Notices_Sunday 23rd March 2025 — Third Sunday of Lent

Wel­come to any vis­it­ors with us today.  Please join us for morn­ing tea as we cel­eb­rate with Fr John Bunyan, as he cuts his cel­eb­ra­tion cake!
Con­grat­u­la­tions to Fr John Bunyan who will be launch­ing two books today:
1. Honey From The Stony Rock : 100+ Aus­trali­an Son­nets — with some earli­er son­nets revised and new ones added.
2. Con­ju­bil­ant With Song: and the get­ting of wis­dom — with 65 of my hymns, revised, some new, and sug­ges­ted revi­sions for some oth­ers’ hymns !
Signed, numbered cop­ies will be $20 each, all money received from them will go to ABM’s Emer­gency Appeal for our Dio­cese of Jerusalem’s Al Alhi Hos­pit­al in Gaza, one of its two hos­pit­als, dam­aged in the war, not receiv­ing aid from the Hamas gov­ern­ment.  Cash or EFTPOS pay­ment options avail­able.
The Par­ish owes a debt of grat­it­ude to Steph­en Gates for record­ing the minutes of the AGM last Sunday.  In fact Steph­en takes the PC minutes every month and mem­bers are most grate­ful; it’s a some­what oner­ous job and not one many put their hand up to under­take. So thank you Steph­en!
Con­grat­u­la­tions to those who were elec­ted to office at the Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing last Sunday, 16th March:
Church War­dens — Tiffany Chiew & Andrew Reddy; along with Ruth Cham­pi­on (Rector’s Warden).
Par­ish Coun­cil — Andy Ser­afin; Peter Sey­mour; Kath­er­ine Old­field; Kathy Drum­mond; Susan Deas, & Tony Brown­low; along with Steph­en Gates.
& Edi Dav­is (Rector’s Appoint­ments).
Nom­in­at­ors – Susan Hill; Kath­er­ine Old­field; Mandy Tib­bey; Tony Brown­low & Peter Sey­mour.
Volun­teers required – to help with weed­ing the garden beds around the front of the prop­erty. If any­one has a spare hour to spare!
Tues­day Night Bible Study at 7.30pm: At Fr Philip Bradford’s place 5 Lin­coln St, Stan­more.  We are con­tinu­ing the Let­ter of Paul to the Romans.  Bring a bible. All wel­come.
Tues­day, 25th March @ 7pm: ‘Love in Action’ Foster Care – Angli­care 
Join us at Church Hill for an even­ing of insight and inspir­a­tion as we hear from cur­rent foster carers from Anglic­an churches, the Angli­care Foster Care team, and churches step­ping into the gap to bring love, safety, and belong­ing to vul­ner­able chil­dren.  Wheth­er you’re con­sid­er­ing fos­ter­ing, look­ing for ways to sup­port foster care fam­il­ies, or simply want­ing to learn more, come and explore how we can all play a part in mak­ing a dif­fer­ence.
Regis­tra­tion link with details:
Dates for your diary:
Sunday 6 April — Palm cross mak­ing after morn­ing tea.
Sun 13th April at 9.30am — Palm Sunday ser­vice fol­lowed by morn­ing tea.
Thurs 17th April at 6.30pm – Maun­dy Thursday ser­vice.
Fri 18th April at 9.30am — Good Fri­day ser­vice fol­lowed by morn­ing tea.
Sun 20th April at 9.30am — East­er Day ser­vice fol­lowed by morn­ing tea only.
Sun 4th May at 9.30am – Bp Michael Stead, Con­firm­a­tion and shared lunch.
Fri­day 23rd to Sunday 25th May – Par­ish Retreat at old Mon­as­tery, Stroud.
