TODAY — Annual General Meeting:Â Â The AGM, including the election of the 2021 Parish Council, Church Wardens, Nominators and one Synod Representative, will held at 11.15am today, in the church or the hall.
Lenten Study: After the Wednesday Healing service and morning tea, we will be discussing the readings of the day from the Lectionary.
NEXT WEEK: Sunday 21st March — after morning tea.
- Parish Council Meets.
- Palm Cross making: Please come and join us in the hall to make our palm crosses for Palm Sunday. No experience needed as instruction will be given on the day.Â
- Singing Rehearsal with Jo Burton: For those singing volunteers who have been contacted by Jo & will be practicing together for the Easter Services.
Future Dates for your Diary:
28th March – Palm Sunday: 9.30am Service.
1st April – Maundy Thursday: 7.30 pm Service.
2nd April – Good Friday: 9.30am Service & 12pm — Way of the Cross.
4th April – Easter Day: 9.30am Service.
ABM 2021 Lent, Good Friday & Easter Gift Appeal
We encourage parishioners to use the QR Code on the digital donation cards or make a donation online at
Please note: There are some donation envelopes in the church foyer and hall for those who do not use mobile phones or have no internet access.
Email Etiquette Policy:  In these ‘days of email’ we must be careful how we use this method of communication.
The following rules must be observed in this community to avoid disturbing and upsetting each other:
- We must NOT add anyone to an emailing list without their prior consent.
- If we have done this in the past, then either (1) ask that person if they want to remain on the emailing list, or (2) remove any such person from your mailing list.
- If you are receiving unwanted emails from anyone in this parish community then let them or me know and ask for your name to be removed from that list.
This does not apply to parish emails regarding attendance.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Let’s Start Thinking – From Fr. Jeff. 2020 was in some ways a year in which the aim was to “get through and make the best of it.â€Â 2021 brings with it the hope of a vaccine and the chance to re-set our course forward. I am very interested in hearing the ideas of ALL parishioners as to what we need to do, change, do more of, do less of, add to our activities. It is best to put these ideas on paper rather than in a conversation.  There will be a more formal process later in the year, but let’s start thinking now.
Art in the Hall: This month’s piece is Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh,1889. The Parish Council has now endorsed the idea of allowing parishioners to have art works hung in the Hall on a temporary basis. Please note that no responsibility is taken for the security or protection from damage or theft of any artwork on loan. A form waiving any claim by a lender/donor must be signed before any artwork is accepted. Preference is for art with a recognisable Anglican content.
We need parishioners specially to assist with roster duties: Thank you to those who have already volunteered. Please speak to Ruth Champion if you can help Mob: 0400 166 041.
Lea MacNeil has jam to sell and various sauces; please email her if you would like to give her an order. You may, of course, ask her what type of jam and/or preserve or sauces she has on hand. Donald, her husband can deliver your specific order to the Opshop where you are able to pay for it.
Food for our worms – Food scraps (no dairy, citrus or meat) can be left in the bucket provided. This is part of our Parish environmental initiative.
 Weekly Intercessions for our Community:
Sunday: Rajah Selvarajah & Greg; Peter Seymour; Andy Serafin & Colin; Louisa Silverman; and Ray & Laurel Sommer.
Monday: Christine Tennent & Aileen Cooper; and Raboom & Nol Tahkam.
Tuesday: Karlene Thompson; Christine Thurley, Troy & Family; John Tonetti.
Wednesday: Stuart Veitch, Jo Burton & Laurence; and Nadia Wheatley.
Thursday: Janet Walmsley; Janet Widmer & Cliff; and Sally Woellner.
Friday: We pray for Fr John Bunyan’s pastoral care ministry at Bankstown Hospital and all those he ministers to.
Saturday: Dear loving Father, please deliver us from the coronavirus and limit its impact on Australia and the world. In your mercy bring a swift end to this crisis. Please protect with your loving care those we love — our families, friends and neighbours.  Let your fatherly hand guide, shelter and strengthen them. Cast out all anxious fears and doubts. Give us an increasing trust in you and fill our hearts and minds with your peace. We pray for those around the world now struggling with COVID-19. Heal and comfort those who are sick and suffering. Protect and guide the health professionals who are at the front line. Please give wisdom and courage to those who bear responsibility for confronting this challenge. We ask these things through the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.
Prayers for the sick: Kristen Harley; Stephen Thurley; Fr John Bunyan; Louise Trott; She Kar Nair; Maureen Clunas; Wolf Winter; Peter Cinelli; John Can Pahali; Alex Regos; Amanda Cowley; Graham Sadler; Fr Phillip Carter; Peter Knox; Sr Colleen Crook; Nada G.; Br William; Ron Clarke & his family; Lyndall McCarron; Maurice Pope & his family; Christine Pickard; Raul (SkidRow Radio) & Family; and Christina Rees (CBE).
Anniversaries of the Departed: Â Anastassios Daras; Doris Thurling; Bill Newell; Peter Williams; Kenneth Newell; Raymond Taylor; and Boleslaw Jurczyk.
Saints Commemoration:Â Â 17th March: Patrick, Bishop, Missionary to Ireland (d.461);Â Â 18th March: Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop & teacher (d.386);Â 19th March: Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary;Â and 20th March; Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, Bishop & missionary (d.687).
Long Term Pastoral Prayer list: John Dickson; John Hardy; Andrew Reddy; Shirley, Barbara & Jade Allen; Br Noel Jeffs (SSF); Kiki Chun; Beth Armstrong; Ann Jeffs; Rhiannon Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Donnell; Suzanne Campton; Pauline Newell; Barbara Beecroft; Ann Connolly; Dayalan Saminathan; Grace & Hannah Ashton; Anaisha, & her parents Anu & Digvijay; Ron Nath; Ronan Nath; Veronica Nath; Rosemary Bradford; Rev Laurie McIntyre; and Verity Wright.
Readings for the coming week: Evening Prayer
Sunday | Jeremiah 31.27–37 | Ps 119.73–80 | Mark 15.1–20 |
Monday | Jeremiah 36.1–19 | Ps 37.18–41 | Hebrews 12.1–11 |
Tuesday | Jeremiah 36.20–32 | Ps 39 | Hebrews 12.12–24 |
Wednesday | Jeremiah 37 | Pss 42; 43 | Hebrews 12.25–29 |
Thursday | Jeremiah 38.1–13 | Ps 44.10–27 | Hebrews 13.1–6 |
Friday | Jeremiah 38.14–28 | Pss 46; 47 | Hebrews 13.7–17 |
Saturday | Jeremiah 39 | Ps 49 | Hebrews 13.18–25 |
Readings for Next Sunday — Fifth Sunday in Lent:Â First Reading: Jeremiah 31.31–34:Â Psalm: 119.9–16:Â Second Reading: Hebrew 5.5–14:Â Gospel: John 12.20–33
Points for Thought and Discussion from Working Preacher
- If you view yourself as redeemed, and if you say so, what do you like to emphasize? To whom? (Psa 107:2)
- In Christ, how do being saved through faith and being created for good works harmonize together? (Eph 2:8–9)
- What does it mean to you to love light rather than darkness and to “come to the light†each day? (John 3:19–20)
This week’s Reflect & Connect questions written by Lynne Baab.
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