Posts from May 2023

Notices_Sunday 28th May — Pentecost Sunday

NOTICES:   The flowers in the church today have been donated by Christine Thur­ley in lov­ing memory of her brother Steph­en Thur­ley.     NEXT SUNDAY – 5pm Spir­it of Taize Ser­vice.   Nation­al Recon­cili­ation Week: See notice board in the hall for NATSIAC state­ment and the ULURU STATEMENT FROM THE HEART inform­a­tion.   ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks­giv­ing Ser­vice for…

Notices_Sunday 21st May — Sunday After Ascension — Seventh Sunday Of Easter

NOTICES: TODAY: Par­ish Coun­cil meets after ser­vice and morn­ing tea.   ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TONIGHT — 21st May 2023 — NSW Ecu­men­ic­al Coun­cil — 5pm ser­vice & 6.30pm Annu­al Fund-Rais­ing Din­ner: We are invit­ing you to gen­er­ously sup­port this endeavour.  This year, the Coun­cil will cel­eb­rate the end of the Week of Pray­er for Chris­ti­an Unity on…

Vale Fabian Lo Schiavo

Dear Friends, Last week our dear friend Fabi­an passed away at his home.  The par­ish has been receiv­ing many calls, texts and emails seek­ing inform­a­tion about his funer­al. As the mat­ter is still with the Cor­on­er, we are unable to answer ques­tions about when the ser­vice will be held.  We can say that it will def­in­itely…