Posts from October 2019

Notices 3 Nov 2019 — All Saints

NOTICES: Happy Birth­day to Stu­art Veitch; Laurence Bur­ton-Veitch; John M.; Kay Younie; Geoff Lind­say; Ron­an Nath; Oscar Dav­is; Noel Jeffs; Dav­id Dun­lop; Les Car­ring­ton; Ellen­or Flem­ing; Michael Flem­ing; Janet Walms­ley; and Milly Clarke. Today: Even­ing Pray­er at 6pm.  It would be great if you could come along and pray at this time in a dif­fer­ent,…

Notices Sunday 20 October — St LUke’s Patronal Festival

We wel­come espe­cially today Fr Ron Sil­arsah and Chant­al from Christ Church St Laurence.  And our vis­it­ors from our sis­ter Par­ish of Christ Church Blayney/Milthorpe who have trav­elled down to be with us on this occasion.  Each year a group of us travels to Blayney/Milthorpe dur­ing Lent.  We wel­come also any oth­er visitors.   Today: Shared…

notices sunday 6th october 2019

NOTICES: Birth­days for Octo­ber: Stu­art Grigg; Mandy Tib­bey; Ann Petersen; Moya Holle; Lucy Raj; Peter Tre­gil­gas; Ian Myl­chreest; Eddy Kit­tir­at; Lea McNeil; and Angela Bell. Next Week: Sunday 13th Octo­ber — BBQ Lunch at the rect­ory – All welcome!!  BYO drink & meat (if saus­ages are not your thing), and a salad or sweet to…