Notices: All Saints Day — Sunday 1st November 2020


Happy Birth­day to: Ellen­or Flem­ing; Milly Clarke; Oscar Dav­is; Ron­an Nath; Arty Kit­tir­at; Blake B.; Laurence Bur­ton-Veitch; Stu­art Veitch; Kay Younie; Geoff Lind­say; Noel Jeffs; Dav­id Dun­lop; Les Car­ring­ton; Michael Flem­ing; Janet Walms­ley; and Nadia Wheat­ley.


Tonight: 6pm Even­ing Ser­vice.

Please note: Our 6pm Even­ing Ser­vice on the 3rd Sunday of the month will no longer be held.


Thank you to all who assisted with “Words of Hope” our par­ish Poetry Event held yes­ter­day at St Luke’s.   It could not have occurred without your help.


Christ­mas Cards now for Sale:

2019 stock reduced to $5 per pack of 10.

New 2020 stock – sup­port­ing The Lep­rosy Mis­sion, Australia-$10 per pack of 10.

Please see Stephan Gates at the Com­munity Resource Centre straight after the ser­vice.


A Thank You from our Sis­ter church in Blayney - Two years ago we donated $2,000 to the par­ish of Christ Church Blayney to assist them with repairs to their church — we received a mes­sage say­ing that the cracked wall has finally been repaired and thank­ing us sin­cerely for our gen­er­os­ity!  It’s good they have achieved their goal.  We con­tin­ue to pray for their Par­ish as they con­tin­ue to search for a new Rect­or.


Sat­urday 21 Novem­ber – Men’s Night Out:

Deli-o-deli Indi­an res­taur­ant, 3 Erskinev­ille Road, Erskinev­ille.

Din­ner 5.30 — 7.30 pm. Phone 9557 4455.

Must let Kev­in Green know by Sunday 15 Novem­ber.


Attend­ance List: This is an essen­tial part of our Cov­id-safe plan which has been lodged with the State Health Department.  We request, once again, that you do respond, as it helps us with the plan­ning needed to ensure a safe envir­on­ment.

Please RSVP via, ring Church Office (Dur­ing office hours ONLY) or con­tact Jen­nifer on her mobile.


Safe Use of the Inter­net:  This week Fr Jeff atten­ded an online present­a­tion by the office of the eSafety Com­mis­sion­er, an office of the Com­mon­wealth Government.  The web­site for the eSafety Com­mis­sion­er has many tips for par­ents, schools and oth­er organ­isa­tions about how to stay safe while using the inter­net.

These were some tips for young people:

  • Stay con­nec­ted with your friends and fam­ily as part of a daily routine. If things are both­er­ing you online or off­line, speak openly about it.
  • Reach out to your exten­ded fam­ily such as cous­ins, aunties or uncles if you are hav­ing a hard time at home with your imme­di­ate fam­ily.
  • Let your teach­ers or school coun­sel­lor know if you need extra sup­port.
  • If you are feel­ing pres­sures from social media, it’s OK to take a break or switch-off.
  • If you think you are being cyber­bul­lied or you feel uncom­fort­able or unsafe about someone who has con­tac­ted you online, read up on eSafety’s advice about how to get sup­port.
  • If neces­sary call one of the num­bers below.

For more inform­a­tion the web­site address is

Life-Sav­ing Phone numbers: Some import­ant phone num­ber­s which every­one should have on hand are:

Life­Line: 13 11 14   Kids Help Line: 1800 55 1800    Bey­ond Blue: 1300 22 4636   MensLine: 1300 789 978   1800 RESPECT: 1800 737 732



Lea MacNeal has jam to sell and vari­ous sauces; please email her if you would like to give her an order.  You may, of course, ask her what type of jam and/or pre­serve or sauces she has on hand.  Don­ald, her hus­band can deliv­er your spe­cif­ic order to the Opshop where you are able to pay for it.


Food for our worms – Food scraps (no dairy, cit­rus or meat) can be left in the buck­et provided.  This is part of our Par­ish envir­on­ment­al ini­ti­at­ive.


Weekly Inter­ces­sions for our Com­munity:

Sunday: Fr Philip and Rose­mary Brad­ford; Tony Brown­low; and Ruth Cham­pi­on.

Monday: Les & Lyn Car­ring­ton; Nancy Cheng; and Ron Cross & Fam­ily.

