Notices — The Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary — Sunday 29th March


ALL St Luke’s Enmore Sunday & Wed­nes­day church ser­vices have been can­celled until fur­ther notice.

A weekly ser­vice will be pos­ted online and access­ible via Face­book or You­Tube — our chan­nel is ‘St Lukes Enmore’

Please note: Due to broad­cast­ing copy­right restric­tions we are not able to play/sing the hymns and songs dur­ing the recor­ded ser­vice. The hymn num­bers and songs have been lis­ted for your own pur­pose to use at home.

Online ser­vices: As I expec­ted, the response has been var­ied to our online ser­vice held last week. Some have giv­en high praise while oth­ers have said “Its just not the same” which of course is true. The aim is to provide what we can in a form which is still dis­tinct­ively St Lukes. That’s what I am able to do. Ser­vices on Church prop­erty wheth­er inside or out­side are not allowed. I received this from the Bish­op on Monday:

I’ve had a few ques­tions about out­door churches and/or run­ning small non-pub­lic gath­er­ings in church on Sundays.  We advise you not to pro­ceed with ANY church gath­er­ings (indoor or outdoor).  Bp Michael Stead

Blayney Week­end (28/29 March) has been post­poned – Bathurst Dio­cese have decided to can­cel church ser­vices after this Sunday — until fur­ther notice.

Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ Recit­al – Has been post­poned – future date TBA later this year.

Len­ten stud­ies –Wed­nes­day stud­ies have been can­celled. At this stage, the study at 7.30 pm on Monday even­ing (at the Rect­ory) is being con­tin­ued by Zoom. Con­tact Fr Jeff if you wish to take part in this.

Play Group @ Enmore – has been sus­pen­ded until the cur­rent health crisis is under con­trol. For inform­a­tion phone Ian: Mob 0427 250 390.

Vivid Har­bour Lights Cruise post­poned until 2021 – Unfor­tu­nately the NSW Gov­ern­ment has can­celled the 2020 Vivid lights fest­iv­al due to large pub­lic gath­er­ing lim­it­a­tion dur­ing the cur­rent Cov­id-19 pan­dem­ic. Brett will con­tact the cruise oper­at­or as soon as pos­sible and make arrange­ments for refunds.

Con­firm­a­tion – Booked in for Sunday 23rd August (but wait­ing to be advised).  Bp Michael Stead will be here for con­firm­a­tion. Any­one who is not con­firmed is invited to go through the pro­cess of pre­par­a­tion with Fr Jeff. Please speak to Fr Jeff about this.

Food for our little friends — Don’t for­get to keep your cooked food scraps, fruit peel­ings, tea leaves and cof­fee grounds for the par­ish worm farms. (No cit­rus, dairy or meat). You can still drop this off out­side the office — dur­ing office hours.

 Our Gour­met Cook and pre­vi­ous Pas­tor­al Care Work­er, Lea MacNeil, makes and sells homemade curds, rel­ishes, pickles, pre­serves and jams- If you would like to order some, please email and it will be delivered to the OpShop. Also, any clean jars would be appre­ci­ated – lids not neces­sary. Please leave your jars in the box provided at the bot­tom of the stairs to the Office.

 Any notices for the ser­vice book­let will need to be sub­mit­ted to the Par­ish Office email by Tues­day even­ing at the latest. This is so we can post out the weekly ser­vice book­let earli­er.

Read­ings for Next Sunday ‑  Palm Sunday: First Read­ing: Isai­ah 50.4–9a; Psalm: 31.9–18; Second Read­ing: Phil­ip­pi­ans 2.5–11; Gos­pel: Math­ew 27:11–54

Read­ings for the com­ing week:  

Monday Susanna 41b-62 Psalm 23 John 8.1–11
Tues­day Num­bers 21.4–9 Psalm 102.18–22 John 8.21–30
Wed­nes­day Daniel 3.14–20,24–28 Song of the 3YM John 8.31–42
Thursday Gen­es­is 17.3–9 Psalm 105.7–11 John 8.51–59
Fri­day Jeremi­ah 20.10–13 Psalm 18.1–7 John 10.31–42
Sat­urday Ezekiel 37.21–28 Psalm 85.8–13 John 11.45–57

Pray­ers for the sick: Br Martyn Robin­son (CSBC); Kristen Har­ley; Steph­en Thur­ley; Kev­in Tib­bey; Glen; Kiki Chun; Br Noel Jeffs (SSF); Edna Cham­bers; Br Michael Sam­inath­am (SSF); Sam George; Mary Middleton; Louise Middleton; Bar­bara Reyne; Vic­tor­ia Keighery; Fr John Bunyan; and John.

 Anniversar­ies of the Depar­ted: Harry Mos­sop; John Faulks; Mynette Alex­an­der; Fr Ron Mor­ris; Ben­son Greenough; Bobart Bell; and Anne Oliv­er.

 Saints Com­mem­or­a­tion: 3rd: Richard of Chichester, Bish­op (d.1256).

Weekly Inter­ces­sions for our Community:  Sunday: John Dick­son; Selina Hardy; Louisa Sil­ver­man; Beth Arm­strong; & Ian Barnett; Monday: James Barnes, Elli­ot & Harry; Ken­neth Bar­ongo; Tony Brownlow; Tues­day: Jen­nifer, Peter, Elise & Blake B.; Fr Philip & Rose­mary Bradford; Wed­nes­day: Susan Hill, Janet Broady & Alex; Chris­toph­er Brooks & Martin; Thursday: Les & Lyn Car­ring­ton; Ruth Cham­pi­on; Ron Cross & Family; Fri­day: Ron, Binh, Milly, Nam & Viol­etta Clarke; Brett D. & Amrit M. and Sat­urday: We pray­er for all health work­ers deal­ing with our cur­rent Cov­id-19 pan­dem­ic, par­tic­u­larly Raboom Takham & the nurs­ing staff at St Vincent’s Hos­pit­al. That they all may receive the resources and sup­port that they need at this time.

Long Term Pas­tor­al Pray­er list: Andrew Reddy; Jen­nifer B.; Rose­mary Brad­ford; Shir­ley, Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Beth Arm­strong; Ann Jeffs; Rhi­an­non Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Don­nell; Lyn Car­ring­ton; Ruth Cham­pi­on; Gary & Kar­en Stein­er-Hill; Ken­neth Bar­ongo; Pau­line Newell; Bar­bara Beec­roft; Sr Eliza­beth (SSC); Loch­lan Lones­bor­ough; Ann Con­nolly; the Per­kins Fam­ily; Fr Peter Carls­son; Day­alan Sam­inath­an; Grace & Han­nah Ashton; Vic­tor Any­ar­isi; Baby Anaisha, & her par­ents Anu & Digvi­jay; Robert & Lyn­dall; Kit & Ben; Hiro Itadini; and Br Wil­li­am (SSF).