Third Sunday after Epiphany 22 January 2017

Third Sunday after Epi­phany
22 Janu­ary 2017

Wel­come to our wor­ship this morn­ing!
At St Luke’s we seek to share God’s uncon­di­tion­al love and accept­ance of all people, regard­less of age, gender, race, mar­it­al or fam­ily status, sexu­al ori­ent­a­tion, dis­ab­il­ity or wealth.

Cel­eb­rant &Preacher: Fr Peter Ellem
Wel­comers Today: Kev­in Green & John Tonetti
Next week: Nadia Wheat­ley & Richard Hagen
Read­ers Today: Janet Walms­ley & John M
Read­ers next week: Bianca & Bryson Reddy
Inter­cessor: Peter Gil­bert
Next week: Amrit MacIntyre
Hos­pit­al­ity: John M, Ruth C, E Maack
Next Week: Reddy Fam­ily
Clean­ers Sat­urday 28th Julie O, T Brown­low & N Hack

In the Gos­pel read­ing we begin to fully real­ise that Jesus knows of his impend­ing death. The pic­ture of Mary also shows that she is a devoted dis­ciple who ignores the taboos of her soci­ety in her com­mit­ment to Jesus. Sit­ting at his feet as a dis­ciple was not the place for a woman, but she is com­men­ded by Jesus. Then she acts in an even more scan­dal­ous man­ner in anoint­ing Jesus’ feet with extremely expens­ive per­fume and then wip­ing them with her hair (Jn 12:3).

Pray that the love we have for our Lord will nev­er dimin­ish and our love for oth­ers will be as though we are caring for Him.

Give thanks for the work and wit­ness of the Epis­copal Church in the Phil­ip­pines.

Introit Hymn: TIS 547 – Be Thou my vis­ion

The Sen­tence

Jesus went through­out Galilee, teach­ing in their syn­agogues and pro­claim­ing the good news of the king­dom and cur­ing every dis­ease and every sick­ness among the people. Mat­thew 4.23

The Col­lect:

Lov­ing God,
the light of the minds that know you,
he life of the souls that love you,
and the strength of the hearts that serve you:
help us so to know you that we may truly love you,
and so to love you that we may faith­fully serve you,
whose ser­vice is per­fect free­dom;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

First Read­ing Isaiah.9.1–4

A read­ing from the proph­et Isai­ah

But there will be no gloom for those who were in anguish. In the former time he brought into con­tempt the land of Zebu­lun and the land of Naphtali, but in the lat­ter time he will make glor­i­ous the way of the sea, the land bey­ond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations. The people who walked in dark­ness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them light has shined. You have mul­ti­plied the nation, you have increased its joy; they rejoice before you as with joy at the har­vest, as people exult when divid­ing plun­der. For the yoke of their bur­den, and the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppress­or, you have broken as on the day of Midi­an.

For the word of the Lord Thanks be to God

Psalm 27.1–10

1 The Lord is my light and my sal­va­tion * whom then | shall I | fear?:
the Lord is the strong­hold of my life * of whom | shall I | be a-| fraid?

2 When the wicked * even my enemies and my foes
come upon me | to de-| vour me:
they shall | stumble | and | fall.

3 If an army encamp against me * my heart shall | not ï‚Ÿ be a-| fraid:
and if war should rise a-| gainst me | yet ï‚Ÿ will I | trust.

4 One thing I have asked from the Lord which I | will re-| quire:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord | all the | days ï‚Ÿ of my | life,

5 To see the fair | beauty ï‚Ÿ of the | Lord:
and to | seek his | will ï‚Ÿ in his | temple.

6 For he will hide me under his shel­ter in the | day of | trouble:
and con­ceal me in the shad­ow of his tent *
and set me | high up-| on a | rock.

7 And now he will lift | up my | head:
above my | ene‑ï‚Ÿ mies | round a-| bout me.

8 And I will offer sac­ri­fices in his sanc­tu­ary with | exul-| tation:
I will sing * I will sing | praises | to the | Lord.

9 O Lord hear my | voice ï‚Ÿ when I | cry:
have | mercy ï‚Ÿ up-| on me ï‚Ÿ and | answer | me.

10 My heart has said of you | ‘Seek his | face’:

your | face Lord | I will | seek.

Glo- |ry to | God; Fath­er | Son and | Holy | Spir­it.

As in the be-|ginning so | now; and for | ever. | A|men.

