The AGM will be held at 11.30am in the hall after the morning service. At this AGM, the Parish Council, Wardens and Nominators will be elected. There is no election of Synod Representatives since a Synod lasts three years and the 52nd Synod has another year to run.
There is a form available in the church foyer and on Parish Resource Centre table which gives notice of an intention to make a nomination. Parishioners who wish to nominate another person for an office may complete the form and give it to a Warden. The form requires the person being nominated to sign it as an indication of their consent to be nominated.
PLEASE NOTE: You must still be present at the meeting to nominate somebody else whether or not a form has been completed, but the person being nominated does not have to be present at the meeting so long as consent to the nomination has been given.
For reference, the above is taken from diocese website at
(Scroll down to “Conducting the general meeting of parishioners” then to “Elections”)
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