Notices — Fourth Sunday of Advent


Today: we will vis­it the Stan­more Nurs­ing Home after church and morn­ing tea, to sing car­ols and give each res­id­ent a small gift.

Tonight: we will hold our ‘Nativ­ity Play Without Rehears­al’ with sup­per to fol­low.  Please be there at 6 pm for a 6.30 pm start.  You can bring your own cos­tume from home or wear one of ours.

This week: Advent Study – Monday at 7.30 pm: Come along for some lively dis­cus­sion and fel­low­ship on a Monday Even­ing.  The study we are using for Advent dis­cus­sions is the Advent and Christ­mas “Sacred Space Book­let”.

Christ­mas Eve (oth­er­wise known as Mid­night Mass) we are hold­ing at 11 p.m.

Christ­mas Day our Euchar­ist and Car­ols will be held at 9.30 a.m. fol­lowed by morn­ing tea organ­ised by Jo Bur­ton and help­ers.  Unfor­tu­nately, with so many of us away at Christ­mas it is not pos­sible to host a lunch on Christ­mas Day.

2020 Opshop Cal­en­dars for sale – lim­ited num­ber avail­able at $2 each. Please see Andy Ser­afin.

Two Cam­er­as — Free to give away to a good home.  Both in good order.  One is a Can­on Power Shot A2400 — 6 years old – it’s a very com­pact cam­era, able to slip in a pock­et eas­ily. The oth­er cam­era is an older one, a Can­on SX10 IS – about 11 years old. It’s a lar­ger body cam­era with a sol­id feel. Both come com­plete with bag, memory card, bat­ter­ies, and char­ger.  Please see Noel Jeffs

Play Group@Enmore — A very big thank you to our fab­ulous volun­teers who make it hap­pen each week.  We will recom­mence on Monday 10th Feb­ru­ary 2020 from 10am to 12 Noon.  For Inform­a­tion phone Ian: Mob 0427 250 390.

Hos­pit­al­ity volun­teers: Thank you to all our hos­pit­al­ity volun­teer teams who look after us so well each week.  If we could only get three or more oth­er people for anoth­er week­end, our hos­pit­al­ity teams would not feel so burdened.  YOU can do this – no effort needed and all food can be bought and the cost reim­bursed.  Teams often swap due to com­mit­ments as well!  If you are inter­ested, please see Ruth Cham­pi­on.

For your diary — 2020 events: 

Epi­phany Pil­grim­age to Leura – Sat­urday 11 Janu­ary, 2020. Hos­ted by Lea and Don­ald at 22 Albert Street, Leura.  Arrival time is 12 noon for Euchar­ist at 12.30pm, fol­lowed by BBQ at 1 pm.

Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ Recit­al — Sunday, 29 March 2020 at 3pm. From Vienna to Enmore, accom­plished young Aus­trali­an-born organ­ist Dav­id Rec­cia Chynoweth per­forms works by J S Bach, Koehne, Alex­an­dre Guil­mant & oth­ers on the St Luke’s Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ (1883), unique in Aus­tralia, to mark the res­tor­a­tion of the façade pipes.  Keep the date!   

Food for our little friends — Don’t for­get to keep your cooked food scraps, fruit peel­ings, tea leaves and cof­fee grounds for the par­ish worm farms.  (No cit­rus dairy or meat).

Homemade curds, rel­ishes, pickles and jam - If you would like to order some, please email your order to Lea MacNeil ( and it will be delivered to the OpShop.

Any notices for the ser­vice book­let will need to be sub­mit­ted to the Par­ish Office email by Wed­nes­day even­ing at the latest.

Read­ings for the com­ing week:

Monday Mala­chi 3.1–4; 4.2–3 Psalm 25.3–9 Luke 1.57–66
Tues­day 2 Samuel 7.1–5,8–11,16 Psalm 89.19–29 Luke 1.67–69
Wed­nes­day Isai­ah 62.6–12 Psalm 97 Luke 2.8–20
Thursday 2 Chron­icles 24.17–22 Psalm 31. 1–8 Mat­thew 10.17–22
Fri­day Pro­verbs 8.22–31 Psalm 97 John 20.2–8
Sat­urday Jeremi­ah 31.15–20 Psalm 124 Mat­thew 2.13–18

Read­ings for Next Sunday: First Sunday after Christ­mas

First Read­ing: Isai­ah 63.7–9; Psalm: 148; Second Read­ing: Hebrew 2.10–18; & Gos­pel: Math­ew 2.13–23

Weekly Inter­ces­sions for our Com­munity: Monday: Les & Lyn Car­ring­ton; Ruth Cham­pi­on; and Ron, Binh, Milly, Nam & Viol­etta Clarke; Tues­day: Ron Cross & fam­ily; and Lyne Cuneen, John Maclu­lich, Elean­or & Con­stance; Wed­nes­day: Edi & Oscar Dav­is; Kathy Drum­mond; and Dav­id Dun­lop; Thursday: Michael Flem­ing, Eliza­beth Arm­strong; Thomas, Ellen­or & Nich­olas; Fri­day: Steph­en Gates & Andrew; Alt­in Gav­ran­ovic & Han­nah For­syth; & Sat­urday: We pray for all whose lives and live­li­hoods are threatened by or ha ve been des­troyed by bush­fire.  That they will be com­for­ted, sup­por­ted and sus­tained in their time of need. We also pray for all those help­ing to fight these fires that they may be kept safe and receive the resources that they need.

Long Term Pas­tor­al Pray­er list: Rose­mary Brad­ford; Shir­ley, Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Beth Arm­strong; Ann Jeffs; Rhi­an­non Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Don­nell; Lyn Car­ring­ton; Ruth Cham­pi­on; Gary & Kar­en Stein­er-Hill; Ken­neth Bar­ongo; Pau­line Newell; Bar­bara Beec­roft; Ron­an & Veron­ica Nath; Sr Eliza­beth (SSC); Loch­lan Lones­bor­ough; Ann Con­nolly; Mea­ghan Pat­ter­son; Saf­fron Pow­ell; the Per­kins Fam­ily; Fr Peter Carls­son; Bee Meng Soh; Day­alan Sam­inath­an; Amanda& Dav­id Romeo, & Court­ney; Grace & Han­nah Ashton; Vic­tor Any­ar­isi; and Baby Anaisha, & her par­ents Anu & Digvi­jay.

Dis­cus­sion Ques­tions for Decem­ber 22, 2019
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Have you ever asked God for a sign? If not, why? If so, did you receive it? How did it change you? (Isa 7:11)

Paul says he is “called to be an apostle.” What call­ing could you name when you intro­duce your­self? (Rom 1:1)

The proph­et says the Mes­si­ah will be called Emmanuel, “God with us.” How does the name speak to you? (Matt 1:23)
This week’s Reflect & Con­nect ques­tions writ­ten by Beth Ann Gaede.