and Thursday dur­ing the week.   Fr Jeff and Michelle will be away on long ser­vice leave until 10th Sept 2023.



The flowers today have been donated by Lyne Cun­neen in lov­ing memory of her fath­er, Nigel Her­bert Cunneen.



Next Sunday: 5pm Even­ing Ser­vice in the chapel.


NEW BIG ROSTER – now avail­able in church and chapel foyers.


Small Group Lunches and Din­ners:  It has been sug­ges­ted that Parish­ion­ers may wish to be involved with a small group once a month; to meet for a meal and a chat, and just gen­er­ally get­ting to know each oth­er bet­ter.  If this is some­thing you would like to be involved in, please see the notice on the board in the hall and add your name and con­tact details.  There is a page for host­ing and one for attending.



St Luke’s OpShopAt the last Par­ish Coun­cil meet­ing we were very pleased to hear that St Luke’s Op Shop had been voted 6/10 Best Op shop in Time Out

“Con­firm­ing that size isn’t everything, St Luke’s Church Shop is small but mighty.  Loc­ated just before the bustle of Enmore Road, St Luke’s is open to the pub­lic from Tues­day to Sat­urday and is a quiet reprieve from the hec­tic main drag.  Full of glor­i­ous knick-knacks, we’ve come across some pretty spe­cial treas­ures here.  Our top scores have included nov­elty ‘Aus­sie Dunny’ themed coast­ers for $6, a Jig­saw Tartan mini skirt for $8, a 90s-esque Vicky Vale vel­vet cami for $10 and a space-age ice buck­et.”

This recog­ni­tion has res­ul­ted in very good sales over the last couple of weeks, for which we are very grateful!!



Excerpts from Anglic­ans Togeth­er magazine:

Anglic­ans Togeth­er is an organ­isa­tion that pro­motes an inclus­ive expres­sion of Anglic­an­ism in the Dio­cese of Sydney.  We, its mem­bers, sup­port the idea that the Anglic­an Church is both cath­ol­ic (uni­ver­sal) and reformed.

It allows for dif­fer­ence… that our God, as seen in the Lord Jesus Christ, is not a God that can be defined by one point of view but … that we draw upon the rev­el­a­tion of God to all God’s people.

Anglic­ans Togeth­er is an incor­por­ated asso­ci­ation under the Asso­ci­ations Incor­por­a­tion Act 1984 to:

  • Main­tain, foster and devel­op the life of the Anglic­an Church in Australia;
  • Con­firm our com­mon alle­gi­ance to the Anglic­an Com­mu­nion as an integ­ral part of the lar­ger body of Christ’s church;
  • Main­tain the com­pre­hens­ive­ness and respect the diversity of belief and prac­tice as it has developed with­in the Anglic­an Church;
  • Pro­mote unity and co-oper­a­tion with the Anglic­an Church in the best interests of its mis­sion and the cred­ib­il­ity of the Gos­pel in Aus­trali­an soci­ety; and
  • Foster mem­ber involve­ment and par­ti­cip­a­tion in Syn­od with informed debate, coher­ent reas­on­ing and con­struct­ive criticism.

For gen­er­al enquir­ies and con­tri­bu­tions please email

Many of our parish­ion­ers are mem­bers of Anglic­ans Togeth­er and The Pres­id­ent is The Rev’d Dr Max Wood, Rect­or of St Luke’s Mos­man.  The AGM will fol­low the 4 pm, Pre-Syn­od Meet­ing in St James’ Hall (169–171 Phil­lip St Sydney) on Sunday 27 August to which all are wel­come.  If you would like to join AT please see Tony Brown­low or Ruth Champion.


