St Paul’s Burwood Pantry — Nov 2019: Every quarter we give a donation from the OpShop to St Paul’s pantry to provide for necessities that are generally not given as donations. The Parish Council decided that during November we would ask parishioners to bring a can or two of food that we as a parish could donate to the pantry. A basket will be placed in the foyer to receive your donations. Thank you.
Donations are requested for: Anglicare ‘Toys’n’Tucker’ and ‘Stanmore Nursing Home’ for Christmas Gifts. If you would like to donate money, please place it in one of the envelopes provided in the foyer. Your donations can also be placed in the Church Account by Direct Credit with ‘Toys’n’Tucker’ or ‘Stanmore Nursing Home’ as the reference. Thank you.
This Week: Thursday 14th November – Last Long Table Dinner for 2019. Will be held 6 for 6.30pm to 9pm at De Lanna Thai Street Cuisine, 220 Addison Road, Marrickville. Contact Brett Davies via:
Saturday 23 November — The final Men’s Night Out for 2019: Will be held 6 for 6.30 pm at St George Rowing Club, 1 Levey Street, Wolli Creek. For more information please contact Kevin Green on Phone: 8065 1657.
Saturday 30 November — Fr Jeff celebrates 25 years of priesthood. There will be a party at the Rectory to which you are warmly invited. Begins 6.30 p.m. There will be food and drink, but if you would like to bring something additional that would be appreciated.
7th December – St Luke’s Mini Market: To be held outside the St Luke’s OpShop – between 10 am & 2.30 pm (during opening hours of the OpShop). Preserves, curds, pickles, jams, plants and some cakes for sale.
Christmas cards ($10 per pack) and 2019 Lectionaries ($15 each) — now available from the Parish Resource Centre. Please see the Manager, Stephan Gates during Morning tea.
‘Domestic Abuse’ information: Domestic abuse is a pattern of behaviour based on using power and control over another, causing fear and intimidation. Domestic abuse is a problem in Australian families, we know it exists and its wrong. It happens in church communities too. Our church says NO to abuse. We care about you ‑your safety is our priority. If you are experiencing domestic abuse or know someone who is, it is not your fault. You are not to blame. Support is available. Talk to someone at church you trust. You can also call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or the DV Hotline on 1800 656 463. For more information visit: |
Food for our little friends — Don’t forget to keep your cooked food scraps, fruit peelings, tea leaves and coffee grounds for the parish worm farms. (No citrus dairy or meat).
Our Play Group – For carers of young children is continuing in the hall Mondays 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Please let others know about this group.
Homemade curds, relishes, pickles and jam - If you would like to order some, please email your order to Lea MacNeil ( and it will be delivered to the OpShop.
Any notices for the service booklet will need to be submitted to the Parish Office email by Wednesday evening at the latest.
Advent Discussions - Advent is a most important time of the year for Christians like us. There will be some Advent discussions held in the parish. If you are interested in being involved or hosting a group, please let Fr. Jeff know.
Readings for the coming week:
Monday | Wisdom 1.1–7 | Psalm 139.6–11 | Luke 17.1–6 |
Tuesday | Wisdom 2.23–3.9 | Psalm 34.15–18 | Luke 17.7–10 |
Wednesday | Wisdom 6.1–11 | Psalm 82 | Luke 17.11–19 |
Thursday | Wisdom 7.22–8.1 | Psalm 119.89–96 | Luke 17.20–25 |
Friday | Wisdom 13.1–9 | Psalm 19.1–6 | Luke 17.26–37 |
Saturday | Wisdom 18.14–18; 19.6–9 | Psalm 105.37–45 | Luke 18.1–18 |
Readings for Next Sunday: First Reading: Isaiah 65.17–25; Psalm: Song of Isaiah (Isaiah 12.2–6); Second Reading: 2 Thessalonians 3.6–13; and Gospel: Luke 21.5–19
Weekly Intercessions for our Community: Monday: Ron Cross & family; and Lyne Cuneen, John MacLulich, & family; Tuesday: Edi & Oscar Davis; Kathy Drummond; and David Dunlop; Wednesday: Michael, Elizabeth (Armstrong), Thomas, Ellenor & Nicholas Fleming; Thursday: Stephen Gates & Andrew; Altin Gavranovic & Hannah Forsyth; Friday: Peter Gilbert & Alfredo Narnolo; Kevin Green; and Stuart Grigg & ‘Tricia Blombery; Saturday: We pray for all whose lives and possessions are threatened by or have been destroyed by bushfires or extreme drought. That they will be comforted, supported and sustained in their time of need.
Long Term Pastoral Prayer list: Rosemary Bradford; Shirley, Barbara & Jade Allen; Beth Armstrong; Ann Jeffs; Rhiannon Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Donnell; Lyn Carrington; Ruth Champion; Gary & Karen Steiner-Hill; Kenneth Barongo; Pauline Newell; Barbara Beecroft; Ronan & Veronica Nath; Sr Elizabeth (SSC); Lochlan Lonesborough; Ann Connolly; Meaghan Patterson; Saffron Powell; the Perkins Family; Fr Peter Carlsson; Bee Meng Soh; and Dayalan Saminathan.
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