St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Weekly Bulletin

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

Wel­come to our wor­ship this morning

Cel­eb­rant & Preach­er:         Fr Jeff Parker

Wel­comers today:              Ann Petersen & Dav­id Dunlop.

Next week:                       Nadia Wheat­ley & Kev­in Green.

Read­ers today:                  Bianca & Andrew Reddy.
Next week:                       Rajah Selva­ra­jah & John M.
Inter­cessor:                       John Tonetti.

Next week:                       Moya Holle.

Hos­pit­al­ity:                      John M, Evelyn M, & Ruth C.

Next week:                       Brett Dav­ies & Amrit MacIntyre.
Next Week Flowers:          Moya Holle & Gra­hame Sadler.

We pay respect to and acknow­ledge the Cadig­al Wangal people who are the tra­di­tion­al own­ers of this land on which we meet today.

Paul urges us to reject ‘earthly’ val­ues and centre our lives on Christ who him­self in the Gos­pel points out the fool­ish­ness of depend­ing on the mater­i­al pos­ses­sions of this life and for­get­ting that we are depend­ent on God for our life, the God who is lov­ing and com­pas­sion­ate (des­pite his people’s unfaith­ful­ness) as stressed by Hosea.

  • ‘O give thanks to the Lord for he is good: for his lov­ing mercy is for ever.’ (Psalm)
  • Give thanks for the work and wit­ness of the Church of the Province of Myanmar.

Text:         The Rev Ross Camer­on, Dio­cese of Brisbane.
© Anglic­an Board of Mis­sion, 2019


We stand as the Cel­eb­rant and Sanc­tu­ary Per­sons enter the church,

Introit Hymn: TiS 584 – Just as I am, without one plea (i)

THE GREETINGThe Cel­eb­rant says:

Blessed be God; Fath­er, Son and Holy Spirit.

X Blessed be God’s King­dom, now and forever.

SENTENCE: The Sub-dea­con says: 
If you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.                            Colos­si­ans 3.1

THE PRAYER OF PREPARATIONThe Cel­eb­rant Let us pray…

Almighty God,

to whom all hearts are open,

all desires known,

and from whom no secrets are hidden:

cleanse the thoughts of our hearts 

by the inspir­a­tion of your Holy Spirit,

that we may per­fectly love you,

and wor­thily mag­ni­fy your holy name,

through Christ our Lord. Amen.

(We sing the Gloria)

Glory to God in the highest,
and peace to God’s people on earth.

Lord God, heav­enly King,
Almighty God and Father,
we wor­ship you,
we give you thanks,
we praise you for your glory.

Lord Jesus Christ,
only Son of the Father,

Lord God, Lamb of God

you take away the sin of the world;
have mercy on us;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father;
receive our prayer.

For you alone are the Holy one,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High
Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit,

X in the glory of God the Fath­er. Amen

We say the Col­lect together

Liv­ing God,

Judge of us all,

you have placed in our hands the wealth we call our own:

through your Spir­it give us wisdom,

that our pos­ses­sions may not be a curse,

but a means of bless­ing in our lives.

Grant this through Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever. Amen.



We sit for the Bible read­ings and the Psalm.

First Read­ing                                                                         Hosea 11.1–11

A read­ing from the book of proph­et Hosea

When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.
The more I called them, the more they went from me; they kept sac­ri­fi­cing to the Baals, and offer­ing incense to idols.
Yet it was I who taught Eph­raim to walk, I took them up in my arms;
but they did not know that I healed them.
I led them with cords of human kind­ness, with bands of love.
I was to them like those who lift infants to their cheeks.
I bent down to them and fed them.
They shall return to the land of Egypt, and Assyr­ia shall be their king,
because they have refused to return to me.
The sword rages in their cit­ies, it con­sumes their oracle-priests,
and devours because of their schemes.
My people are bent on turn­ing away from me. To the Most High they call,
but he does not raise them up at all.
How can I give you up, Eph­raim? How can I hand you over, O Israel?
How can I make you like Admah? How can I treat you like Zeboiim?
My heart recoils with­in me; my com­pas­sion grows warm and tender.
I will not execute my fierce anger; I will not again des­troy Ephraim;
for I am God and no mor­tal, the Holy One in your midst, and I will not come in wrath.
They shall go after the Lord, who roars like a lion;
when he roars, his chil­dren shall come trem­bling from the west.
They shall come trem­bling like birds from Egypt,
and like doves from the land of Assyria;
and I will return them to their homes, says the Lord.