Second Read­ing 1 Cor­inthi­ans 1.10–18

A read­ing from Paul’s first let­ter to the Cor­inthi­ans

Now I appeal to you, broth­ers and sis­ters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you should be in agree­ment and that there should be no divi­sions among you, but that you should be united in the same mind and the same pur­pose. For it has been repor­ted to me by Chloe’s people that there are quar­rels among you, my broth­ers and sis­ters. What I mean is that each of you says, ‘I belong to Paul’, or ‘I belong to Apol­los’, or ‘I belong to Ceph­as’, or ‘I belong to Christ.’ Has Christ been divided? Was Paul cru­ci­fied for you? Or were you bap­tized in the name of Paul? I thank God that I bap­tized none of you except Cris­pus and Gaius, so that no one can say that you were bap­tized in my name. (I did bap­tize also the house­hold of Stephanas; bey­ond that, I do not know wheth­er I bap­tized any­one else.) For Christ did not send me to bap­tize but to pro­claim the gos­pel, and not with elo­quent wis­dom, so that the cross of Christ might not be emp­tied of its power. For the mes­sage about the cross is fool­ish­ness to those who are per­ish­ing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

For the word of the Lord Thanks be to God

Gos­pel Pro­ces­sion

Gos­pel Acclam­a­tion

Alle­lu­ia, Alle­lu­ia, Alle­lu­ia, Alle­lu­ia,
Jesus preached the Good News | of the | king­dom,
and | healed those | who were | sick.
Alle­lu­ia, Alle­lu­ia, Alle­lu­ia, Alle­lu­ia.

The Gos­pel John 12.1–11

The Gos­pel of our Lord Jesus Christ accord­ing to John

Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ

Six days before the Pas­sov­er Jesus came to Beth­any, the home of Laz­arus, whom he had raised from the dead. 2There they gave a din­ner for him. Martha served, and Laz­arus was one of those at the table with him. 3Mary took a pound of costly per­fume made of pure nard, anoin­ted Jesus’ feet, and wiped them* with her hair. The house was filled with the fra­grance of the per­fume. 4But Judas Iscari­ot, one of his dis­ciples (the one who was about to betray him), said, 5‘Why was this per­fume not sold for three hun­dred den­arii* and the money giv­en to the poor?’ 6(He said this not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief; he kept the com­mon purse and used to steal what was put into it.) 7Jesus said, ‘Leave her alone. She bought it* so that she might keep it for the day of my buri­al. 8You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.’ 9When the great crowd of the Jews learned that he was there, they came not only because of Jesus but also to see Laz­arus, whom he had raised from the dead. 10So the chief priests planned to put Laz­arus to death as well, 11since it was on account of him that many of the Jews were desert­ing and were believ­ing in Jesus.

For the Gos­pel of the Lord Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

The Ser­mon

Hymn after Ser­mon: TIS 572 — (ii) O Thou who camest from above


Pray­er for our Par­ish

Gra­cious God,
We pray for our Par­ish of St Luke,
for our Rect­or and all who wor­ship here.
We pray that this Par­ish will always have
a faith­ful pas­tor who will faith­fully speak your Word
and min­is­ter your Sac­ra­ments;
an encour­ager who will equip your people for min­istry
and enable us to ful­fil our call­ing.
Give your Holy Spir­it to those who will choose a new Rect­or,
that they will have wis­dom, dis­cern­ment and patience.
Give to us all warm and gen­er­ous hearts,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Offer­tory Hymn: TIS 517 — Hal­le­lu­jah sing to Jesus

Hymn dur­ing Com­mu­nion: Oh the Love of my Lord is the essence.

2. Ev’ry day, ev’ry hour, ev’ry moment
Have been blessed by the strength of his love.
At the turn of each tide, he is there at my side,
And his touch is as gentle as silence.

3.There’ve been times when I’ve turned from his pres­ence,
and I’ve walked oth­er paths, oth­er ways;
but I’ve called on his name in the dark of my shame,
and his mercy was gentle as silence.

Final Hymn: TIS 611 — God of Grace and God of Glory


Please note that Sunday School is in now in recess until the first week­end in Feb­ru­ary.

Next Sunday at Morn­ing Tea we will have money boxes for dona­tions to the Lep­rosy Mis­sion. If you would care to donate a gold coin for your morn­ing tea we will for­ward the money to the mis­sion. We held a sim­il­ar col­lec­tion for Lep­rosy Mis­sion last year organ­ized by Janet Walms­ley. Please wear your name badge for the con­veni­ence of our vis­it­ing clergy and oth­ers, and please join us for morn­ing tea in the hall

Fr Philip and Rose­mary are cur­rently away. Our Cel­eb­rant and preach­er today is Fr Peter Ellem, an Anglic­an Chap­lain at West­mead Hos­pit­al. We are grate­ful for his help while Fr Philip is on leave. Fr Peter and his wife Ruth have vis­ited our church pre­vi­ously, so please make yourselves known and have a chat dur­ing morn­ing tea.

