St Francis of Assisi

St Francis of Assisi


2 Octo­ber 2016


Wel­come to our wor­ship this morn­ing!
At St Luke’s we seek to share God’s uncon­di­tion­al love and accept­ance of all people, regard­less of age, gender, race, mar­it­al or fam­ily status, sexu­al ori­ent­a­tion, dis­ab­il­ity or wealth.

Cel­eb­rant & Preach­er Fr. Philip Brad­ford
Wel­comers Today: Peter Gil­bert & Alfredo Narnola
Next week: Steph­en Gates & Evelyn Maack
Read­ers Today: Jen­nifer Bestel & Noel Jeffs
Read­ers next week: Susan Hill & Neville Hack
Inter­cessor: Richard Hagen
Next week: Peter Gil­bert
Hos­pit­al­ity: Kath­er­ine Old­field & Sally Woell­ner (B’day cake)
Next Week: John M, Evelyn Maack & Ruth Cham­pi­on
Clean­ers Sat­urdays 8th : Mat­ilda Rink­er, Kev­in Green, Neville Daniels

Introit Hymn: TIS 100 – All creatures of our God and King


The Sen­tence: As for me, the only thing I can boast about is the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom the world is cru­ci­fied to me, and the world.


The Col­lect (we pray togeth­er)

Fath­er, you helped Saint Fran­cis to reflect the image of Christ
through a life of poverty and humil­ity.
May we fol­low your Son
by walk­ing in the foot­steps of Fran­cis of Assisi,
and by imit­at­ing his joy­ful love.  Amen


First Read­ing                                                                                                      Gen­es­is 1.26–31

A read­ing from the book of Gen­es­is

Then God said, “Let us make human­kind in our image, accord­ing to our like­ness; and let them have domin­ion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild anim­als of the earth, and over every creep­ing thing that creeps upon the earth.” So God cre­ated human­kind in his image, in the image of God he cre­ated them; male and female he cre­ated them. God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruit­ful and mul­tiply, and fill the earth and sub­due it; and have domin­ion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every liv­ing thing that moves upon the earth.” God said, “See, I have giv­en you every plant yield­ing seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have giv­en every green plant for food.” And it was so. God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was even­ing and there was morn­ing, the sixth day.

For the word of the Lord                                             Thanks be to God 

Psalm: 148

1 Praise the Lord * praise the | Lord – from the | heav­ens:
praise | him | in – the | heights!

2 Praise him | all – his | angels:
praise | him | all – his | host!

3 Praise him | sun – and | moon:
praise him | all – you | shin­ing | stars!

4 Praise him you | highest | heav­ens:
and you | waters – a-| bove – the | heav­ens!

5 Let them praise the | name – of the | Lord:
for he com-| man­ded – and | they – were cre-| ated.

6 He estab­lished them for-| ever – and | ever:
he fixed their | bounds – which | can­not – be | passed.

7 Praise the | Lord – from the | earth:
you sea | mon­sters | and – all | deeps;

8 Fire and hail | snow – and | frost:
stormy wind ful-| filling | his – com-| mand!

9 Moun­tains | and – all | hills:
fruit | trees – and | all | cedars!

10 Wild anim­als and | all | cattle:
creep­ing | things – and | fly­ing | birds!

11 Kings of the earth and | all | peoples:
princes and all | rulers | of the | earth!

12 Young men and | women a-| like:
old and | young | to-| geth­er!

13 Let them praise the | name – of the | Lord:
for | his – name a-| lone – is ex-| alted.

14 His glory is above | earth – and | heav­en:
he has | raised – up a | horn – for his | people.

†15 Praise for | all – his | faith­ful:
for the people of Israel who are close to him * | Praise | the | Lord!

Glo-| ry to | God: Fath­er | Son and | Holy | Spir­it;
As in the be-| gin­ning so | now; and for-| ever. | A-| men


Second Read­ing                                                          Gala­tians 6.14–18

A read­ing from Paul’s let­ter to the Gala­tians

May I nev­er boast of any­thing except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been cru­ci­fied to me, and I to the world. For neither cir­cum­cision nor uncir­cum­cision is any­thing; but a new cre­ation is everything! As for those who will fol­low this rule—peace be upon them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. From now on, let no one make trouble for me; for I carry the marks of Jesus branded on my body. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spir­it, broth­ers and sis­ters. Amen.