For the word of the Lord                                              Thanks be to God

Psalm 107.1–9, 43

1 O give thanks to the Lord for | he is | good:

for his lov­ing | mercy | is for | ever.

2 Let the Lord’s re-| deemed | say so:

whom he has redeemed from the | hand | of the | enemy,

3 And gathered in from every land * from the east and | from the | west:

from the | north and | from the | south.

4 Some went astray in the wil­der­ness and | in the | desert:

and found no | path to • an in-| habit • ed | city;

5 They were | hungry • and | thirsty:

and their | heart | fain­ted • with-| in them.

6 Then they cried to the Lord in | their dis-| tress:

and he | took them | out • of their | trouble.

7 He led them by the | right | path:

till they | came to • an in-| habited | city.

8 Let them thank the | Lord • for his | goodness:

and for the won­ders that he | does • for the | chil­dren • of | Adam;

9 For he | sat­is­fies • the | thirsty:

and fills the | hungry • with | good | things

43 Who­ever is wise   let him ob-| serve these | things:

And con­sider the lov­ing | kind­ness | of the | Lord.

Glo-| ry to | God; Fath­er | Son and | Holy | Spirit;

As in the be-| gin­ning • so | now; and for-| ever. | A-| men.

Second Read­ing                                                        Colos­si­ans 3.1–11

A read­ing from Paul’s let­ter to the Colossians

So, if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, for you have died, and your life is hid­den with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory. Put to death, there­fore, whatever in you is earthly: for­nic­a­tion, impur­ity, pas­sion, evil desire, and greed (which is idol­atry). On account of these the wrath of God is com­ing on those who are dis­obedi­ent. These are the ways you also once fol­lowed, when you were liv­ing that life. But now you must get rid of all such things—anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abus­ive lan­guage from your mouth. Do not lie to one anoth­er, see­ing that you have stripped off the old self with its prac­tices and have clothed yourselves with the new self, which is being renewed in know­ledge accord­ing to the image of its cre­at­or. In that renew­al there is no longer Greek and Jew, cir­cum­cised and uncir­cum­cised, bar­bar­i­an, Scythi­an, slave and free; but Christ is all and in all!

For the word of the Lord                                              Thanks be to God

The Gos­pel Procession

(Dur­ing the Gos­pel Pro­ces­sion we sing the fol­low­ing chant)

Gos­pel Acclamation: 

Alle­lu­ia, alleluia!

Happy the | poor in | spirit;
the | king­dom of | heav­en • is | theirs!

Alle­lu­ia, alleluia!

Dea­con:         The Lord be with you

Response:    And also with you.

The Gos­pel                                                                          Luke 12.13–21

The Gos­pel of Our Lord Jesus Christ accord­ing to Luke

X Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Someone in the crowd said to him, ‘Teach­er, tell my broth­er to divide the fam­ily inher­it­ance with me.’ But he said to him, ‘Friend, who set me to be a judge or arbit­rat­or over you?’ And he said to them, ‘Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not con­sist in the abund­ance of pos­ses­sions Then he told them a par­able: ‘The land of a rich man pro­duced abund­antly. And he thought to him­self, “What should I do, for I have no place to store my crops?” Then he said, “I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build lar­ger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.” But God said to him, “You fool! This very night your life is being deman­ded of you. And the things you have pre­pared, whose will they be?” So it is with those who store up treas­ures for them­selves but are not rich towards God.’


