NOTICES: A very big thank you to Fr John for taking our Sunday services while Fr Jeff has been away. Annual Leave: Fr Jeff will be back to take our Sunday service on 4th July. Sunday 4th July: 5pm Evening Service. Changes to Office Opening Days – From this week onwards the office will no…
NOTICES: The flowers today are donated by Edi and Oscar Davis in loving member of Emmanuel Obazee (Edi’s brother-in-law) Annual Leave: Fr Jeff will be away for the next two Sundays – 20th and 27th June. Fr John Hawkins will be celebrating on those days.  Fr Philip Bradford will be officiating on Wednesdays 23rd and…
NOTICES: Annual Leave: Fr Jeff will be away for the next two Sundays – 20th and 27th June. Fr John Hawkins will be celebrating on those days.  Fr Philip Bradford will be officiating on Wednesdays 23rd and 30th of June. Cinema Paradiso:  Vision (2009) — Sat, 24 July 2021 at 3.30pm RSVP:  18 July…
NOTICES Happy birthday to:Â Andy Serafin; Julie Olston; Anthea Nath; Rachel Reddy; Leilani Reddy; Johnny Nitcharoen; Thomas Raj; Ruth Champion; Donald Thomas; Atom Kittirat and Annie Pratton. The flowers in the church today are donated in memory of the Late Edward Reddy from his loving family, Joyce Reddy, Eddie, Susan, Edwin, Leilani, Stephanie & Carmen…
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