Parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) — 3rd April 2022


The AGM will be held at 11.30am in the hall after the morn­ing service.  At this AGM, the Par­ish Coun­cil, War­dens and Nom­in­at­ors will be elected.  There is no elec­tion of Syn­od Rep­res­ent­at­ives since a Syn­od lasts three years and the 52nd Syn­od has anoth­er year to run.

There is a form avail­able in the church foy­er and on Par­ish Resource Centre table which gives notice of an inten­tion to make a nomination.  Parish­ion­ers who wish to nom­in­ate anoth­er per­son for an office may com­plete the form and give it to a Warden.  The form requires the per­son being nom­in­ated to sign it as an indic­a­tion of their con­sent to be nom­in­ated.

PLEASE NOTE: You must still be present at the meet­ing to nom­in­ate some­body else wheth­er or not a form has been com­pleted, but the per­son being nom­in­ated does not have to be present at the meet­ing so long as con­sent to the nom­in­a­tion has been giv­en.

For ref­er­ence, the above is taken from dio­cese web­site at

(Scroll down to “Con­duct­ing the gen­er­al meet­ing of parish­ion­ers” then to “Elec­tions”)