Notices_Sunday 16th April_Second Sunday of Easter


TODAY:  Par­ish Coun­cil will meet after Morn­ing tea.


A very big thank you to the Chiew Fam­ily for provid­ing and serving our scrump­tious BBQ morn­ing tea on East­er Day.


Many thanks to all those who gave gen­er­ously to cov­er the cost of the beau­ti­ful flowers in the church on East­er Day.


Thank you also to those who came to assist in the East­er preparations.  To Andy who always makes everything just hap­pen so won­der­fully and to Fabi­an for his assist­ance to him.  To those who helped with vacu­um clean­ing, dust­ing, glass clean­ing and the car­park — thank you, your help was invalu­able!


INDIGENOUS HISTORY COMMITTEE:  As you will recall there was a motion passed at the Par­ish AGM on 5th March that a com­mit­tee be formed of inter­ested parish­ion­ers to “identi­fy and recog­nise the indi­gen­ous his­tory of this area.“  Parish­ion­ers inter­ested in join­ing this com­mit­tee should give their names to Tony Brownlow.  Please don’t feel daun­ted if you have a lack of know­ledge in this area.  It is a jour­ney of learn­ing that we will be going on together.  This par­ish is full of people with a mul­ti­tude and a vari­ety of tal­ents which can be used in this com­mit­tee.



Sunday 7th May — Myan­mar Lunch Fun­draiser for ABM:  Catered lunch with drinks and wine. Your RSVP at a later date would be appreciated.  Keep the date!




Thurs 8th June 2023 — Par­ish Vivid 2023 Lights Sight­see­ing Cruise
Brett seeks expres­sions of interest.  The cruise will be oper­ated by Cap­tain Cook Cruises.  Depar­ture is expec­ted to be from King Street Wharf 1 at 5.45pm.  The cost is $29 per adult.  Please see the link for more inform­a­tion and con­tact Brett by Sunday, 16 April 2023 (today). 

Vivid Lights Sight­see­ing Cruises 2023



Sunday, 25 June 2023 at 3pm — St Luke’s Young Organ­ists Series: Samuel Giddy, win­ner of the Open Sec­tion of the 2022 Sydney Organ Competition.  Fur­ther details to follow.  Keep the date!


Notices for the Sunday Ser­vice book­let need to be received by Jen­nifer in the par­ish office by 10am on Thursday morn­ing.  It is best to email the details.


ST PAUL’S PANTRY needs food, health and clean­ing items: A bas­ket is in the church foy­er for dona­tions.


Food for our worms – Leave your worm food gifts at church on Sundays or drop off dur­ing the week.  Please remem­ber to remove the strings from teabags.  (NB — no dairy, cit­rus, onions or meat please).  Worm cast­ings are available.  See Fr Jeff.


Lea MacNeil has jam, con­serves, pickles and vari­ous sauces to sell; please email her at to order them from her.  All pro­ceeds go to St Luke’s Par­ish.



Weekly Inter­ces­sions for our Com­munity:

Sunday:  Tony Brown­low; Ruth Cham­pi­on; Nancy Cheng; Tiffany, and Kev­in, Alex­an­der & Nich­olas Chiew.

Monday: Les & Lyn Car­ring­ton; and Ron, Milly, Nam & Viol­etta Clarke.

Tues­day: Lyne Cun­neen & John MacLu­lich; Brett Dav­ies & Amrit MacIntyre.

Wed­nes­day: Edi & Oscar Dav­is; Susan Deas; John Dick­son; Kathy Drum­mond.

Thursday: Dav­id Dun­lop; and Michael, Eliza­beth, Tom, Ella & Nick Flem­ing.

Fri­day: We pray for Fr John Bunyan’s pas­tor­al care min­istry at Bank­stown Hos­pit­al and all those he min­is­ters to.

Sat­urday: Almighty God, we pray for those in Tur­key and Syr­ia who are suf­fer­ing fol­low­ing the dev­ast­at­ing earth­quake.  We pray for heal­ing and good med­ic­al care for those who have been injured.  For those who have lost homes and pos­ses­sions, please meet their daily needs for food, clean water and shel­ter and com­fort those who mourn the loss of loved ones.  And bless all who are on the ground help­ing those impacted.  Amen



Pray­ers for the sick:  Stu­art Grigg; (Fr) John Bowen; (Fr) Philip Brad­ford; Janet Walms­ley; Tony Brown­low; Pau­line Newell; Rose­mary Brad­ford; Mary Middleton; (Fr) John Hawkins; Peter Brown; Christine Kon­draten­ko; Val Thomas; Kev­in Tib­bey; Simone Abra­hams; Salochna Devi; Ruth Dodd; Robyn Palmer; (Rev) Helen Phil­lips; Julie Ankers; Robert & Lyn­dall Dubler; Franz Legrum; Peta Loveday-Hill; Raf Forents; Peter Crook; James Baker; Jeremy Kinross; Cath­er­ine Lough­man; Jonath­an Har­ris; and Prue Per­ram.


Anniversar­ies of the Depar­ted: Mary Potts; Mary Port­er; Arthur Boyd; James Unwin; Mar­garet Coote; and Fre­drick Ander­son.


Saints Com­mem­or­a­tion: 21st: Anselm, Arch­bish­op of Can­ter­bury, teach­er (d.1109).


Long Term Pas­tor­al Pray­er list: Andy Ser­afin; Florence Shel­lard; Ray Som­mer; John Hardy; Lyn Car­ring­ton; John Dick­son; Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Rhi­an­non Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Don­nell; Grace & Han­nah Ashton; Kuwert; Rev Laurie MacIntyre; Kiki Chun; Raul of Radio Skidrow and his fam­ily; Andrew Strat­golda; Loch­lan Lones­bor­ough; Ann Jeffs; Noel Jeffs; and Singla Pal­lav.


__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Readings for Next Sunday: Third Sunday of East­er

First Read­ing: Acts 2.14a, 36–41             Psalm: 116.1–4, 11–18

Second Read­ing: 1 Peter 1.13–25           Gos­pel: Mat­thew 28.8–15a



EASTER Appeal 2023

Envel­opes are avail­able in the church foy­er to place on the col­lect plate

Or Scan the QR code to make a dona­tion online.

You can also donate online at