Today we complete the NCLS (National Church Life Survey)
We have set aside the time normally reserved for the sermon to complete the National Church Life Survey together. Pens will be distributed. The best response is almost always the response of your first impression, so no need (or time) to agonize over it!
There is a fair amount of reading involved — if this is an issue for any reason (eg forgot your glasses), help is available in the walkway.
The National Church Life Survey is an Australia-wide survey of all churchgoers and occurs every five years in tandem with the national Census. Having as many parishioners as possible complete it is of great help to the Parish.
There will be an online option for those who are not in church today. Details to be provided in due course.
Wardens’ Dinner Thank you ‑ Thanks to all parishioners who came to the Wardens’ Dinner last week in trying conditions. It has given us many ideas for next year’s theme “Noah’s Arkâ€.
The New Master Roster for February — May 2022 is now available in church and chapel foyers.
OpShop phone number has changed: The new number is Mob: 0416 913 578. Please use this number to contact the Opshop during opening hours.
Thank you to Noel Jeffs who has generously donated the Pascal Candle for use at St Luke’s Enmore this year.
Palm Crosses: Please remember to bring in your palm crosses from last year. We will burn these to make the ash on Shrove Tuesday for our Ash Wednesday services.
Men’s Night Out 2022: The first MNO for 2022 will be held at Alberto’s Pizzeria, 589 King Street Newtown (Phone 9 519 4262) on Saturday 26th February at 6.00 for 6.30 pm. Contact Kevin on 0405 691 055.
ABM Lenten Study – ‘Repairing the Breach’
Will be held on Wednesdays after 10.30am Service and morning tea (starting on Ash Wednesday), and also Monday nights via zoom at 7.30pm (starting on 7th March).
A zoom link will be provided closer to the time. Please contact the office if you wish
to participate. Limited copies of the book ‘Repairing the Breach’ (provided by Fr Jeff) are available FREE for participants in St Luke’s Studies ONLY from the Parish Community Resource Centre. Please see Stephen Gates after the service during morning tea. Anyone wishing to participate in Lenten Studies outside St Luke’s can purchase the book for $10 from the Parish Resource Centre or from the ABM WEBSITE —
2022 national online Lent Appeal Launch — Tuesday 1 March
Hosted by the Dean of Brisbane, the Very Reverend Dr Peter Catt.
Time: 3pm (NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
Duration: 1 hr, including Q&A.
RSVP: by Friday 25 February to or phone 1300 302663
A Zoom link will be sent out the day before the event with information on how to join. Â Join ABM supporters from across the country to learn how your support of our 2022 Lent Appeal to bring love, hope and justice to communities in Australia and overseas who are in need during this pandemic.
St James’ Institute 2022 programme is now available from the Community Resource Centre table. For more information visit or ring (02) 8227 1300
Noel Jeffs’ book ‘Maturing in the Religious Life’ is available for sale now at ‘Better Read Than Dead’ bookshop in Newtown
Pancakes at the Rectory – Tuesday 1st March at 7.00 p.m. Bring the family but please RSVP to Fr Jeff or Michelle by Wed 25 February. It’s at this gathering that we make the ashes for Ash Wednesday.
Future Dates for your Diary:
Wed 2nd March –Ash Wednesday services at 10.30am & 7.30pm.
Sun 6th March – First Sunday in Lent and Baptism at 9.30am and 6pm Evening Service with Holy Communion.
Wed 9th March – (Ecumenical) Taizé service St Luke’s Enmore at 7.00 pm.
Sun 13th March — Parish Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Sun 10th April — Palm Sunday at 9.30 am.
Thurs 14th April — Maundy Thursday at 7.30 pm.
Fri 15th April — Good Friday at 9.30am and 12pm Stations of the Cross.
Sun 17th April — Easter Day at 9.30 am.
ST PAUL’S PANTRY needs food, health and cleaning items: A basket is in the church foyer for donations.
