Next Sunday 16th April:Â Parish Council will meet after Morning tea.
New Big Roster now available: Copies available in church foyer and on the Community Resource Centre table.
INDIGENOUS HISTORY COMMITTEE: As you will recall there was a motion passed at the Parish AGM on 5th March that a committee be formed of interested parishioners to “identify and recognise the indigenous history of this area.“  Parishioners interested in joining this committee should give their names to Fr Jeff. Please don’t feel daunted if you have a lack of knowledge in this area. It is a journey of learning that we will be going on together. This parish is full of people with a multitude and a variety of talents which can be used in this committee.
Saturday 15th April; 6.00 for 6.30 pm — Men’s Night Out
Little Turtle Vegan Restaurant, 10 Stanmore Road, Enmore
Phone: 8868 7554
See Kevin Green or Mob: 0405 691 055
The parish weekend retreat has been cancelled as there was a double booking at Stroud. We are looking into an alternative venue. The retreat will have to be held later in the year.
Sunday 7th May — Myanmar Lunch Fundraiser for ABM: Catered lunch with drinks and wine. Your RSVP at a later date would be appreciated. Keep the date!
Thurs 8th June 2023 — Parish Vivid 2023 Lights Sightseeing Cruise
Brett seeks expressions of interest.  The cruise will be operated by Captain Cook Cruises.  Departure is expected to be from King Street Wharf 1 at 5.45pm.  The cost is $29 per adult.  Please see the link for more information and contact Brett by Sunday, 16 April 2023.Â
Vivid Lights Sightseeing Cruises 2023
Sunday, 25 June 2023 at 3pm — St Luke’s Young Organists Series: Samuel Giddy, winner of the Open Section of the 2022 Sydney Organ Competition. Further details to follow. Keep the date!
ST PAUL’S PANTRY needs food, health and cleaning items: A basket is in the church foyer for donations.
Food for our worms – Leave your worm food gifts at church on Sundays or drop off during the week. Please remember to remove the strings from teabags. (NB — no dairy, citrus, onions or meat please). Worm castings are available. See Fr Jeff.
Lea MacNeil has jam, conserves, pickles and various sauces to sell; please email her at to order them from her. All proceeds go to St Luke’s Parish.
Weekly Intercessions for our Community:
Sunday: Louisa Silverman; Laurel & Ray Sommer; Karlene Thompson; Christine Thurley, Troy & Family; Stuart Veitch, Jo Burton & Laurence; and Janet Walmsley.
Monday: Janet Widmer & Cliff; and Ron & Katie Williams.
Tuesday: Sally Woellner; and Kay Younie, Natasha, Timothy & Jonathon.
Wednesday: Victor Anyarisi; and Jennifer, Peter, Elise & Blake B.
Thursday: John & Joanne Bowen; and Philip & Rosemary Bradford.
Friday: We pray for Fr John Bunyan’s pastoral care ministry at Bankstown Hospital and all those he ministers to.
Saturday: Almighty God, we pray for those in Turkey and Syria who are suffering following the devastating earthquake.  We pray for healing and good medical care for those who have been injured.  For those who have lost homes and possessions, please meet their daily needs for food, clean water and shelter and comfort those who mourn the loss of loved ones. And bless all who are on the ground helping those impacted.  Amen
Prayers for the sick:Â Stuart Grigg; (Fr) John Bowen; (Fr) Philip Bradford; Janet Walmsley; Tony Brownlow; Pauline Newell; Rosemary Bradford; Mary Middleton; (Fr) John Hawkins; Peter Brown; Christine Kondratenko; Val Thomas; Kevin Tibbey; Simone Abrahams; Salochna Devi; Ruth Dodd; Robyn Palmer; (Rev) Helen Phillips; Julie Ankers; Robert & Lyndall Dubler; Franz Legrum; Peta Loveday-Hill; Raf Forents; Peter Crook; James Baker; Jeremy Kinross; Catherine Loughman; and Joan Dale.
Recently Departed:Â Shirley Allen; and (Fr) Eric Hampson.
Anniversaries of the Departed: Val Francis; Andrew Micke; Agnes Forrester; Franco Cevcek; May Gleave; Benjamin Potts; and Eileen Kerr.
Long Term Pastoral Prayer list: Andy Serafin; Florence Shellard; Ray Sommer; John Hardy; Lyn Carrington; John Dickson; Barbara & Jade Allen; Rhiannon Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Donnell; Grace & Hannah Ashton; Kuwert; Rev Laurie MacIntyre; Kiki Chun; Raul of Radio Skidrow and his family; Andrew Stratgolda; Lochlan Lonesborough; Ann Jeffs; Noel Jeffs; and Singla Pallav.
Readings for Next Sunday: Second Sunday of Easter
First Reading: Acts 2.14a, 22–32Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Psalms: 16
Second Reading: 1 Peter 1.1–12 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Gospel: John 20.19–31
EASTER DAY Appeal 2023
Envelopes are available in the church foyer to place on the collect plate
Or Scan the QR code to make a donation online.
You can also donate online at
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