St Luke's Anglican Church in Enmore a lively, inclusive welcoming liturgical community

Notices_ Sunday 4th June — Feast of the Holy Trinity



Happy Birth­day to: Andy Ser­afin; Ruth Cham­pi­on; Rachel Reddy; Julie Olston; Katie Wil­li­ams; Nic­ola Howard; Don­ald Thomas; Leil­ani Reddy; Anthea Nath; Johnny Nitchar­oen; and Thomas Raj.



Tonight – 5pm Spir­it of Taize Service.



The flowers in the church today have been donated in lov­ing memory of the Late Edward Nar­end Reddy from his lov­ing fam­ily, Joyce Reddy, Eddie, Susan, Edwin, Leil­ani, Stephanie & Car­men Reddy, Andrew, Rekha, Bianca, Belinda & Bryson Reddy, Angel, Steve, Krys­tal & Katelyn Anand, and Anthea, Ron, Ron­an, Veron­ica & Rohan Nath in lov­ing memory of our Dad, Fath­er- In-Law, Aaja, Nana, Par Aaja, who died on 6th June, 2017.  It is the 6th Anniversary, and he is very dearly missed.  Rest in Peace.




Thank you all for the fant­ast­ic team­work that made Fabian’s Memori­al Ser­vice and Wake such a won­der­ful and mem­or­able event on Monday.

Clos­ing the car­park was essen­tial to accom­mod­ate the crowds and we could have done with a “valet park­ing ser­vice” — there were numer­ous people with mobil­ity per­mits! In fact, Susan actu­ally parked one car for a dis­abled driver. Andrew and Paul had a hard job man­aging the park­ing situ­ation.  How­ever the weath­er was glor­i­ous and it was so nice to be able to wel­come, include, host and serve so many people.

Thank you espe­cially to Fr Jeff, Fr Philip, Andy Ser­afin, Peter Sey­mour, Eddie Reddy, and Oscar Dav­is in the sanc­tu­ary and of course to Kathy our organ­ist and her assist­ant Kim and to Raj and Kath­er­ine for their beau­ti­ful duet — Fabi­an would have loved it!.

Spe­cial thanks to those who helped set up tables and chairs and brought food- there was a ver­it­able feast.  We know our vis­it­ors were looked after very well by all who were serving them.

To the Chiew fam­ily, espe­cially to Kev­in who came to clear the car­park at sun­rise, and all who slaved in the kit­chen over many hours — to say simply thank you is not enough!

Thanks to Stu­art Veitch who arrived before 8 and left after 4.30 pm and to the diehards who stayed to fin­ish the clean­ing with us.  Wow we were all still stand­ing upright — just!!

Thank you again every­one — you respon­ded won­der­fully to our call for help. It was also so mar­vel­lous to see pre­vi­ous parish­ion­ers return to hon­our Fabi­an and to share in our mourning.

We have lost three inspir­a­tion­ally, beau­ti­fully gif­ted and uniquely dif­fer­ent people from our con­greg­a­tion this year in Shir­ley Allen, Rose­mary Brad­ford and now Fabi­an; we give thanks for their life and wit­ness to our Lord Jesus Christ and for their ser­vice to our par­ish and their wider com­munit­ies, over decades!

If you were unable to attend the ser­vice or watch the live stream­ing, it is being edited and will be avail­able on our church web­site in about a week.



Sun, 25th June 2023 — St Luke’s Young Organ­ists Series:

Recit­al at 3pm — Please keep and share the date

Win­ner of the Open Sec­tion of the 2022 Sydney Organ Com­pet­i­tion, Samuel Giddy per­forms works by J S and C P E Bach, Byrd and Brahms on the rare 1883 Wordsworth & Maskell Pipe Organ at St Luke’s Anglic­an Church Enmore with Stanmore.

The St Luke’s Young Organ­ists Series is an occa­sion­al series of recit­als by loc­al young and emer­ging organ schol­ars and organists.

Seat­ing unre­served — No book­ing required.

Entry, Pro­gramme & Refresh­ments:  $ note donation.

Enquir­ies:  Kathy Drum­mond / Brett Dav­ies /



Weekly Inter­ces­sions for our Com­munity:

Sunday:  Lea McNeil & Don­ald Thomas; Evelyn Maack; Jen­nifer McGov­ern; John M.; and Jo Middleton.

Monday: Ron­ald Naidu; Ron, Anthea, Ron­an, Veron­ica & Rohan Nath.

Tues­day: Pau­line Newell; and Johnny Nitchareon & Eed Intapan.

Wed­nes­day: Kath­er­ine Old­field; Julie Olston & Phil­ippa; and Andrew Patterson.

Thursday: Fr Jeff & Michelle Park­er; and Ann Petersen & Rachel.

Fri­day: We pray for Fr John Bunyan’s pas­tor­al care min­istry at Bank­stown Hos­pit­al and all those he min­is­ters to.

Sat­urday: Almighty God, we pray for those in Tur­key and Syr­ia who are suf­fer­ing fol­low­ing the dev­ast­at­ing earth­quake.  We pray for heal­ing and good med­ic­al care for those who have been injured.  For those who have lost homes and pos­ses­sions, please meet their daily needs for food, clean water and shel­ter and com­fort those who mourn the loss of loved ones.  And bless all who are on the ground help­ing those impacted.  Amen


Pray­ers for the sickMar­gret Chiew; Noel Jeffs; Peter Sey­mour; Dav­id Dun­lop; (Fr) John Bowen; Janet Walms­ley; Tony Brown­low; Peter Brown; Bar­bara Ray­mond; Christine Kon­draten­ko; Val Thomas; Kev­in Tib­bey; Simone Abra­hams; Salochna Devi; Ruth Dodd; Robyn Palmer; Julie Ankers; Peta Loveday-Hill; Peter Crook; Cath­er­ine Lough­man; Jonath­an Har­ris; Wolfgang Haas; Chris Middleton; and Barry Pearton.



Recently Depar­ted:  Franz Legrum; Peter Miller; Tina Turn­er; Br Samuel Spen­cer; and Br Leo Ninivai.



Anniversar­ies of the Depar­tedEdward Reddy; Oswald Fer­guson; Aman­da Juer­gens; Emil Juer­gens; Bp John McIntyre; Keith Stafford; and Elsie Coombes.



Saints Com­mem­or­a­tion: 5th: Bon­iface of Mainz, Bish­op and mar­tyr (d. 754; and 9th: Columbia of Iona, Abbot and mis­sion­ary (d. 597).



Long Term Pas­tor­al Pray­er list: Pau­line Newell; (Fr) John Hawkins; Robert & Lyn­dall Dubler; Andy Ser­afin; Florence Shel­lard; Ray Som­mer; John Hardy; Lyn Car­ring­ton; John Dick­son; Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Rhi­an­non Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Don­nell; Kuwert; Rev Laurie MacIntyre; Kiki Chun; Raul of Radio Skidrow and his fam­ily; Andrew Strat­golda; Loch­lan Lones­bor­ough; Ann Jeffs; and Singla Pallav.



Read­ings for Next Sunday: Second Sunday After Pentecost

First Read­ing: 1 Sam 8.4–11, 16–20             Psalm: 138

Second Read­ing: 2 Cor 4.13–5.1                 Gos­pel: Mark 3.20–35
