Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

21st August 2016

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Four­teenth Sunday after Pente­cost

Wel­come to our wor­ship this morn­ing!
At St Luke’s we seek to share God’s uncon­di­tion­al love and accept­ance of all people, regard­less of age, gender, race, mar­it­al or fam­ily status, sexu­al ori­ent­a­tion, dis­ab­il­ity or wealth.

Cel­eb­rant :
Wel­comers Today:
Next week:
Read­ers Today:
Read­ers next week:
Next week:
Next Week:
Clean­ers Sat­urday 27th
Fr Peter Ellem
Fr Philip Brad­ford
Gra­ham & Suz­anne Camp­ton­Brett
Brett Dav­ies & Amrit MacIntyre
Tony Brown­low & Lea MacNeil
Ellen­or & Thomas Flem­ing
John Tonetti
Diana Jef­fer­ies
Kath­er­ine Old­field & Sally Woell­ner
Thai Com­munity
R Hagen, S Gates, R Cham­pi­on

Glu­ten free hosts are avail­able. Please see our Sac­ristan, Andy Ser­afin, before the ser­vice if you need to receive a glu­ten free host.

Anglican Board of Mission

Jeremi­ah pro­tested that he didn’t want the job God was ask­ing him to do. He demurred ‘Ah, Lord God! Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a boy’. How­ever the Lord had had it planned for some time – ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I con­sec­rated you’.

You will remem­ber that Moses had tried the same excuse and cer­tainly when con­fron­ted with the real­ity he said, ‘I tremble with fear’. (Heb 12:20) This was unlike Mary, (whose Feast Day was kept on 15 August), who accep­ted the chal­lenge, offer­ing no excuses. When we reflect on our pil­grim­age, we know that we have to be in a place to hear God’s chal­lenge. Then have faith he will reach out and set us free from our fear or bond­age, as he did the woman, crippled for eight­een years.

  • Pray that, like the crowd fol­low­ing Jesus, we will rejoice at all the won­der­ful things God does in our lives.
  • Give thanks for the Nip­pon Sei Ko Kai, the Anglic­an Church in Japan, remem­ber­ing espe­cially today their min­istry in a pre­dom­in­antly non-Chris­ti­an con­text.

Text:        Moya Holle, ABM Sydney Com­mit­tee .  © Anglic­an Board of Mis­sion, 2016

Introit Hymn: — TIS 447 Lord, your almighty word

The Sen­tence: You, O Lord, are my hope, my trust from my youth. Upon you have I leaned since my birth. Psalm 71.5–6

The Col­lect:
O God, the Judge of all,
through the sav­ing blood of your Son
you have brought us to the heav­enly Jer­u­s­alem
and giv­en us a king­dom which can­not be shaken:
fill us with rev­er­ence and awe in your pres­ence,
that in thanks­giv­ing
we and all your Church
may offer you accept­able wor­ship;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives to inter­cede for us, now and for ever. Amen.

First Read­ing
Jeremi­ah 1.4–10

A read­ing from the book of the proph­et Jeremi­ah

Now the word of the Lord came to me say­ing, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,and before you were born I con­sec­rated you; I appoin­ted you a proph­et to the nations. ’Then I said, ‘Ah, Lord God! Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a boy.’But the Lord said to me, ‘Do not say, “I am only a boy”; for you shall go to all to whom I send you, and you shall speak whatever I com­mand you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliv­er you, says the Lord.’

Then the Lord put out his hand and touched my mouth; and the Lord said to me, ‘Now I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and over king­doms, to pluck up and to pull down, to des­troy and to over­throw, to build and to plant.’

For the word of the Lord                                             Thanks be to God

Psalm Music

Psalm 71.1–6

  1. To you, Lord, have I | come for | shel­ter:
    let me | nev­er ––be | put to | shame.
  2. In your right­eous­ness res­cue | and de- | liv­er me:
    incline your | ear to | me and | save me.
  3. Be for me a rock of refuge * a fort­ress –| to de- | fend me:
    for you are my high |  rock | and my | strong­hold.
  4. Res­cue me, O my God | from the hand of the | wicked:
    from the grasp of the | piti­less | and un- | just.
  5. For you, Lord | are my | hope:
    you are my con­fid­ence, O God, from my youth upward.
  6. On you have I | leaned since my | birth:
    you are | he that brought me out of my mother’s womb *
    and my | praise is of | you con- | tinu­ally.

Glo-| ry to | God; Fath­er | Son and | Holy | Spir­it;
As in the be-| gin­ning so | now; and for-| ever. | A-| men


Second Read­ing
Hebrews 12.18–29

A read­ing from the let­ter to the Hebrews

You have not come to some­thing that can be touched, a blaz­ing fire, and dark­ness, and gloom, and a tem­pest, and the sound of a trum­pet, and a voice whose words made the hear­ers beg that not anoth­er word be spoken to them. (For they could not endure the order that was giv­en, ‘If even an anim­al touches the moun­tain, it shall be stoned to death. ‘Indeed, so ter­ri­fy­ing was the sight that Moses said, ‘I tremble with fear.’)