Food for our worms –Please leave your worm food gifts at church on Sundays or drop off during the week. (NB — no dairy, citrus or meat) Fr. Jeff
Lea MacNeil has jam, conserves, pickles and various sauces to sell; please email her at to order them from her.
All proceeds go to St Luke’s Parish.
Prayers for the sick:Â Wolfgang Rose; Julie Ankers; John Bowen; John Perkins; Margaret Chiew; Florence Shellard; Amanda Romeo; Maria Serafin; Andy Serafin; Maryrose Crowther; Ruth Dodd; and Joan Dale.
Anniversaries of the Departed:Â Margaret Turnbull; and Kathleen Rushton.
Saints Commemoration: 23rd Feb: Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, martyr (d. c. 155); and 24th Feb: Matthias, Apostle and martyr.
Long Term Pastoral Prayer list:Â John Hardy; Pauline Newell; Beth Armstrong; Lyn Carrington; John Dickson; Stephen Thurley; Shirley, Barbara & Jade Allen; Rhiannon Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Donnell; Grace & Hannah Ashton; Andrew Hiro Itadani; Kuwert; Rev Laurie MacIntyre; Kiki Chun; Raul of Radio Skidrow and his family; Andrew Stratgolda; Lochlan Lonesborough; and Noel Jeffs.
Weekly Intercessions for our Community:
Sunday: Selina & John Hardy; Susan Hill, Janet Broady & Alex; Moya Holle; Noel Jeffs; and Esther, Joseph, Joyti, Joshlyn, Deepika & Deepshika Kumar.
Monday: Pamela Jaksic; and Eddy, Mint, Atom & Arty Kittirat.
Tuesday: Geoff Lindsay & Mandy Tibbey; and Fabian LoSchiavio.
Wednesday: Lea MacNeil & Donald Thomas; and Evelyn Maack.
Thursday: Jennifer McGovern; John M; and Jo Middleton.
Friday: We pray for Fr John Bunyan’s pastoral care ministry at Bankstown Hospital and all those he ministers to.
Saturday: Dear loving Father, please deliver us from the coronavirus and limit its impact on Australia and the world. In your mercy bring a swift end to this crisis. Please protect with your loving care those we love — our families, friends and neighbours. Let your fatherly hand guide, shelter and strengthen them. Cast out all anxious fears and doubts. Give us an increasing trust in you and fill our hearts and minds with your peace. We pray for those around the world now struggling with various COVID stains. Heal and comfort those who are sick and suffering. Protect and guide the health professionals who are at the front line. Please give wisdom and courage to those who bear responsibility for confronting this challenge. We ask these things through the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.
Readings for Next Sunday: Transfiguration – Last Sunday After Epiphany.
First Reading: Exodus 34.29–35Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Psalm: 99
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 3.12–4.2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Gospel: Luke 9.28–36
“Becoming Creators of unityâ€Â Taizé Pilgrimage of Trust in NSW 2022
facilitated by Brother Matthew from the Taizé Community
Wednesday, 9th March 2022 at 7.00pm
St Luke’s Anglican Church
11 Stanmore Road, Enmore
All are welcome!
for the life of The Most Revd Dr Desmond Tutu
Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
will be held on Sunday 6th March 2022 at 4.00pm
in St James’ Anglican Church, King Street Sydney
The Service will be streamed on the St James’ Facebook page and
Online Services page. The links are:
All are welcome
[full vaccination is recommended]
Sunday Night Services
Most would be aware that our lay minister, Peter Seymour, leads the Sunday evening service on the first Sunday of the month. This takes place at 6.00 p.m. in the summer and 5.00 p.m. in winter. Speaking with Peter, he believes that the need for and the form of this service should be revisited. At the moment we follow the service of Prayer, Praise and Proclamation from the Prayer Book.
Speaking with other parish ministers, Sunday evening services are generally hard to get going, even in much bigger parishes. Peter and I would like to know if there are any suggestions about what form the service should take, preferably from people who would actually attend and/or take part.  Please speak with Peter or Fr Jeff.
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