Tues­day: Ron, Binh, Milly, Nam & Viol­etta Clarke; and John Dick­son.

Wed­nes­day: Brett Dav­ies & Amrit MacIntyre; and Kathy Drum­mond.

Thursday: Edi & Oscar Dav­is; Dav­id Dun­lop; Steph­en Gates & Andrew Eld­er.

Fri­day: Eliza­beth Arm­strong, Michael Flem­ing, Tom, Ella and Nick.

Sat­urday: Dear lov­ing Fath­er, please deliv­er us from the coronavir­us and lim­it its impact on Aus­tralia and the world. In your mercy bring a swift end to this crisis.  Please pro­tect with your lov­ing care those we love — our fam­il­ies, friends and neigh­bours. Let your fath­erly hand guide, shel­ter and strengthen them.  Cast out all anxious fears and doubts.  Give us an increas­ing trust in you and fill our hearts and minds with your peace.   We pray for those around the world now strug­gling with COVID-19.  Heal and com­fort those who are sick and suffering.  Pro­tect and guide the health pro­fes­sion­als who are at the front line.  Please give wis­dom and cour­age to those who bear respons­ib­il­ity for con­front­ing this chal­lenge. We ask these things through the power­ful name of Jesus.  Amen.


Pray­ers for the sick: Kristen Har­ley; Steph­en Thur­ley; Kev­in Tib­bey; Glen; Mary Middleton; Bar­bara Reyne; Fr John Bunyan; John Hardy; Louise Trott; She Kar Nair; Rev’d Val Tib­bey; Maur­een Clunas; Wolf Winter; Edna Cham­bers; Linda Mac­qual­ter; Esth­er Middleton; Mea­ghan Pat­ter­son; Peter Cinelli; John Dick­son; Rita Mus­cat & her fam­ily; Rob Lake; Tamara & Craig; and John Can Pahali.


Recently Depar­ted: Ram Chander (Ron Naidu’s grand­fath­er).


Anniversar­ies of the Depar­ted: Edward Twivey; Bob Marey; Frank Gos­den; Viol­et Foster; Rockley Mil­len; Susan Gar­rad; Nel­lie Cor­nick; Fr Aus­tin Day; Elva Aus­tin; and Wit Takham.


Saints Com­mem­or­a­tion: 3rd Nov: Richard Hook­er, Priest & Teach­er (d.1600); and 4th Nov: Day of Anglic­ans and Roman Cath­ol­ics to pray for one anoth­er.


Long Term Pas­tor­al Pray­er list: Andrew Reddy; Shir­ley, Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Br Noel Jeffs (SSF); Kiki Chun; Beth Arm­strong; Ann Jeffs; Rhi­an­non Henry-Edwards; Marissa; Jude, Isla, Meg & Al Don­nell; Lyn Car­ring­ton; Suz­anne Camp­ton; Pau­line Newell; Bar­bara Beec­roft; Ann Con­nolly; Fr Peter Carls­son; Day­alan Sam­inath­an; Grace & Han­nah Ashton; Anaisha, & her par­ents Anu & Digvi­jay; Ron Nath; Ron­an Nath; Veron­ica Nath; Rose­mary Brad­ford; Rev Laurie McIntyre; and Ver­ity Wright.


Read­ings for Next Sunday: Twenty-Third Sunday after Pente­cost

First Read­ing: Joshua 24.1–3a, 14–25                  Psalm: 78.1–7

Second Read­ing: 1 Thes­sa­lo­ni­ans 4.9–18            Gos­pel: Mat­thew 25.1–13


Read­ings for the com­ing week: Even­ing Pray­er 

Sunday Sir­ach 44.1–15 Psalm 33 Rev­el­a­tion 19.1–10
Monday Daniel 9.15–27 Psalms 7; 8 Rev­el­a­tion 1.1–8
Tues­day Daniel 10.1–17 Psalm 10 Rev­el­a­tion 1.9–20
Wed­nes­day Daniel 10.18–11.13 Psalms 13;14 Rev­el­a­tion 2.1–7
Thursday Daniel 11.14–28 Psalm 17.1–13, 15–16 Rev­el­a­tion 2.8–11
Fri­day Daniel 11.29–45 Psalm 18.32–38, 45–52 Rev­el­a­tion 2.12–17
Sat­urday Daniel 12 Psalm 119.1–16 Rev­el­a­tion 2.18–29