A more recent move­ment nation­ally is NCAN – Nation­al Com­pre­hens­ive Anglic­an­ism Net­work, which is striv­ing to address GAFCON (Glob­al Anglic­an Futures Con­fer­ence).  At a recent meet­ing in Kigali, Rwanda, rejec­ted the author­ity of the Arch­bish­op of Can­ter­bury and the Church of Eng­land because they have author­ized bless­ing same sex mar­riages.  Giv­en that Sydney now has major­ity con­trol of the Aus­trali­an Gen­er­al Syn­od, it is con­ceiv­able that there might be an attempt to take the Anglic­an Church of Aus­tralia out of com­mu­nion with the Church of Eng­land.  The Chair of NCAN is The Right Rev’d Dr Steph­en Pick­ard who retired from his role as assist­ant bish­op in the Dio­cese of Can­berra and Goul­burn and Exec­ut­ive Dir­ect­or of the Aus­trali­an Centre for Chris­tian­ity and Cul­ture on 31 March 2022.  Pri­or to his retire­ment, Steph­en Pick­ard was awar­ded the Cross of St Augustine for “sig­ni­fic­ant ser­vice to the Anglic­an Com­mu­nion as a theo­lo­gian, teach­er and bish­op, and in par­tic­u­lar in his ser­vice of the Inter-Anglic­an Theo­lo­gic­al and Doc­trin­al Com­mis­sion and the Inter-Anglic­an Stand­ing Com­mis­sion on Unity, Faith and Order”.

Our Par­ish Coun­cil is mov­ing to sup­port NCAN, as we would not like to see our church split from the rest of the Anglic­an Com­mu­nion.  There is more inform­a­tion about this organ­isa­tion, writ­ten by Steph­en Pick­ard in this month’s AT magazine.



Sat­urday, 12th August 2023 — Next MNO will be held at:

De Lana Thai Restaurant

220 Addis­on Road, Mar­rick­ville.  Phone: 9569 4709

Con­tact Kev­in Mob: 0405 691 055




At St James Hall (169–171 Phil­lip Street, Sydney) and online, Rev’d Dr Max Wood, will be giv­ing a talk on the atone­ment.  While many evan­gel­ic­als insist on a” pen­al sub­sti­tu­tion” the­ory that spot­lights viol­ence and pun­ish­ment, this talk will intro­duce a plur­al­ity of mean­ings of Jesus’ atone­ment.  Fr Max Wood has an Hon­ours degree in theo­logy and under­took doc­tor­al research at Durham Uni­ver­sity where he was made a fel­low of St Chad’s Col­lege.  For fur­ther inform­a­tion con­tact Tony Brownlow.

Sunday, 27th August — 4pm Pre-Syn­od Meet­ing organ­ised by Anglic­ans Togeth­er fol­lows at St James Hall (169–171 Phil­lip Street, Sydney).




Sunday 17th Sept — 40th Anniversary of Sydney MOW:

Cel­eb­rated at Christ Church St Laurence Hay­mar­ket, at the 10.30 a.m. ser­vice, where the Arch­bish­op of Perth, Kay Goldsworthy AO, will be our guest preach­er.  Fol­low­ing the ser­vice there will be a lunch­eon in the hall and a short lec­ture giv­en to hon­our the life of the late Dr Patri­cia Bren­nan, by The Ven­er­able Dr Colleen O’Reilly.

If you are a mem­ber of MOW, please ensure you renew your sub­scrip­tion pri­or to the event.   The lunch­eon will cost $30 per per­son.  Please book using Try­book­ing online at Sydney Move­ment for Ordin­a­tion web­site by 1st Septem­ber 2023.

If you would like to join our mem­ber­ship, please go to the MoWatch Aus­tralia web­site  or see Ruth who is the Sydney Con­ven­or.  We will be respect­fully ral­ly­ing out­side Syn­od again this year to raise aware­ness of the status of women in this dio­cese, on Tues­day 12th and Wed­nes­day 13th Septem­ber at 2pm for approx. 1 hour.




Sunday 15 Octo­ber — St Luke’s Patron­al Fest­iv­alOur Guest Speak­er is to be The Ven­er­able Dr Colleen O’Reilly, a former parish­ion­er.  Fol­low­ing the ser­vice we will hold a shared lunch, out­doors in the church car­park — weath­er permitting.