For the Gos­pel of the Lord                        Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ



After the ser­mon, a time of silence may be kept for reflec­tion on the word of God.

TiS 160 ‑Fath­er all-lov­ing and rul­ing in majesty



We stand – Cel­eb­rant says: -

Let us togeth­er affirm the faith of the church.

We believe in one God,
the Fath­er, the Almighty,
maker of heav­en and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
etern­ally begot­ten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begot­ten not made,
of one being with the Father,
through him all things were made.

For us and for our sal­va­tion       we bow our heads

he came down from heaven,
was incarn­ate of the Holy Spir­it and the Vir­gin Mary,
and became truly human.
         and here stand upright.

For our sake he was cru­ci­fied under Pon­ti­us Pilate;
He suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accord­ance with the Scriptures;
He ascen­ded into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory to judge the liv­ing and the dead,
and his king­dom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spir­it, the Lord, the giver of life,
who pro­ceeds from the Fath­er and the Son.
who with the Fath­er and the Son is wor­shipped and glorified,
who has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy cath­ol­ic and apostol­ic Church.
We acknow­ledge one bap­tism for the for­give­ness of sins.
X We look for the resur­rec­tion of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen

THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLELet us pray for the world and for the church.

We kneel or sit for the Prayers.

[A mem­ber of the con­greg­a­tion will lead us in prayer.]

After each petition…

Lord in your mercy                            Hear our Prayer


God of Grace                                      Hear our Prayer

For our com­munity today:

Eddy, Mint, Atom & Arty Kit­tir­at; Joseph, Esth­er, Joyti & Joshlyn Kumar.

Our pray­ers for those in imme­di­ate need:

Helen Stasa; Br Steph­en (SSF); Fr Peter Carls­son; Kat­rina Quinn; Gab­ri­el Veres; Sr Glor­ia (CHN); Bee Meng Soh; Shir­ley Allen; Angela Bell; Pip Leonard; Ben; Day­alan Sam­in­anthan; Andrew Stuck­golda; Penny Bar­raclough; Christine Pick­ard; Geoff Wid­mer; Cody Hogg; Den­ise Barnes; Nel­son Palma; George McLean; Lyn Car­ring­ton; Deborah Vick­ers; Robert & Lyn­dall; Kirsten Har­ley; Sis­ter Frances CSC; Wil­li­am Frew; Emma Burns; Sue Drewett; Doug Hall; Kristy & Rod­ney, Kay Wilkins; Ruth Cham­pi­on; and Gary & Kar­en Stein­er — Hill.

Anniversar­ies of the Departed:

Sep­tima Mor­timer, Albert Wat­son, Mervyn Dav­is; Dianna Gomes; Grace Johnsen; Ian Scott.

Saints Com­mem­or­a­tion:

5th: Oswald, king and mar­tyr (d.642).
6th: Trans­fig­ur­a­tion of Our Lord.
8th: Domin­ic, priest and fri­ar (d.1221).
9th: Mary Sum­mer, founder of the Mother’s Uni­on (d.1921).
10th: Laurence, dea­con and mar­tyr at Rome (d.258).

The pray­ers con­clude by the Inter­cessor with the following: -

Almighty God, you have prom­ised to hear our prayers.

(All) Grant that what we have asked in faith

we may by your grace receive,

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


The Sub-dea­con says:

God is stead­fast in love and infin­ite in mercy, wel­com­ing sin­ners and invit­ing them to the Lord’s table.

Let us be quiet while we call to mind our sins.

A time of silence is kept.

Sub Dea­con: Let us con­fess our sins in pen­it­ence and faith, con­fid­ent in God’s forgiveness.

Mer­ci­ful God,
our maker and our judge,
we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed,
and in what we have failed to do:
we have not loved you with our whole heart;
we have not loved our neigh­bours as ourselves;
we repent, and are sorry for all our sins.

