Posts from December 2023

Notices_Sunday 17th December — Third Sunday of Advent

NOTICES: TODAY- Nurs­ing Home vis­it: After the ser­vice and morn­ing tea parish­ion­ers are invited to sing car­ols at Stan­more nurs­ing home while gifts are dis­trib­uted.   _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TONIGHT: 6pm CAROL ser­vice. We invite every­one to come and par­ti­cip­ate! PLEASE NOTE:  The car­park will be closed to all vehicles on the night.  There will be a drive…

Notices_Sunday 10th December — Second Sunday of Advent

NOTICES:  TODAY – Rect­ory Open House & hos­pit­al­ity after 9.30am ser­vice –  BBQ Saus­ages and some drinks provided.  Please bring any­thing else you would like.  Vis­it­ors very wel­come!  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  NEXT SUNDAY 17th Dec – 9.30am Third Sunday of Advent Service.    Gifts will be giv­en out to our chil­dren, Viol­etta and Car­men at this ser­vice.   After the…