NOTICES: A very big thank you to Fr John for taking our Sunday services while Fr Jeff has been away. Annual Leave: Fr Jeff will be back to take our Sunday service on 4th July. Sunday 4th July: 5pm Evening Service. Changes to Office Opening Days – From this week onwards the office will no…
NOTICES: The flowers today are donated by Edi and Oscar Davis in loving member of Emmanuel Obazee (Edi’s brother-in-law) Annual Leave: Fr Jeff will be away for the next two Sundays – 20th and 27th June. Fr John Hawkins will be celebrating on those days.  Fr Philip Bradford will be officiating on Wednesdays 23rd and…
NOTICES: Annual Leave: Fr Jeff will be away for the next two Sundays – 20th and 27th June. Fr John Hawkins will be celebrating on those days.  Fr Philip Bradford will be officiating on Wednesdays 23rd and 30th of June. Cinema Paradiso:  Vision (2009) — Sat, 24 July 2021 at 3.30pm RSVP:  18 July…
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