ALL St Luke’s Enmore Sunday & Wednesday church services have been cancelled until further notice.
A weekly service will be posted online and accessible via Facebook or YouTube — our channel is ‘St Lukes Enmore’ Please note: Due to broadcasting copyright restrictions we are not able to play/sing the hymns and songs during the recorded service. The hymn numbers and songs have been listed for your own purpose to use at home. |
Online services: As I expected, the response has been varied to our online service held last week. Some have given high praise while others have said “Its just not the same†which of course is true. The aim is to provide what we can in a form which is still distinctively St Lukes. That’s what I am able to do. Services on Church property whether inside or outside are not allowed. I received this from the Bishop on Monday:
I’ve had a few questions about outdoor churches and/or running small non-public gatherings in church on Sundays.  We advise you not to proceed with ANY church gatherings (indoor or outdoor). Bp Michael Stead
Blayney Weekend (28/29 March) has been postponed – Bathurst Diocese have decided to cancel church services after this Sunday — until further notice.
Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ Recital – Has been postponed – future date TBA later this year.
Lenten studies –Wednesday studies have been cancelled. At this stage, the study at 7.30 pm on Monday evening (at the Rectory) is being continued by Zoom. Contact Fr Jeff if you wish to take part in this.
Play Group @ Enmore – has been suspended until the current health crisis is under control. For information phone Ian: Mob 0427 250 390.
Vivid Harbour Lights Cruise postponed until 2021 – Unfortunately the NSW Government has cancelled the 2020 Vivid lights festival due to large public gathering limitation during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Brett will contact the cruise operator as soon as possible and make arrangements for refunds.
Confirmation – Booked in for Sunday 23rd August (but waiting to be advised).  Bp Michael Stead will be here for confirmation. Anyone who is not confirmed is invited to go through the process of preparation with Fr Jeff. Please speak to Fr Jeff about this.
Food for our little friends — Don’t forget to keep your cooked food scraps, fruit peelings, tea leaves and coffee grounds for the parish worm farms. (No citrus, dairy or meat). You can still drop this off outside the office — during office hours.
 Our Gourmet Cook and previous Pastoral Care Worker, Lea MacNeil, makes and sells homemade curds, relishes, pickles, preserves and jams- If you would like to order some, please email and it will be delivered to the OpShop. Also, any clean jars would be appreciated – lids not necessary. Please leave your jars in the box provided at the bottom of the stairs to the Office.
 Any notices for the service booklet will need to be submitted to the Parish Office email by Tuesday evening at the latest. This is so we can post out the weekly service booklet earlier.
Readings for Next Sunday ‑Â Palm Sunday:Â First Reading: Isaiah 50.4–9a; Psalm: 31.9–18;Â Second Reading: Philippians 2.5–11; Gospel: Mathew 27:11–54
Readings for the coming week: Â
Monday | Susanna 41b-62 | Psalm 23 | John 8.1–11 |
Tuesday | Numbers 21.4–9 | Psalm 102.18–22 | John 8.21–30 |
Wednesday | Daniel 3.14–20,24–28 | Song of the 3YM | John 8.31–42 |
Thursday | Genesis 17.3–9 | Psalm 105.7–11 | John 8.51–59 |
Friday | Jeremiah 20.10–13 | Psalm 18.1–7 | John 10.31–42 |
Saturday | Ezekiel 37.21–28 | Psalm 85.8–13 | John 11.45–57 |
Prayers for the sick: Br Martyn Robinson (CSBC); Kristen Harley; Stephen Thurley; Kevin Tibbey; Glen; Kiki Chun; Br Noel Jeffs (SSF); Edna Chambers; Br Michael Saminatham (SSF); Sam George; Mary Middleton; Louise Middleton; Barbara Reyne; Victoria Keighery; Fr John Bunyan; and John.
 Anniversaries of the Departed: Harry Mossop; John Faulks; Mynette Alexander; Fr Ron Morris; Benson Greenough; Bobart Bell; and Anne Oliver.
 Saints Commemoration: 3rd: Richard of Chichester, Bishop (d.1256).
Weekly Intercessions for our Community: Sunday: John Dickson; Selina Hardy; Louisa Silverman; Beth Armstrong; & Ian Barnett; Monday: James Barnes, Elliot & Harry; Kenneth Barongo; Tony Brownlow; Tuesday: Jennifer, Peter, Elise & Blake B.; Fr Philip & Rosemary Bradford; Wednesday: Susan Hill, Janet Broady & Alex; Christopher Brooks & Martin; Thursday: Les & Lyn Carrington; Ruth Champion; Ron Cross & Family; Friday: Ron, Binh, Milly, Nam & Violetta Clarke; Brett D. & Amrit M. and Saturday: We prayer for all health workers dealing with our current Covid-19 pandemic, particularly Raboom Takham & the nursing staff at St Vincent’s Hospital. That they all may receive the resources and support that they need at this time.
Long Term Pastoral Prayer list: Andrew Reddy; Jennifer B.; Rosemary Bradford; Shirley, Barbara & Jade Allen; Beth Armstrong; Ann Jeffs; Rhiannon Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Donnell; Lyn Carrington; Ruth Champion; Gary & Karen Steiner-Hill; Kenneth Barongo; Pauline Newell; Barbara Beecroft; Sr Elizabeth (SSC); Lochlan Lonesborough; Ann Connolly; the Perkins Family; Fr Peter Carlsson; Dayalan Saminathan; Grace & Hannah Ashton; Victor Anyarisi; Baby Anaisha, & her parents Anu & Digvijay; Robert & Lyndall; Kit & Ben; Hiro Itadini; and Br William (SSF).
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