Our annu­al Epi­phany in the Moun­tains was a great suc­cess on Sat­urday 14 Janu­ary and we sin­cerely thank Lea and Don for their excep­tion­al hos­pit­al­ity. It was a shame more didn’t come but due to very hot weath­er and track work our num­bers were affected. Next year we will try and arrange trans­port a little bet­ter so every­one gets a lift.

Book­stall News – New stock: Richard Rohr’s The Divine Dance; and for chil­dren: The Vel­veteen Rab­bit; Who Made Me; and Anne Frank and the Remem­ber­ing Tree.

Advance Notice:

There will be a Par­ish Retreat at the Stroud Her­mit­age on the week­end of 3–5 March 2017. If you are inter­ested in being part of this spe­cial week­end please com­plete the expres­sion of interest on the back page as soon as pos­sible. Once we know who is likely to come, we can plan the pro­gram.

Sunday 12 March is our AGM – please put it in your diar­ies. If you need to sub­mit a report please do so by 24 Feb­ru­ary, how­ever, we request that you speak briefly to the report on the day, for just 2–3 minutes.

Sat­urday 18 March is the MOW AGM to be held here at St Luke’s. Please come and encour­age this move­ment for the ordin­a­tion of women, who feel called to be ordained.

Giv­ing to St Luke’s

Envel­opes in which to place your weekly offer­ing are avail­able at the Wel­come Table at the entrance to the church and also at the Inform­a­tion Table near the Book­stall. If you would like to use this meth­od of giv­ing, please take a box. Altern­at­ively …

If you want to ensure reg­u­lar giv­ing to St Luke’s, but find you nev­er have the right amount in cash, or are some­times unable to attend on Sundays, then St Luke’s Dir­ect Trans­fer may work for you. Please put your name or the word “Offering” as a ref­er­ence.

St Luke’s Enmore Bank Account Details

Account Name: St Luke’s Anglic­an Church Work­ing Account

BSB: 062–165

Account Num­ber: 10023547

Bible Read­ings for the Week 23rd to 29th Janu­ary 2017

MONDAY Hebrews 9.15,24–28 Psalm 98.1–7 Mark 3.22–30
TUESDAY Hebrews 10.1–10 Psalm 40.6–11 Mark 3.31–35
WEDNESDAY Hebrews 10.11–18 Psalm 110.1–4 Mark 4.1–20
THURSDAY Hebrews 10.19–25 Psalm 24.1–6 Mark 4.21–25
FRIDAY Hebrews 10.32–39 Psalm 37.35–41 Mark 4.26–34
SATURDAY Hebrews 11.1–2,8–19 SO Zechari­ah 1–6 Mark 4.35–41

Next Sunday Read­ings Fourth Sunday after Epi­phany
First read­ing: Micah 6.1–8
Psalm 15
Second read­ing: 1 Cor­inthi­ans 1.18–31
Gos­pel: Mat­thew 5.1–12


Pray­ers for each day of the week

Johnny Nitchar­oen & Eed Dar­unee; Math­i­as Oduro; Stu­art Ogg; Kath­er­ine Old­field.

Julie & Phil­ippa Olston; Ann & Rachel Petersen & Wolf; Jenny Prais­ang; Tony Pur­cell.

Ramendra, Jo, Thomas & Lucy Raj; Win­nie Rak­phong; Milk Rak­sajit; Edward & Joyce Reddy.

Andrew, Rachel, Belinda, Bianca & Bryson; Eddie, Susan, Edwin & Stephanie Reddy.

Mat­ilda Rink­er; John Roe; Gra­hame Sadler; Ken Searle; Andy Ser­afin & Colin Spokes.

Leil­ani Saseve; Peter Sey­mour; Ray & Laurel Som­mer; Raboom & Nol Takham; Mat­thew, James, Mark Tan­gruthaitham.

Sat­urday: Rung Thana­chait­awee­sub; Num­wan Thawan­wanich­kul; Nok Thaworn; Steph­en Thomas.

Our Pray­ers for those in need:
Leanne; Bruce Sims & Peter; Asia Bibi, Robert and Lyn­dall; Fr Ron Mor­ris; Amrit MacIntyre, Max Boy­ley, Bri­an Rawns­ley, Jean Weller; Tom Algeo & Sarah and Linda Jensath­it.

