Thank you to all who helped in any way in relation to our dear sister Angela Bell’s Funeral. It was a day when our parish family worked together in a wonderful and caring way.
St Paul’s Burwood Pantry — Nov 2019: Every quarter we give a donation from the OpShop to St Paul’s pantry to provide for necessities that are generally not given as donations. The Parish Council decided that on the first two Sundays of November we would ask parishioners to bring a can or two of food that we as a parish could donate to the pantry. A basket will be placed in the foyer to receive your donations. Thank you.
Thanks and Congratulations to our Synod Representatives, Peter Seymour and Diana Jefferies who were so conscientious in attending the long and gruelling sessions of Synod.
Christmas cards ($10 per pack) and 2019 Lectionaries ($15 each) — now available from the Parish Resource Centre. Please see the Manager, Stephan Gates during Morning tea.
At the last PC meeting it was decided that our previously known Bookstall be better defined as Parish Resources Centre, as there are also books and magazines to borrow. Items to be purchased for sale will be Lenten or Advent Study Books, lectionaries, Christmas Cards, Calendars and other literature for both young people and general reading material as determined to be purchased by the Rector, Wardens or Parish Council in consultation with Stephen Gates our current Manager. Any specific or personal orders should be done online through your preferred option - the Book Depository or Amazon. It is only causing unnecessary paperwork for us to order a one-off book and then sell it back to you. The person who manages the Parish Resources, currently Stephen Gates, reports directly to the Wardens and Parish Council.
Saturday, 2 November 2019 (the church hall) — Cinema Paradiso: “The Song Keepers” at 4 for 4.30pm. In the small churches of remote Central Australia, a hidden 140-year old musical legacy of ancient Aboriginal languages, German sacred poetry and baroque music is being preserved by four generations of song women known as the Central Australian Aboriginal Choir. The choir embarks upon an historic tour of Germany to take back the hymns that were given to their great-grandparents. It will be good to discuss the film at interval over some wine and cheese.
Thursday 14th November – Next Long Table Dinner @ 6 for 6.30pm to 9pm. Note: change of venue to: De Lanna Thai Street Cuisine, 220 Addison Road, Marrickville. RSVP: by Friday, 8 November 2019 if you know you can make it, via email to:
Saturday 23 November — The final Men’s Night Out for 2019: will be held 6 for 6.30 pm at St George Rowing Club, 1 Levey Street, Wolli Creek. For more information please contact Kevin Green on Phone: 8065 1657.
Saturday 30 November — Fr Jeff celebrates 25 years of priesthood. There will be a party at the Rectory to which you are warmly invited. Begins 6.30 p.m. There will be food and drink, but if you would like to bring something additional that would be appreciated.
Please be mindful of the Sunday School — The Sunday School struggles sometimes to deal with the noise in the Parish Hall. Please be mindful if you are in the hall during worship (not sure why that would be the case) to keep any noisy conversation to a minimum. The kids and the Sunday School teachers will appreciate that greatly.
The long-term pastoral prayer list and the sick list - have started again. If you have placed names on these lists in the past and the person is still in need of prayer then simply place their name on the new list near the bookshop.
Food for our little friends — Don’t forget to keep your cooked food scraps, fruit peelings, tea leaves and coffee grounds for the parish worm farms. (No citrus dairy or meat). Methane comes from rotting food scraps put into landfill. According to scientists methane traps up to 100 times more heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. Using worms like this reduces methane production. So, our modest environmental initiative is actually very powerful.
Our Play Group – Resumes tomorrow 28th October: For carers of young children is continuing in the hall Mondays 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Please let others know about this group.
Homemade curds, relishes, pickles and jam - If you would like to order some, please email your order to Lea MacNeil ( and it will be delivered to the OpShop.
Any notices for the service booklet will need to be submitted to the Parish Office email by Wednesday evening at the latest.
Readings for the coming week:
Monday | Romans 8.12–17 | Psalm 68.15–20 | Luke 13.10–17 |
Tuesday | Romans 8.18–25 | Psalm 126 | Luke 13.18–21 |
Wednesday | Romans 8.26–30 | Psalm 13 | Luke 13.22–30 |
Thursday | Romans 8.31b-39 | Psalm109.25–30 | Luke 13.31–35 |
Friday | Romans 9.1–5 | Psalm 147.12–20 | Luke 14.1–6 |
Saturday | Romans 11.1.2a, 11–12, 25–29 | Psalm 94.12–18 | Luke 14.17–11 |
Readings for Next Sunday: First Reading: Daniel 7.1–3, 15–18; Psalm: 149; Second Reading: Ephesians 1.11–23; and Gospel: Luke 6.20–31
Weekly Intercessions for our Community: Monday: Ramendra, Jo, Thomas & Lucy Raj; and Andrew, Rachel, Belinda, Bianca & Bryson Reddy; Tuesday: Joyce, Eddie, Susan, Stephanie, Edwin, Leilani & Carmen Reddy; Wednesday: John Reimer; Matilda Rinker; Grahame Sadler; and Ken Searle; Thursday: Andy Serafin & Colin Spokes; Peter Seymour; and Somsakdi Sirithammakij & Richard Hagen; Friday: Ray & Laurel Sommer; Karlene Thompson; and Christine Thurley & Troy; Saturday: We pray for all whose lives and possessions are threatened by or have been destroyed by bushfires or extreme drought. That they will be comforted and sustained in their time of need.
Long Term Pastoral Prayer list: Rosemary Bradford; Shirley, Barbara & Jade Allen; Beth Armstrong; Ann Jeffs; Rhiannon Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Donnell; Lyn Carrington; Ruth Champion; Gary & Karen Steiner-Hill; Kenneth Barongo; Pauline Newell; Barbara Beecroft; Ronan & Veronica Nath; Geoff Widmer; Sr Elizabeth (SSC); Lochlan Lonesborough; Ann Connolly; Meaghan Patterson; Saffron Powell; the Perkins Family; Fr Peter Carlsson and David Dunlop.
1. Why did people bring their babies to Jesus? (15a) Why did the disciples rebuke the parents? (15b) What was Jesus response? (16) *What are the good characters of children? Why can one who does not receive the kingdom of God like a child not enter it? (17)
2. What can we know about the man who came to Jesus? (18a) What was his question? (18b) *Why did he have this deep question? *Why did he come to Jesus? Why did Jesus teach him about “good� (19) Which commandments did Jesus ask him about? (20)
3. How did the rich ruler reply to Jesus? (21) *Did he really keep all these? What was Jesus’ invitation? (22) *Why did Jesus tell him to sell everything and give to the poor? (22b) How did the young man respond? (23) What was Jesus’ comment about the rich young man? (24–25)
4. Why is it so hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of God? (25) What was the disciples’ question? (26) What was Jesus answer? (27) What was Peter’s response? (28) What does Jesus promise in this age and in the age to come? (29–30)
5. Read verses 29–30. *What is the best investment one can always make? *Why does following Jesus require faith? *Is it really true that Jesus gives us more, even in this world? *Where is my treasure? In what or whom do I trust?†*What is one thing you still lack?
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