Sat­urday 21st Oct at 6.30pm – Warden’s Din­ner: Cel­eb­rat­ing the 30th Anniversary since our OpShop first opened on Enmore Road in 1993.  Buy your­self an OpShop out­fit.  Prizes for best dressed male and female, fun­ni­est out­fit, and cheapest out­fit.  So, keep your receipt to prove it!  2 course din­ner. BYOG.



Weekly Inter­ces­sions for our Com­munity:

Sunday: Susan Deas; Kathy Drum­mond; Dav­id Dun­lop; Steph­en Gates & Andrew; Mar­ilyn Gibbs; Kev­in Green; Peter Gil­bert & Fred Narnolo.

Monday: John Dick­son; Michael, Eliza­beth, Tom, Ella & Nick Fleming.

Tues­day: Joyce Grant; Stu­art Grigg & ‘Tri­cia; and Richard Hagen & Som.

Wed­nes­day: Selina Hardy & John; and Susan Hill, Janet Broady & Alex.

Thursday: Moya Holle; Noel Jeffs; and Geoff Lind­say & Mandy Tibbey.

Fri­day: We pray for Fr John Bunyan’s pas­tor­al care min­istry at Bank­stown Hos­pit­al and all those he min­is­ters to.

Sat­urday: Almighty God, we pray for those in war torn areas, par­tic­u­larly the Ukraine and the Sudan.  We pray for heal­ing and good med­ic­al care for those who have been injured.  For those who have lost homes and pos­ses­sions, please meet their daily needs for food, clean water and shel­ter and com­fort those who mourn the loss of loved ones.  And bless all who are help­ing those impacted.  Amen




Pray­ers for the sickChristine Thur­ley; Mar­garet Chiew; Noel Jeffs; Peter Sey­mour; Dav­id Dun­lop; (Fr) John Bowen; Janet Walms­ley; Alex Regos; Christine Kon­draten­ko; Val Thomas; Simone Abra­hams; Salochna Devi; Ruth Dodd; Robyn Palmer; Julie Ankers; Peta Loveday-Hill; Peter Crook; Cath­er­ine Lough­man; Wolfgang Haas; Chris Middleton; Barry Pear­ton; and Charles Said-Vassallo.


Recently Depar­ted: Ray Manuel (Priest).


Anniversar­ies of the Depar­ted:  Nigel Cun­neen; Pearl McCal­lum; Mar­garet Munns; Sydney Row­lands; Mais­ie Cad­dis; Har­old Legge; and Ant­o­nia Nagy-Laing.


Saints Com­mem­or­a­tion:  31st July:  Joseph of Arimathea; and Igna­tius of Loy­ola, Priest and founder of the Soci­ety of Jesus (d.1556); 1st August: Holy Men and women of the Old Test­a­ment; 3rd August: Steph­en, Dea­con and first mar­tyr; 4th August: John Baptist Vian­ney, par­ish Priest of Ars, France (d. 1895); and 5th August: Oswald, King and Mar­tyr (d. 642).


Long Term Pas­tor­al Pray­er list: Pau­line Newell; (Fr) John Hawkins; Robert & Lyn­dall Dubler; Andy Ser­afin; Florence Shel­lard; Ray Som­mer; John Hardy; Lyn Car­ring­ton; John Dick­son; Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Rhi­an­non Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Don­nell; Kuwert; Rev Laurie MacIntyre; Kiki Chun; Raul of Radio Skidrow and his fam­ily; Andrew Strat­golda; Loch­lan Lones­bor­ough; Ann Jeffs; and Singla Pallav.



Read­ings for Next Sunday: The Trans­fig­ur­a­tion of Our Lord

First Read­ing: Daniel 7.9–10, 13–14        Psalm: 97

Second Read­ing: 2 peter 1.16–19           Gos­pel: Mark 9.2–10