Fath­er for­give us.
Strengthen us to love and obey you in new­ness of life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Cel­eb­rant says -

Almighty God,
who has prom­ised for­give­ness to all who turn to him in faith:
X par­don you and set you free from all your sins,
strengthen you in all goodness
and keep you in etern­al life,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.            Amen


Cel­eb­rant:      We are the body of Christ.

People:         His Spir­it is with us.

Cel­eb­rant:      The peace of the Lord be always with you.

People:         And also with you.

(All exchange a greet­ing of peace with one another.)


A hymn is sung while the col­lec­tion is taken. The bread and wine are brought to the altar. Small candles are also brought up. Any mem­ber of the con­greg­a­tion can carry a candle to rep­res­ent a pray­er or a thanks­giv­ing of their own.

Offer­tory Hymn: TiS 543 — Love is his word, love is his way

Dur­ing the hymn there is a pause for the offer­tory pray­er as the bread and wine (gifts) are offered.

The Cel­eb­rant:

Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation.
Through your good­ness we have these gifts to share.
Accept and use our offer­ings for your glory
and for the ser­vice of your kingdom.

People:         Blessed be God for ever.


Cel­eb­rant:      The Lord be with you.

People:         And also with you.

Cel­eb­rant:      Lift up your hearts.

People:         We lift them to the Lord.

Cel­eb­rant:      Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

People:         It is right to give our thanks and praise.

All glory and hon­our be yours always and everywhere,

mighty Cre­at­or, ever­liv­ing God.

We give you thanks and praise for our Saviour Jesus Christ,

who by the power of your Spir­it was born of Mary

and lived as one of us.

By his death on the cross

and rising to new life,

he offered the one true sac­ri­fice for sin

and obtained an etern­al deliv­er­ance for his people.

There­fore with angels and archangels,

and with all the com­pany of heaven,

we pro­claim your great and glor­i­ous name,

for ever prais­ing you and saying:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,

Heav­en and earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest.

[Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest.]


Mer­ci­ful God, we thank you

for these gifts of your creation,

this bread and wine,

and we pray that by your Word and Holy Spirit,

we who eat and drink them

may be par­takers of Christ’s body and blood.

On the night he was betrayed Jesus took bread;

and when he had giv­en you thanks

he broke it, and gave it to his dis­ciples, saying,

‘Take, eat. This is my body giv­en for you.

Do this in remem­brance of me.’


After sup­per, he took the cup,

and again giv­ing you thanks

he gave it to his dis­ciples, saying,

Drink from this, all of you.

This is my blood of the new covenant

shed for you and for many

for the for­give­ness of sins.

Do this, as often as you drink it, in remem­brance of me.’


Let us pro­claim the mys­tery of faith

Christ has died.

Christ is risen.

Christ will come again.


There­fore we do as our Saviour has commanded:

pro­claim­ing his offer­ing of himself

made once for all upon the cross,

his mighty resur­rec­tion and glor­i­ous ascension,

and look­ing for his com­ing again,

we cel­eb­rate, with this bread and this cup,

his one per­fect and suf­fi­cient sacrifice

for the sins of the whole world.

Renew us by your Holy Spirit,

unite us in the body of your Son,

and bring us with all your people

into the joy of your etern­al kingdom;

through Jesus Christ our Lord,

with whom, and in whom,

in the fel­low­ship of the Holy Spirit,

we wor­ship you, Father,

in songs of nev­er-end­ing praise:

X Bless­ing and hon­our and glory and power
are yours for ever and ever. Amen.

As our Saviour Christ has taught us, we are con­fid­ent to pray.

Our Fath­er in heaven,

Hal­lowed be your name,

Your king­dom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

For­give us our sins as we for­give those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of tri­al and deliv­er us from evil.

For the king­dom, the power and the glory are yours

now and forever. Amen



The Cel­eb­rant breaks the bread and says,

We break this bread to share in the body of Christ.

We who are many are one body,

for we all share in the one bread.

