Posts from August 2019

Notices Sunday 25 August 2019

A Spe­cial wel­come to Bp Michael, our Region­al Bish­op and Preach­er today.  Wel­come too to any vis­it­ors and please join us in the hall for hos­pit­al­ity. This after­noon 25 August — Sound­ings ‑ 3.30 pm at All Saint­s’ Hunters hill.  Guest speak­er is Dr Jac­queline Ser­vice, who will speak on “Why Dance Alone? A con­ver­sa­tion on “Human­ity”, “Inter­na­tion­al…

Sunday 11 August 2019 Notices

Today (11 August): — we have a spe­cial guest for our young people – Den­nis Clare (Mime Artist) who will enter­tain us dur­ing morn­ing tea.  Please stay and enjoy the fun! Last week’s Rect­ory Bar­be­cue was a great time of fel­low­ship and fun.  We plan to make this a reg­u­lar event.  Watch this space for…