Our Pray­er for those in need.

Shir­ley Allen; Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Grace & Han­nah Ashton; Fatima Begum; Angela Bell; Maur­een & Henry Byers; Hugo Cun­ning­ham; Joseph Jee­bell; Ann Jeffs,; Melissa, John & Baby Ger­ard; Jude & Isla; Marissa; John Naidu; Pau­line Newell; Lamar Pow­ell; Peter Pur­cell; Edward Reddy; Alex Regos; Joy Ree; Steph­en Thomas; Soph­ie Toupein; Janet Walms­ley; Yavani Mu Daly, Vic­tor­ia, Leigh Gar­retty, Nii Samuela; Alie­sha; Juli­an; Eve Moggs; John Mic­allef; Lil­lian & moth­er; Jack & fam­ily; Car­oline Wilson; Bar­bara Granger; Dawn Hol­land, Helen Gro­nowski (Priest) and Mar­garet Watkins.

The Depar­ted

Ces Mor­ris.

Anniversar­ies of the Depar­ted

Henry Ped­er­son; Kay Mat­thews; Fran Clarke; Ron Buck­ing­ham.

Saints Com­mem­or­a­tion:

24th: Com­pan­ions of Paul, includ­ing Timothy, Tit­us & Silas.
th John Chryso­stom, bish­op of Con­stantinople, teach­er (d.407)
th: Thomas Aqui­nas, theo­lo­gian 9d.407)

Par­ish Inform­a­tion

ABN.78 161 584 893.


Sung Euchar­ist and Chil­dren’s Min­istry at 9.30 am fol­lowed by hos­pit­al­ity in the hall. Thai Com­munity meets in the Chapel after morn­ing tea. Enquir­ies to Aman­da Mason 0407 101 382.


Wed­nes­day 9.30 a.m. — Morn­ing Pray­er; 10.00 a.m. Euchar­ist (fol­lowed by morn­ing tea)
Fri­day 8.30 a.m. – Morn­ing Pray­er

CONFESSIONS (Sac­ra­ment of Recon­cili­ation) HOME COMMUNIONS, BAPTISMS, & MARRIAGES by arrange­ment.

Rect­or — Fr Philip Brad­ford — 0431 655 220 (Mob)
Office Ph 9557 4219 PO Box 64. Enmore NSW 2042
Par­ish email:
Fr Philip:

Hon­or­ary Lay Min­is­ter – Peter Sey­mour

Pas­tor­al Care
Lay-Min­is­ters — Part Time – Lea MacNeil & Aman­da Mason.

OFFICE HOURS: Tues­day 9.00 to 11.00 am; Wed­nes­day 9.00 am to 12 noon; Fri­day 8.30 to 10.30 a.m.

Hon Clergy Asso­ci­ate:
Fr Ron Mor­ris (Mob 0409 451362)

Organ­ist: Kathy Drum­mond
Occa­sion­al Organ­ist: C. Brooks

133 Enmore Rd, Tel: 9550 5713
Hours: Tues, Wed & Fri­day 9.30   4; Thursday 9.30–3; Sat 9.30 – 2.30, Sunday, Monday – Closed.

Hall Admin­is­trat­or:
Stu­art Veitch Mb 0400–312-354

Jen­nie Win­ton Mb 0401 727 718.
Eddy Reddy Mb 0410 634 948
Ruth Cham­pi­on Mb 0400 166 041

Par­ish Coun­cil:
Andy Ser­afin; Jen­nifer B; James Barnes (Treas­urer); Susan Hill; Peter Sey­mour; Fabi­an LoS­chiavo; Amrit MacIntyre & Tony Pur­cell.

Par­ish Nom­in­at­ors:
Moya Holle; Mandy Tib­bey; Susan Hill; Ruth Cham­pi­on & Stu­art Veitch.

Pas­tor­al Care Sup­port Group
Ruth Cham­pi­on; Stu­art Ogg; John Tonetti, Moya Holle; Peter Sey­mour


Expres­sion of Interest

Par­ish Retreat at Stroud

3–5 March 2017

To suc­cess­fully plan our Retreat we need to know the num­ber of people wish­ing to attend; fam­il­ies are wel­come.

I/we would be inter­ested in attend­ing the Par­ish Retreat:


Tele­phone Con­tact Num­bers:

Land­line: Mobile:

Please tear this form off and return to the Par­ish Office or one of the War­dens ASAP.

Plan­ning Com­mit­tee con­sists of Fr Philip and Rose­mary, Mandy Tib­bey, Jen­nie Win­ton and Peter Sey­mour.