Then is sung the Agnus Dei

Jesus, Lamb of God, have mercy on us.
Jesus, bear­er of our sins, have mercy on us.
Jesus, redeem­er of the world, grant us your peace.



The gifts of God for the people of God.


Come let us take this holy sac­ra­ment of the body and blood of Christ

in remem­brance that he died for us, and feed on him in our hearts

by faith with thanksgiving.



We all gath­er around the altar for com­mu­nion. If you are tak­ing the com­mon cup please stand in the out­er circle for com­mu­nion; if you are intinct­ing (dip­ping) the host (wafer), please stand in the inner circle for communion. 

Non-com­mu­nic­ants are invited to share in the circle and receive a blessing.


When offer­ing the sac­ra­ment, the min­is­ters say: 


The body of Christ [the bread of heav­en] keep you in etern­al life. Amen.

The blood of Christ [the cup of sal­va­tion] keep you in etern­al life. Amen.



We stand…

Cel­eb­rant:    The Lord be with you.

People:      And also with you.


The Cel­eb­rant says…

Boun­ti­ful God,

at this table you gra­ciously feed us

with the bread of life and the cup of etern­al salvation.

May we who have reached out our hands to receive

this sac­ra­ment

be strengthened in your service;

we who have sung your praises

tell of your glory and truth in our lives;

we who have seen the great­ness of your love

see you face to face in your kingdom

and come to wor­ship you with all your saints forever.

All:                       Fath­er,

we offer ourselves to you

as a liv­ing sacrifice

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Send us out in the power of your Spirit

to live and work to your praise and glory.



The peace of God which passes all under­stand­ing keep your hearts and minds in the know­ledge and love of God, and of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord;

and the bless­ing X of God almighty, the Fath­er, the Son, and the Holy Spir­it, be among you and remain with you always. Amen.

Final hymn: TiS 231 – At the name of Jesus


Please sit for the Notices which are giv­en by the Rector


Wel­come to any vis­it­ors with us today and please join us in the hall for hospitality.

Happy Birth­day to: Ron Nath, Jan, James Barnes, Brett Dav­ies, &Jennifer McGovern.

Our Play Group for carers of young chil­dren is con­tinu­ing in the hall Mondays 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Please let oth­ers know about this group.

Today: Fr Jeff and Michelle have invited every­one to the Rect­ory for a BBQ lunch. Every­one wel­come- please come and get to know one anoth­er bet­ter. Any oth­er Sunday in the month some of us go to the War­ren View bis­tro for lunch across the road. This is not an exclus­ive group and any­one is most wel­come to join us.

Every­one is wel­come also today to join us for Even­ing Pray­er in the chapel at 5pm. With a meal to fol­low at a loc­al Café (option­al).

On Sunday 11 August — we have a spe­cial guest for our young people – Den­nis Clare (Mime Artist) who will enter­tain us dur­ing morn­ing tea. Please spread the word espe­cially to all our young­er mem­bers and to our Play­group fam­il­ies. We all enjoyed his antics last time he came!

St Luke’s Long Table meets next on Thursday 8th Aug at Europe Grill, 506 King St New­town 6 for 6.30pm – please RSVP by 2nd August. Fur­ther inform­a­tion avail­able on the notice­board out­side the hall or speak with Brett.

The Par­ish Coun­cil would like to acknow­ledge and thank Eliza­beth Flem­ing for her assist­ance in the office over the past month or more. While it was most kind of her to offer in the inter­im, while Ruth is unwell, Eliza­beth is far too busy to con­tin­ue. We thank Jen­nifer McGov­ern for pick­ing up the work­load from now on. Her work­ing days will be Tues­day, Wed­nes­day and Thursday morn­ings and any notices for the pew sheet will need to be sub­mit­ted to the par­ish office email by Wed­nes­day even­ing at the latest.

