The flowers today have been donated by Ron Clarke in loving memory of his mother Vera Olive Clarke.
Parish Contact List update: We are currently in the process of updating our Parish Contact List. If you or your family have recently moved, or acquired a new phone number or email address it is important to let us know so we can keep our records up to date. Please contact me at or on Mob: 0409 049 442
The office is closed until further notice: Jennifer will be working from home on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9.15–2.45pm. Â Please email or if urgent call Mob: 0409 049 442.
Not receiving emails from Fr Jeff?  Each Sunday and Wednesday, an email containing the Sunday Service and then a Wednesday reflection is being sent to everyone on our email list. In some cases parishioners believe they are not receiving them. We have found that in many cases the email has gone to their ‘spam’ or ‘junk’ file. This happens with some email providers. If you haven’t received an email from the parish or Fr Jeff on these days, check those other folders and you will probably find it.
Next Sunday: Fr James Collins OAM will be our guest preacher during our recorded service. His topic, “ The Eucharist and Community†|
ST PAUL’S PANTRY desperately needs food. Please keep collecting your donations of tinned and non-perishable food items. You will be able to bring them in to the church when services resume. |
![]() WORDSWORTH & MASKELL PIPE ORGAN RECITAL Postponed to a date to be fixed in 2022 Please note the recital will not take place in September 2021 due to the pandemic. Watch this space or the Parish Facebook page for announcements next year, or in the meantime, express interest to attend future recitals at:Â |
Weekly Intercessions for our Community:
Sunday: Janet Widmer & Cliff; Sally Woellner; Kay Younie, Natasha & Timothy; and Shirley Allen, Barbara & Jade.
Monday: Victor Anyarisi; Beth Armstrong; Ian Barnett; and Kenneth Barongo.
Tuesday: Jennifer, Peter, Elise & Blake B.; and John & Joanne Bowen.
Wednesday: Fr Philip & Rosemary Bradford; and Christopher Brooks.
Thursday: Tony Brownlow; Les & Lyn Carrington; and Ruth Champion.
Friday: We pray for Fr John Bunyan’s pastoral care ministry at Bankstown Hospital and all those he ministers to.
Saturday: Dear loving Father, please deliver us from the coronavirus and limit its impact on Australia and the world. In your mercy bring a swift end to this crisis. Please protect with your loving care those we love — our families, friends and neighbours. Let your fatherly hand guide, shelter and strengthen them. Cast out all anxious fears and doubts. Give us an increasing trust in you and fill our hearts and minds with your peace. We pray for those around the world now struggling with COVID-19. Heal and comfort those who are sick and suffering. Protect and guide the health professionals who are at the front line.  Please give wisdom and courage to those who bear responsibility for confronting this challenge. We ask these things through the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.
Prayers for the sick: John Bowen; John Satterley; Robert & Lyndall Dubler; Colin Spokes; Peter Cinelli; John Can Pahali; Alex Regos; Amanda Cowley; Peter Knox; Sr Colleen Crook; Br William; Ron Clarke & his family; Maurice Pope & his family; Raul (Skid Row Radio) & family; Barry McKay; Ruth Dodd; Christina Rees (CBE); Deepika & Deepshika; Andrew Stratgolda; and Sr Helen Julian CSF.
Anniversaries of the Departed: Vera Olive Clarke; Arthur Ayers; Maria Bugle; Amy Burrow; John Lewis; Allan Polgen; Mary McCarthy; Sydney Day; Flo Taylor; Dorothy Dunkerley; and Wanda Coleman.
Saints Commemoration: 20th: Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot & teacher (d.1153).
Long Term Pastoral Prayer list: Lyn Carrington; Stephen Thurley; Wolf Winter; John Dickson; John Hardy; Andrew Reddy; Shirley, Barbara & Jade Allen; Br Noel Jeffs (SSF); Kiki Chun; Beth Armstrong; Ann Jeffs; Rhiannon Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Donnell; Suzanne Campton; Pauline Newell; Barbara Beecroft; Ann Connolly; Dayalan Saminathan; Kuwert; Grace & Hannah Ashton; Anaisha, & her parents Anu & Digvijay; Ron Nath; Ronan Nath; Veronica Nath; Rev Laurie McIntyre; and Lochlan Lonesborough.
Readings for the coming week: Evening PrayerÂ
Sunday | 1 Kings 3.15–28 | Ps 34.9–18 | Ephesians 6.1–9 |
Monday | Proverbs 18.4–21 | Ps 105.23–45 | Romans 11.13–24 |
Tuesday | Proverbs 18.22–19.14 | Ps 106.25–50 | Romans 11.25–36 |
Wednesday | Proverbs 19.15–29 | Ps 107.23–43 | Romans 12.1–8 |
Thursday | Proverbs 20.1–17 | Pss 112; 113 | Romans 12.9–21 |
Friday | Proverbs 20.18–21.8 | Pss 116; 117 | Romans 13 |
Saturday | Proverbs 21.9–31 | Ps 119.105–128 | Romans 14.1–12 |
Readings for Next Sunday: — Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost:Â First Reading: 1 Kings 8. 22–30, 41–43;Â Psalm: 84;Â Second Reading: Ephesians 6.10–20;Â and Gospel: John 6.56–69
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