But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the liv­ing God, the heav­enly Jer­u­s­alem, and to innu­mer­able angels in fest­al gath­er­ing, and to the assembly of the first­born who are enrolled in heav­en, and to God the judge of all, and to the spir­its of the right­eous made per­fect, and to Jesus, the medi­at­or of a new cov­en­ant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a bet­ter word than the blood of Abel. See that you do not refuse the one who is speak­ing; for if they did not escape when they refused the one who warned them on earth, how much less will we escape if we reject the one who warns from heav­en! At that time his voice shook the earth; but now he has prom­ised, ‘Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heaven.’ This phrase ‘Yet once more’ indic­ates the remov­al of what is shaken—that is, cre­ated things—so that what can­not be shaken may remain. There­fore, since we are receiv­ing a king­dom that can­not be shaken, let us give thanks, by which we offer to God an accept­able wor­ship with rev­er­ence and awe; for indeed our God is a con­sum­ing fire.

For the word of the Lord                                                     Thanks be to God


Gos­pel Pro­ces­sion


Laudate Omnes Gentes

Gos­pel Acclam­a­tion

Alle­lu­ia, alle­lu­ia, alle­lu­ia, alle­lu­ia.
May the peace of Christ rule in your hearts;
and the full­ness of his mes­sage live with­in you.
Alle­lu­ia, alle­lu­ia, alle­lu­ia, alle­lu­ia.

The Gos­pel                                                                                                                                                                           Luke 13.10–17

The Gos­pel of our Lord Jesus Christ accord­ing to Luke

* Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ

Now he was teach­ing in one of the syn­agogues on the sab­bath. And just then there appeared a woman with a spir­it that had crippled her for eight­een years. She was bent over and was quite unable to stand up straight. When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said, ‘Woman, you are set free from your ailment.’ When he laid his hands on her, imme­di­ately she stood up straight and began prais­ing God. But the lead­er of the syn­agogue, indig­nant because Jesus had cured on the sab­bath, kept say­ing to the crowd, ‘There are six days on which work ought to be done; come on those days and be cured, and not on the sab­bath day.’ But the Lord answered him and said, ‘You hypo­crites! Does not each of you on the sab­bath untie his ox or his don­key from the manger, and lead it away to give it water? And ought not this woman, a daugh­ter of Abra­ham whom Satan bound for eight­een long years, be set free from this bond­age on the sab­bath day?’ When he said this, all his oppon­ents were put to shame; and the entire crowd was rejoicing at all the won­der­ful things that he was doing.

For the Gos­pel of the Lord                                                       Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

The Ser­mon

Hymn after the Ser­mon: — TIS 609 May the mind of Christ my saviour

The Inter­ces­sions

Pray­er for our Par­ish

God of Love,
God of Mis­sion,
You alone bring growth to your Church.
Send to us your Holy Spir­it — to give-
Vis­ion for our plan­ning,
Wis­dom in our actions,
And power to our wit­ness.
Help our church to grow in num­bers,
In spir­itu­al com­mit­ment to you
And in ser­vice to our loc­al com­munity.
Lord hear our pray­er:
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Offer­tory Hymn – TIS  658 I, the Lord of sea & sky

 Hymn dur­ing Com­mu­nion 

Bless the Lord


Final Hymn: — TIS 571 Forth in your name


Today 21 August – The guest preach­er today is Fr Peter Ellem, Chap­lain at West­mead Hospital.  Please speak with Fr Peter and his wife Ruth, dur­ing morn­ing tea.

Par­ish Coun­cil meets today in the Emmaus Room fol­low­ing morn­ing tea.

Tues­day 23 August at 11 am – Requiem Mass for Mary Sotiri­adis here at St Luke’s with catered refresh­ments to fol­low in the hall. We will be serving tea and cof­fee and will set up the hall at 9.00 a.m. – tables, cloths and napkins.  Some help would be appre­ci­ated.

Tues­day night Bible Study this Tues­day at Fr. Philip and Rosemary’s home – 7.30 pm, or 6.30 if you wish to share the meal. The study is Paul’s Let­ter to the Eph­esians.

Wed­nes­day 24 August at 10.30 am A Mis­sion Morn­ing Tea ABM’s Role in Rela­tion to the Glob­al Church. Christ Church St Laurence Hall.  RSVP Fiona (ABM Office) 9264 1021 or Moya

Wed­nes­day 24 August 7.30 p.m. – Women’s Read­ing Group at Pau­line Newell’s home.

