Next Sunday – Daylight Saving starts Sunday 6th October. Remember to turn your clocks forward 1 hour.
Next Sunday – we are celebrating St Francis of Assisi Day. If you would like to bring in your pets for a blessing please do so.
BBQ lunch at the rectory – Sunday 13th October . Our young people are particularly welcome this day as Fr Jeff would like to talk with them. Please bring own meat and drink, a salad or sweet to share if you are able. The parish will provide bread rolls and condiments. Eddie Reddy will be our chef.
Note: Evening Prayer – 6pm on 13th October. For this month only we are holding this low-key prayer service on the second Sunday of the month. Peter Seymour will lead the worship and a very informative (but short) talk and then those present are invited to head off to a local café for some dinner.
Pastoral Care — The pastoral care group would like all to have a good look at those names that appear on the lists for prayer in the weekly bulletin. The long-term prayer list and the immediate sick list. Next week we will start these lists again. Some of the people on these lists may no longer be in need of our prayers for whatever reason. If you have placed names on these lists in the past and the person is still in need of prayer, then simply place their name on the new list. Of course, the lists of persons’ names are for private prayers as well as when we are together for worship so please remember to pray for these dear ones.
St Luke’s Patronal Festival - Sunday 20 October. It would be great to have a full complement on that day. A Patronal festival celebrates the life of a community and notes and gives thanks for the qualities of the Patron Saint. It’s a time to come together and give thanks for each other and also to think about our future together. So, we need YOU to be here to make our celebration complete. Shared luncheon to follow the service.
Sunday 20th of October — Religious freedom in Australia. Do we already have it? You are invited to attend this fascinating conversation between Phillip Ruddock and Andrew West at: St. Paul’s Parish Hall, Burwood at 2.00 p.m.
Wardens’ Dinners – Saturday 26th October at 7pm. Is a “Country Affair†with an easy jeans and check shirt dress code; a two-course meal with music and a dance caller! Tickets will be available from Sunday 6 October after church. If you do not pay online your cash payment with the ticket will book you a seat.
Saturday, 2 November 2019 – In the church hall. Cinema Paradiso: “The Song Keepers” at 4 for 4.30 pm. Keep the date.
A Special Anniversary - Fr Jeff celebrates 25 years of priesthood on Saturday, 30 November. There will be a party at the Rectory to which you are warmly invited. Begins 6.30 p.m. There will be food and drink but if you would like to bring some additional that would be appreciated.
Donations of old android based smart phones — Phones are also sought by Brother Christopher John SSF to be reset for the SSF Brothers in PNG and the Solomon Islands. Please pass them to Jennifer McGovern for collection.
Our Play Group for carers of young children is not held during the school holidays. It resumes Monday 14th October.
Any notices for the service booklet will need to be submitted to the Parish Office email by Wednesday evening at the latest.
Readings for the coming week:
Monday | Zech 8.1–8 | Ps 102.18–22 | Luke 9.46–50 |
Tuesday | Zech 8.20–23 | Ps 87 | Luke 9.51–56 |
Wednesday | Nehemiah 2.1–8 | Ps 137 | Luke 9.57–62 |
Thursday | Nehemiah 8.1–12 | Ps 19.7–14 | Luke 10.1–12 |
Friday | Baruch 1.15–22 | Ps 79.8–10 | Luke 10.13–16 |
Saturday | Baruch 4.5–12,27–29 | Ps 69.31–38 | Luke 10.17–24 |
Readings for Next Sunday: First Reading: Jeremiah 22.13–16. Psalm: 148:7–14. Second Reading: Galatians 6.14–18. Gospel: Matthew 11:25–30.
Weekly Intercessions for our Community: Monday — Kay & Natasha Younie; Amelia Zea; and Marcin Adamczuk. Tuesday — Shirley & Barbara Allen; Victor Anyarisi; and Beth Armstrong. Wednesday - James, Elliot & Harry Barnes; and Ian Barnett. Thursday — Kenneth Baronga; and Angela Bell & Safron Powell. Friday — Cynthia Berkemeier; and Peter, Jennifer, Elise and Blake, B. Saturday — We pray for all those currently affected by bushfires and extreme drought. May rain bring the relief that they need.
Long Term Pastoral Prayer list: Rosemary Bradford; Michael Bunyan; Shirley, Barbara & Jade Allen; Beth Armstrong; Denise Barnes; Jackie Bonham; Hugo Cunningham; Laurie Bestel; Robert Gibbs; Sam George; Joseph Jeebell; Ann Jeffs; Barbara Granger; Pip Leonard; Rhiannon Henry-Edwards; Joyti & Joshlyn Kumar; Jude, Isla, Megan & Alan Marissa; Norma Macpherson; Helen Granowski (Priest); Barbara Beecroft; Olivia Christmas; Deborah Vickers; Robert & Lyndall; Lyn Carrington; Sr Frances CSC; Geoff Widmer; Ruth Champion; Gary & Karen Steiner; Dayalan Saminathanv; Kenneth Barongo and Lochlan Lonesborough.
A note from your organist — During September, we have been celebrating the Season of Creation. Chris and I try to select music appropriate for the service each week. Organists are not always serious — I have been having a bit of fun and selecting music at the beginning and the end of the services which matches the part of creation for the day. Regarding the postlude for Storm Sunday – understandably there was concern that some of the keys and pedals on the organ were ‘sticking’. However, as directed in the music, I was actually playing several keys and pedals next to each other and drawing out and pushing back in the stop knobs slowly to give the effect of thunder. The organ was behaving perfectly!
Storm Sunday: Chaconne in F minor (Pachelbel), Shepherd’s Song (Guilmant), The Thunder Storm (T P Ryder).
Creative Sunday: Fughetta super — Wir glauben all’ an einen Gott, Schöpfer – We believe in one God, Creator (Bach), Choral prelude Wir glauben all’ an einen Gott, Schöpfer (Walther), Medley of today’s hymn tunes – Woodlands, Dix, Hyfrydol, Love Divine.
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