Posts from August 2021

Notices — Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost — 29th August 2021

NOTICES:   The flowers in the church dur­ing our pre-recor­ded ser­vice were donated by Noel Jeffs in cel­eb­ra­tion of his Anniversary of Pro­fes­sion.   Zoom morn­ing teas have resumed: Last Sunday we had our first vir­tu­al Par­ish get-togeth­­er of the 2021 lockdown.  More than 20 people joined and it was won­der­ful to be able to see and…

Notices — Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost — 8th August 2021

NOTICES: The office is closed until fur­ther notice: Jen­nifer will be work­ing from home on Tues­day, Wed­nes­day and Thursday from 9.15–2.45pm.  Please email or if urgent call Mob: 0409 049 442.   ST PAUL’S PANTRY des­per­ately needs food. Please keep col­lect­ing your dona­tions of tinned and non-per­­ish­­able food items.  You will be able to…