Posts from May 2020

Notices_Sunday 31st May_Day of Pentecost

NOTICES: Update – At the time of writ­ing we are wait­ing for advice of any fur­ther eas­ing of restric­tions regard­ing num­bers allowed to attend our church services.   We will update parish­ion­ers as soon as we have that information.  Fr. Jeff Wed­nes­day Heal­ing Ser­­vice- this will be held in the church to allow for dis­tan­cing and…

Notices — St Augustine of Canterbury — Sunday 24th May

NOTICES: Return of 10am Wed­nes­day Heal­ing Ser­­vice- this will be held in the church to allow for dis­tan­cing and lim­ited to 10 people as per cur­rent Cov­id 19 guidelines.  Please do not just turn up.  Any­one wish­ing to par­ti­cip­ate will need to con­tact Fr Jeff pri­or to the ser­vice  Update – Wednesday’s ser­vice (20/05) was…

Notices — Sixth Sunday after Easter — 17th May 2020

NOTICES: Changes Afoot – At the time of pre­par­ing this ser­vice book­let there is spec­u­la­tion about the return of ‘worship in per­son’.  I am aware that many are want­ing to get back to ‘physical’ Church ser­vices ASAP.  At the same time, oth­ers are anxious and unsure about it.   I am wait­ing for offi­cial advice from…