Dear friends, for sev­er­al years now Aman­da Mason has been min­is­ter­ing to Thai fam­il­ies here at St Lukes.  Unfor­tu­nately, due to mem­bers of that com­munity leav­ing Sydney and oth­er per­son­al reas­ons, the num­bers involved in that com­munity has declined to the point where that min­istry is no longer viable.  Last week the Par­ish Coun­cil made the decision to con­clude our form­al rela­tion­ship with Aman­da from the end of this month.  Aman­da will con­tin­ue to be employed by the Dio­ces­an office of New Churches and Evan­gel­ism.  We wish Aman­da well for the future and the Par­ish has writ­ten to her to thank her for her min­istry. (Fr Jeff on behalf of PC.)

Homemade curds, rel­ishes, pickles and jam — If you would like to order some, please email your order to Lea MacNeil ( and it will be delivered to Opshop.

Read­ings for the com­ing week and next Sunday:

Monday Num­bers 11.4b-15 Psalm 81.10–16 Mat­thew 14.13–21
Tues­day Num­bers 12.1–13 Psalm 51.1–5 Mat­thew 14.22–36
Wed­nes­day Num­bers 13.1–2,25–14.1,26–29 Psalm 106.17–24 Mat­thew 15.21–28
Thursday Num­bers 20.1–13 Psalm 95.1–7 Mat­thew 16.13–23
Fri­day Deu­ter­o­nomy 4.32–40 Psalm 77.11–15 Mat­thew 16.24–28
Sat­urday Deu­ter­o­nomy 6.4–13 Psalm 18.1–7 Mat­thew 17.14–20


Read­ings for Next Sunday 11 August – Ninth Sunday after Pentecost.

First Read­ing: Isai­ah 1.1, 10–20                   Psalm: 50.1–8, 23–24

Second Read­ing: Hebrews 11.1–3, 8–16        Gos­pel: Luke 12.32–40

Weekly Inter­ces­sions for our Com­munity and outreach.

Monday Geoff Lind­say & Mandy Tib­bey; Fabi­an LoS­chiavo; & Evelyn Maack.
Tues­day: Amrit MacIntyre & Brett Dav­ies; Lea MacNeil & Don­ald Thomas.

Wed­nes­day: Mer­rill & Geor­gie Mar­tin; & Anne McCarthy.

Thursday: Jen­nifer McGov­ern; John M; Jo Middleton; Fran Mor­ris; Ian Mylchreest.

Sat­urday – We give thanks for recent rain and we pray that rain will reach the draught areas of Australia.

Long Sick Term list: Rose­mary Brad­ford; Michael Bunyan; Anand, Digvi­jay and baby Anaisha; Shir­ley, Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Beth Arm­strong; Grace & Han­nah Ashton; Jack­ie Bon­ham; Hugo Cun­ning­ham; Laurie Bestel; Robert Gibbs; Sam George; Joseph Jee­bell; Ann Jeffs; Melissa, John & Baby Ger­ard; Bar­bara Granger; Rhi­an­non Henry-Edwards; Joyti & Joshlyn Kumar; Jude, Isla, Megan & Alan; Marissa; Norma Macph­er­son; Pau­line Newell; Helen Granowski (Priest); Bruce Sims; Mar­garet Flakeler; Alex & Libby Jones and Peter Wheat­ley; Josie Byers & John Eddy; Bar­bara Beec­roft &Olivia Christmas.

On Pray­er (Week 10)

From Fr. Jeff

Doing it …

As a per­son who was intro­duced to the faith when very young and who stuck with it for most of my life, you would think I should always have been a cham­pi­on pray-er. Not so.

No one taught me to pray – not my par­ents, not my par­ish priests, no one. Yes, I knew the Lord’s pray­er and I would pray when at Church, but it was not a part of my own per­son­al life. I felt badly about that because I knew that a Chris­ti­an per­son should pray.

Now I know I need not have felt this way. As my lov­ing heav­enly fath­er, God knows my struggles, weak­nesses and fail­ings and each new day there is a new oppor­tun­ity to put things right with God.