Sat­urday 12th April at 6pm – Voces Angelor­um – Con­sort 8
Sub­lime music for Lent and Pas­sion­tide
Guest Artist: Cam­erata Anti­ca
Santa Sabina Chapel Strath­field
St James’ Inter­na­tion­al Organ Fest­iv­al – 5pm to 7pm
St James’ Church, 173 King Street, Sydney
Thursday 1st May — 7.30pm to 9pm “The Phantom of the Opera” (1925) silent film with live organ impro­visa­tion by Mar­tin Baker (UK)
Reserve your place at
Sat­urday 3rd May – Mar­tin Baker (UK)
Reserve your place at
Cop­ies of Fr Jeff’s Sunday Ser­mons are made avail­able in the church foy­er each Sunday for those who would like to take a copy.  Back cop­ies are also avail­able upon request.
ST PAULS PANTRY needs food, health and clean­ing items: A bas­ket is in the church foy­er for dona­tions.
ABM Lent Appeal 2025
Envel­opes are avail­able in the church foy­er to place on the col­lect plate.  Or Scan the QR code to make a dona­tion online.
You can also donate online at
Weekly Inter­ces­sions for our Com­munity:
Sunday: Ann Petersen & Rachel; Rick Prat­ley & Simon; and Jo, Ramendra, Thomas, & Lucy Raj.
Monday: Andrew Pat­ter­son; Mea­ghan Pat­ter­son; and John Reimer.
Tues­day: Joyce, Andrew, Rachael, Biance, Stepan­ie & Bryson Reddy.
Wed­nes­day: Eddie, Susan, Stephanies, Edwin, Leil­ani & Car­men Reddy.
Thursday: Mat­ilda Rink­er; Gra­hame Sadler; and Rajah Selva­ra­jah & Greg.
Fri­day: We pray for pas­tor­al care min­istry teams at all Hos­pit­als and all those who are min­istered to.
Sat­urday: Almighty God, we pray for those in areas of con­flict.  We pray for heal­ing and good med­ic­al care for those who have been injured.  For those who have lost homes and pos­ses­sions, please meet their daily needs for food, clean water and shel­ter and com­fort those who mourn the loss of loved ones.  And bless all who are help­ing those impacted.  Amen.
Pray­ers for the sick: Lyn Car­ring­ton; Lea MacNeil; Andy Ser­afin; John Bowen (Priest); Alex Regos; Helen Woell­ner; Lilac John­ston; Douglas John­ston; Susie Brooks; Sarah; Mari­on Mad­dox; Max Woods (Priest); Jane Edwards; Fred Blake; Mel Kew­ley; Alex Naple; Jona­thon & Joshua; Jack­ie Chaffo; John Park­er; Ava; John Hower; and Dav­id Reeks.
Anniversar­ies of the Depar­ted: Beryl Good­man; Don­ald Mof­fat (Priest); Edith Spur­ri­er; Elsie Dav­is; Wendy Clarke: Ida Ross; and Hazell Sheath­er.
Saints Com­mem­or­a­tion: 
24th: Paul Cou­tur­i­er, ecu­men­ist; & Oscar Romero, Arch­bish­op of
San Sal­vador.
25th: The Annun­ci­ation to the Blessed Vir­gin Mary
29th: John Keeble, Priest.
Long Term Pas­tor­al Pray­er list: Mike Nix­on (Priest); Simone Crowth­er; Kar­en Stein­er-Hill; Nalini MacIntyre; Christine Kon­draten­ko; John Bunyan (Priest); Mar­garet Chiew; Ger­ald Grant; Bar­bara Ray­mond; Janet Walms­ley; Ray Som­mer; John Hardy; Bar­bara Allen; Marissa & Meg Maack, Jude, Isla, & Al Don­nell; Noel Jeffs; Michael Aiken; Sabitri Thapa; Joel Thapa; and Robert & Lyn­dall Dubler.
Read­ings for Next Sunday – Annun­ci­ation of the Blessed Vir­gin Mary
First Read­ing: Isaish 7.10–14 Psalm: 40.6–13
Second Read­ing: Hebrews 10.4–10 Gos­pel: Luke 1.26–38