Sat­urday 27 August at 11 am ABM Com­mem­or­a­tion of the New Guinea Mar­tyrs at St John’s Dee Why. Preach­er the Rev’d Ken Spread­bor­ough who has spent a large part of his life in New Guinea firstly as a school teach­er and then as Prin­cip­al of Moem Army Bar­racks. He later was made a Dea­con and Priested; now retired, he lives on the Gold Coast.  Refresh­ments served after­wards in the grounds. See notice­board for details.

Sat­urday 27 August 6.00 for 6.30 pm — BoyzN­iteOut at Alber­to’s Pizzer­ia, King Street South, oppos­ite Bray St. Con­firm with John Roe by 25 August. 0400955772 or

Sunday 28 August – A For­um on an Excit­ing New Vis­ion for the Op Shop will be held after morn­ing tea. Par­ish Coun­cil has decided that the Op Shop will be relo­cated to our premises by the end of the cur­rent lease which is August 2018, with great bene­fits for the Par­ish and the loc­al com­munity. This is an import­ant meet­ing so please try to be there, but if you have ques­tions in the mean­time, speak to one of the War­dens or Andy.

Fri­day 2 Septem­ber 7 for 7:30 pm – Anglic­ans Togeth­er Din­ner – Guest speak­er, Prof. Mari­on Mad­dox, ‘The Past, Pleas­ures and Pro­spects of Lib­er­al Chris­tian­ity’. Full details and book­ings forms are now avail­able. Book­ings with pay­ment must be in by 26 August and please let Moya know.

Sunday 11 Septem­ber – Recon­cili­ation Ser­vice: Guest speak­er will be Dr Elsie Heiss of the Abori­gin­al Cath­ol­ic Min­istry and Recon­cili­ation Church in La Perouse.

Sat­urday 17 Septem­ber – Sydney MOW AGM at St Alban’s, Epping. Guest speak­ers: Dav­id & Robyn Clay­don.

Sat­urday 24 Septem­ber – The War­dens “Swingin‘ Nightclub” & Din­ner

Sunday 2 Octo­ber – St Fran­cis’ Day

Sunday 16 Octo­ber – Back to St Luke’s Day – Guest preach­er will be Pro­fess­or Diane Speed. Put it in the diary; full details to fol­low.

Parish Income & Expenses Jan to July 2016
Par­ish Income & Expenses Jan to July 2016

Giv­ing to St Luke’s

Envel­opes in which to place your weekly offer­ing are avail­able at the Wel­come Table at the entrance to the church and also at the Inform­a­tion Table near the Book­stall. If you would like to use this meth­od of giv­ing, please take a box.

Altern­at­ively ….

St Luke’s Dir­ect Trans­fer

If you want to ensure reg­u­lar giv­ing to St Luke’s, but find you nev­er have the right amount in cash, or are some­times unable to attend on Sundays, then St Luke’s Dir­ect Trans­fer may work for you. Please put your name or the word “Offering” as a ref­er­ence.

St Luke’s Enmore Bank Account Details

Account Name:          St Luke’s Anglic­an Church Work­ing Account
BSB: 062–165                        Account Num­ber: 10023547

Bible Read­ings for the Week 22nd to 27th August 2016

MONDAY 2 Thess 1.1–5,11b 12 Psalm 96.1–6 Mat­thew 23.13–22
TUESDAY 2 Thess 2.1–3a,14–17 Psalm 96.7–13 Mat­thew 23.23–26
WEDNESDAY 2 Thess 3.1–18 Psalm 128 Mat­thew 23.27–32
THURSDAY 1 Cor­inthi­ans 1.1–9 Psalm 145.1–9 Mat­thew 24.42–51
FRIDAY 1 Cor­inthi­ans 1.17–25 Psalm 33.1–8 Mat­thew 25.1–13
SATURDAY 1 Cor­inthi­ans 1.26–31 Psalm 33.13–21 Mat­thew 25.14–30

Next Sunday: Fif­teenth Sunday after Pente­cost

Jeremi­ah 2.4–13
Psalm: 81.1, 10–16
Hebrews 13.1–8, 15–16
Gos­pel Read­ing: Luke 14.1, 7–14


Pray­ers for each day of the week

Kenny Khoo; Eddy, Mint, Atom & Arty Kit­tir­at; Joseph & Esth­er Kumar; Geoff Lind­say & Mandy Tib­bey.
Fabi­an LoS­chiavo; Evelyn Maack; Amrit MacIntyre & Brett Dav­ies; Lea MacNeil & Don­ald Thomas.
Alex Maneekaew; Mer­rill & Geor­gie Mar­tin; Aman­da Mason; John M; Fr. Ron Mor­ris; Fran Mor­ris.
Ian Myl­chreest; Ron, Anthea, Ron­an, Veron­ica & Rohan Nath; Pau­line Newell; Johnny Nitchar­oen & Eed (Dar­unee).
Math­i­as Oduro; Stu­art Ogg; Kath­er­ine Old­field; Julie & Phil­ippa Olston; Ann & Rachel Petersen & Wolf.
Jenny Prais­ang; Tony Pur­cell; Ramendra, Jo, Thomas & Lucy Raj; Win­nie Rak­phong; Milk Rak­sajit.
Andrew, Rachel, Belinda, Bianca & Bryson; Eddie, Susan, Edwin & Stephanie; Edward & Joyce Reddy.