Our pray­er life is a work in pro­gress. Every little step we take is a treas­ure in God’s sight. The import­ant thing is to actu­ally take those steps. Ded­ic­at­ing some time for pray­er is one of those steps. Think­ing about which is the best way to start, look­ing at the ways to pray I have covered over these ten weeks is anoth­er step.

Giv­ing praise and unload­ing wor­ries to God is a massive step but one that makes the heart glad and draws us closer to that intim­ate rela­tion­ship with God we all seek.

At Wed­nes­day ser­vices we do this togeth­er and at our Sunday Even­ing ser­vices we will also have the space to pray togeth­er. Let’s be con­fid­ent in this and as the Niké people say, let’s do it! 

We stand for 


The angel of the Lord brought tid­ings to Mary
And she con­ceived by the Holy Spirit

I am the lowly ser­vant of the Lord
be it done to me accord­ing to your word.

The Word became flesh
and dwelt among us.

Blessed in the mes­sage Gab­ri­el brought
blessed by the work the Spir­it wrought;
from whom the great desire of earth
took human flesh and human birth.

Lord, we unite our pray­ers with those of Mary and all your saints.
Let your Word become flesh in our lives

Grant Lord, that as we have known the incarn­a­tion of your Son, Jesus Christ, by the mes­sage of an angel, so by his X cross and pas­sion we may be brought to the glory of his resur­rec­tion. Amen.

The dea­con says

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord
In the name of Christ.                        Amen.

PARISH INFORMATION                                       ABN.78 161 584 893


9.30 a.m. Euchar­ist and Children’s Min­istry fol­lowed by hos­pit­al­ity in the hall.

5.00 p.m. Even­ing Pray­er on the first Sunday in the month in the chapel fol­lowed by a cheap and cheer­ful meal in a loc­al café, if there’s any interest.


Wed­nes­day 9.30 a.m. — Morn­ing Pray­er; and

10.00 a.m. Euchar­ist and Pray­ers for Heal­ing (fol­lowed by morn­ing tea)


Rect­or — Fr Jef­frey Parker 

Phone: 9519 3028 & Mobile: 0409 719 927
PO Box 64. Enmore NSW 2042

(Fri­day is our Rector’s day off)

Rector’s email:   Par­ish:

Hon­or­ary Lay Min­is­ter: Peter Sey­mour 0422 946 079 –

Organ­ist: Kathy Drummond

Occa­sion­al Organ­ist: C. Brooks



Tues­day, Wed­nes­day, Thursday 9.30am to 12.00 pm.

St Luke’s OP Shop — 9550 5713
Tues to Fri­day 10.00 am – 3.00 pm
Sat 10.00 am – 2.30 pm

Fabi­an LoS­chiavo: 0417670749.
Eddie Reddy: 0410634948
Ruth Cham­pi­on: 0400166041

New Par­ish Council:
Andy Ser­afin; Angela Bell; Susan Hill; Peter Sey­mour; Evelyn Maack; James Barnes (Treas­urer) & Ian Mylchreest.

Syn­od Representatives
Diana Jef­fer­ies & Peter Seymour

Par­ish Nominators:
Moya Holle; Mandy Tib­bey; Susan Hill; Amrit MacIntyre & Stu­art Veitch.Pas­tor­al Care Group
Ruth Cham­pi­on; John Tonetti, Moya Holle, Ann Petersen. 

Hall Admin­is­trat­or:
Stu­art Veitch Mb 0400–312-354

Healthy Church Life Group:

Peter Sey­mour, Moya Holle, John M., Ian Myl­chreest, Fabi­an LoS­chiavo, Evelyn Maack, Angela Bell and Ruth Champion.


The Long Table – email to


Offertory/Donation Dir­ect Transfer

Account Name:       St Luke’s Anglic­an Church Work­ing Account

BSB: 062–165

Account Num­ber: 10023547




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