Today: — Annual General Meeting after morning tea. This is the parish annual meeting and all parishioners should be interested and are invited to attend. If you can’t attend, please give your name as an apology to any other member of the congregation who may be attending.
Next Week: Evening Prayer at 6 pm.
Tuesday 25th February - Pancakes at the Rectory: Fr Jeff and Michelle invite ALL parishioners to celebrate Shrove Tuesday with them at the Rectory starting at 6.30 pm. This gathering is held on the eve of Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. The tradition holds that on this day the eggs, butter and fat was used to ensure it was all gone for Lenten season. The tradition of celebrating Shrove Tuesday and eating pancakes began because people wanted to use up the tempting food that they were giving up for Lent. Parishioners are invited to bring a topping, a savoury or sweet one and we’ll share the feast together. If you are not a cook don’t worry. There will be plenty to go around. Also, we will make the ashes from last year’s palm crosses (hopefully with a little less drama than last year!
Ashes for Ash Wednesday - Please have a look at home for last year’s palm crosses. These are what we burn to make the ashes for Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday Services – 26th February at 10am & 7.30pm.
Lenten studies — Starting Wednesday 26th February (following service/morning tea) & Â Monday 2nd March at 7.30pm in the rectory.

The study book “Where do we go from here?” is available for free at the Parish Resource Table. Please note: there are limited copies available so please only take one if you intend to attend the Monday or Wednesday study groups.
This Week: Women’s Reading Group – Wednesday 26th February

All women are invited to join our Reading Group which meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month at Pauline Newell’s home 43/1 Coronation, Ave Petersham. Meet at the front gate by 7.20 pm at the secured entrance. A copy of the booklet is available for $4, to cover the printing. This set of studies aims to encourage consideration of the various roles that women have fulfilled within God’s gathered community, both historically in the OT times and in NT time. The contributions that women have made and can make are open for discussion.
Confirmation — Sunday 23rd August: Bp Michael Stead will be here for confirmation. Anyone who is not confirmed is invited to go through the process of preparation with Fr Jeff which will be a time of encouragement and fun. Please speak to Fr Jeff about this. We do have a candidate already. |
“WORLD DAY OF PRAYER” — Friday 6th March 2020 at 10.30 am:
The country: Zimbabwe.
The project: Aid for mothers supporting family members with disability.
Service for your area: St Paul’s Anglican Church, 205 Burwood Road Rd, Burwood NSW 2023.
Theme: “Rise! Take your mat and walk†Remembering Jesus’ words to the paralysed man: “Rise! Take your mat and walk!â€
A call to pray for peace and reconciliation in Zimbabwe.
Everyone is welcome.
Lenten quiet day — Saturday 7th March: The Sydney Mission-College of the Oratory of the Good Shepherd invites you to share in a day of prayer and reflection in the church and grounds of St John’s Balmain (Spring Street Birchgrove). The day begins with Morning Prayer at 10 am and ends after Evening Prayer at 4.15 pm. The Rt Revd Lindsay Urwin OGS, Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Melbourne, will lead the day. There will be a Eucharist at midday, and opportunities for private consultation with Bishop Lindsay. There is no charge for the day, but please bring your own picnic lunch. Tea and coffee will be provided. All are very welcome.
Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ Recital — Sunday, 29th Mar 2020 at 3pm. From Vienna to Enmore, accomplished young Australian organist, David Reccia Chynoweth, performs works by J S Bach, Graeme Koehne and others on the 1883 Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ here at St Luke’s Anglican Church. David studied in Frosinone, Italy, where in 2012, he was awarded a Diploma in Organ with distinction. He was then accepted in the organ class at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, where he was awarded his Master of Music in Organ Performance. From his current home in Italy, David continues to perform in Europe, Australia and the United States and is returning after his extensive and successful tour of Australia in 2018. This will be his only performance in Sydney this year. Our heritage-listed organ, considered powerful for its size, is a unique example of its kind in Australia. This is its inaugural recital following the complete restoration of theinstrument to its original high Victorian glory. Cost: $15 ($10 concession) including programme notes. |
Vivid Harbour Lights Cruise – Thurs 4th June
Time: 6.45pm, boarding Pünktlich at 6.15pm
Departure: From Darling Harbour King Street Wharf 1, near the t‑intersection of Erskine and Lime Streets, Darling Harbour (not the Barangaroo wharves).
Duration: One hour round-trip.
Cost: $25 per adult (includes a $14 discount); prices for young persons and children to be confirmed by the end of this month.
Payment: Payments in exact cash gratefully accepted by Brett on Sunday, 23 February, direct credit account details will be provided on that date.
Amenities: Bar on board with bar snacks, you can bring some food with you.
Play Group @ Enmore – Monday from 10am to 12 Noon. For carers of young children. For information phone Ian: Mob 0427 250 390. Please let others know about this group.
Food for our little friends — Don’t forget to keep your cooked food scraps, fruit peelings, tea leaves and coffee grounds for the parish worm farms. (No citrus, dairy or meat). Please refrain from bringing large amounts of scrap paper as the Rectory supplies a large quantity of this.
Homemade curds, relishes, pickles and jam - If you would like to order some, please email your order to Lea MacNeil ( and it will be delivered to the OpShop. Also, any clean jars would be appreciated – lids not necessary.
Any notices for the service booklet will need to be submitted to the Parish Office email by Wednesday evening at the latest.
Readings for the coming week:
Monday | James 3.13–18 | Psalm 19. 7–10 | Mark 9.14–29 |
Tuesday | James 4.1–10 | Psalm 55. 20–23 | Mark 9.30–37 |
Wednesday | Joel 2.1–2, 12–17 | Psalm 51 1–17 | Mathew 6.1–6, 16–21 |
Thursday | Deuteronomy 30.15–20 | Psalm 1 | Luke 9.22–25 |
Friday | Isaiah 58.1–9a | Psalm 51.15–19 | Mathew 9.14–15 |
Saturday | Isaiah 58.9b-14 | Psalm 86. 1–7 | Luke 5.27–32 |
Readings for Next Sunday: First Sunday in Lent: First Reading: Genesis 2.15–17; 3.1–7; Psalm: 32; Second Reading: Romans 5.12–21; Gospel: Mathew 4. 1–11.
Weekly Intercessions for our Community: Monday: Kay Younie & Natasha; and Fr Jeff, Michelle, Penny, & family; Tuesday: Andy Serafin & Collen Spokes; and Peter Seymour; Wednesday: Ray & Laurel Sommer; and Karlene Thompson; Thursday: Christine Thurley & family; John Tonetti; Shirley & Barbara Allen; Friday: Victor Anyarisi; Beth Armstrong; and James, Elliot & Harry Barnes; and Saturday: Ian Barnett; Kenneth Barongo; and Jennifer, Peter, Elise & Blake B.
Long Term Pastoral Prayer list: Rosemary Bradford; Shirley, Barbara & Jade Allen; Beth Armstrong; Ann Jeffs; Rhiannon Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Donnell; Lyn Carrington; Ruth Champion; Gary & Karen Steiner-Hill; Kenneth Barongo; Pauline Newell; Barbara Beecroft; Ronan & Veronica Nath; Sr Elizabeth (SSC); Lochlan Lonesborough; Ann Connolly; the Perkins Family; Fr Peter Carlsson; Dayalan Saminathan; Grace & Hannah Ashton; Victor Anyarisi; Baby Anaisha, & her parents Anu & Digvijay; Robert & Lyndall.; Kit & Ben; Hiro Itadini; and Br William (SSF).
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