Our Pray­ers for those in imme­di­ate need:
Leanne; Bruce Sims & Peter; Car­oline Wilson; Dawn Hol­land; Asia Bibi, Robert Dubler (& fam­ily); Sally’s part­ner Dav­id; Shir­ley Allen, Jen­nifer McGov­ern; Jenny John­ston.

Pray­er for the sick or in need.

Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Beth Arm­strong;  Fatima Begum; Angela Bell; Ross Black; Lyn Car­ring­ton; Kay & Rus­sell Clark; Paull Gar­rett; Ros Gee; Madeline Gee; Mar­ilyn Gibbs; Rhi­an­non Henry-Edwards; Joseph Jee­bell; Ann Jeffs, Eddy Kit­tir­at; Melissa, John & Baby Ger­ard; Jude & Isla; Sof Lee; Marissa; Emily & Taylor McCormick; Janet McLeod; Fr Ron Mor­ris, John Naidu; Pau­line Newell; Peter Pur­cell; Bri­an Rawns­ley; Edward Reddy; Alex Regos; Joy Ree; Florence Shel­lard;  Steph­en Thomas; Soph­ie Toupein; Janet Walms­ley; Greg & Kerry Thompson; Yavani Mu Daly, Vic­tor­ia, Leigh Gar­retty, Nii Samuela; Dav­id.

Recently Depar­ted:
Mary Sotiri­adis

Anniversar­ies of the Depar­ted:
Wanda Cole­man; Clar­rie Cregann; Jane Hark­er.

Saints Com­mem­or­a­tion:

24th: Bartho­lomew, Apostle and Mar­tyr
27th: Mon­ica, moth­er of Augustine (d.387)

Pray­er List: Please check the Pray­er List and add any pray­er requests on the sheet on the Inform­a­tion Table or to advise if any fur­ther names should be removed.

Par­ish Inform­a­tion                                ABN.78 161 584 893.


Sung Euchar­ist and Chil­dren’s Min­istry at 9.30 am fol­lowed by hos­pit­al­ity in the hall. Thai Com­munity meets in the Chapel after morn­ing tea. Enquir­ies to Aman­da Mason 0407 101 382.


Wed­nes­day 9.30 a.m. — Morn­ing Pray­er; 10.00 a.m. Euchar­ist (fol­lowed by morn­ing tea)
Fri­day 8.30 a.m. – Morn­ing Pray­er

CONFESSIONS (Sac­ra­ment of Recon­cili­ation) HOME COMMUNIONS, BAPTISMS, & MARRIAGES by arrange­ment.

Rect­or — Fr Philip Brad­ford.
Ph 9557 4219 — 0431 655 220 (Mob)
PO Box 64. Enmore, NSW 2042
Par­ish email:
Fr Philip:

Pas­tor­al Care
Lay-Min­is­ters — Part Time – Lea MacNeil & Thai Com­munity
Aman­da Mason.

OFFICE HOURS: Tues­day 9.00 to 11.00 am; Wed­nes­day 9.00 am to 12 noon; Fri­day 8.30 to 10.30 a.m.

Hon Clergy Asso­ci­ate:
Fr Ron Mor­ris (Mob 0409 451362)

Organ­ist:  Kathy Drum­mond
Occa­sion­al Organ­ist: C. Brooks

133 Enmore Rd, Tel: 9550 5713
Hours: Tues, Wed & Fri­day 9.30 ‑ 4; Thursday 9.30–3; Sat 9.30 – 2.30, Sunday, Monday – Closed.

Hall Admin­is­trat­or:
Stu­art Veitch Mb 0400–312-354

Jen­nie Win­ton Mb 0401727718
Eddy Reddy Mb 0410634948
Ruth Cham­pi­on Mb 0400166041

Par­ish Coun­cil:
Andy Ser­afin; Jen­nifer Bestel; James Barnes (Treas­urer); Susan Hill; Peter Sey­mour; Fabi­an LoS­chiavo; Amrit MacIntyre & Tony Pur­cell.

Par­ish Nom­in­at­ors:
Moya Holle; Mandy Tib­bey; Susan Hill; Ruth Cham­pi­on & Stu­art Veitch.

Pas­tor­al Care Sup­port Group
Ruth Cham­pi­on; Stu­art Ogg; John Tonetti, Moya Holle; Peter Sey­mour