For the word of the Lord                                             Thanks be to God

Gos­pel Pro­ces­sion -

Gos­pel acclam­a­tion:

Alle­lu­ia, alle­lu­ia, alle­lu­ia, alle­lu­ia!
Blessed are you Fath­er, | Lord of | heav­en and | earth;
you have revealed to little ones the | mys­ter­ies | of the | king­dom,
Alle­lu­ia, alle­lu­ia, alle­lu­ia, alle­lu­ia!

The Gos­pel                                                                  Mat­thew 11.25–30

The Gos­pel of our Lord Jesus Christ accord­ing to Mat­thew
X Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ

At that time Jesus said, “I thank you, Fath­er, Lord of heav­en and earth, because you have hid­den these things from the wise and the intel­li­gent and have revealed them to infants; yes, Fath­er, for such was your gra­cious will. All things have been handed over to me by my Fath­er; and no one knows the Son except the Fath­er, and no one knows the Fath­er except the Son and any­one to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. “Come to me, all you that are weary and are car­ry­ing heavy bur­dens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my bur­den is light.”

For the Gos­pel of the Lord                  Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ


Hymn after the Ser­mon: TIS 187 – Let all cre­ation dance

Bless­ing of pets — Please make sure your dogs are on leashes and oth­er small pets in cages when you bring them for­ward for their bless­ing at this point.

The Peace

Offer­tory Hymn: TIS 499 – Lord Jesus joy of lov­ing hearts

Hymn dur­ing Com­mu­nion — As the deer pants for the water – TIS 703

Pray­er for our Par­ish

God of Love,
God of Mis­sion,
You alone bring growth to your Church.
Send to us your Holy Spir­it — to give-
Vis­ion for our plan­ning,
Wis­dom in our actions,
And power to our wit­ness.
Help our church to grow in num­bers,
In spir­itu­al com­mit­ment to you
And in ser­vice to our loc­al com­munity.

Final Hymn: TIS 470 – Rejoice in God’s Saints

Katherine’s Solo- (as reques­ted by Br Noel)

Caedmon’s Hymn is a short Old Eng­lish poem ori­gin­ally com­posed by Cædmon, in hon­our of God the Cre­at­or. It sur­vives in a Lat­in trans­la­tion by Bede (672/673 – 26 May 735) in his His­tor­ia eccle­si­ast­ica gen­tis Anglor­um. Accord­ing to Bede, Cædmon was an illit­er­ate cow-her­der who mira­cu­lously was able to recite a Chris­ti­an song of cre­ation in Old Eng­lish verse.

Like many Old Eng­lish and Anglo-Lat­in pieces, it was designed to be sung aloud and was nev­er phys­ic­ally recor­ded by Cædmon him­self, but was writ­ten and pre­served by oth­er lit­er­ate indi­vidu­als. The Hymn itself was com­posed between 658 and 680. (Wiki­pe­dia).

Kath­er­ine is singing the hymn in Lat­in.

Now we should praise the Guard­i­an of heaven’s king­dom,
The Creator’s might and His subtle thought,
the work of the Glor­i­ous Fath­er; how He [all] won­ders was,
etern­al Lord, ori­gin­ally estab­lish­ing.
He first shaped, for Earth’s chil­dren,
Heav­en as roof, Holy Cre­at­or.
Then middle-Earth: mankind’s Keep­er,
Etern­al Lord, after­wards made
for men: our earth. Mas­ter almighty!

Copy­right © 2005 by George Peter Bird.

This edi­tion can be freely dis­trib­uted, duplic­ated, per­formed and recor­ded.

The Notices

Happy Birth­day to Stu­art Grigg; Mandy Tib­bey; Ann Petersen; Moya Holle; Amelia Zea; Mat­thew Bat­ter­ham; Lucy Raj; Peter Tre­gil­gas; Ian Myl­chreest; Eddi Kit­tir­at; Lea McNeil; Angela Bell.

Tues­day night Bible Study is cur­rently in recess – watch this space.

Sunday 9 Octo­ber – Imme­di­ately fol­low­ing our Euchar­ist we will have a brief ser­vice to inter the ashes of Mary Sotiri­adis in our Memori­al Garden.  Fam­ily & friends of Mary will be join­ing us for this occasion.  Please join in too.

Sat­urday 15 Octo­ber – set up for St Luke’s Day lunch and tidy up of grounds. Please come and help if you can.

Sunday 16 Octo­ber – Back to St Luke’s Day – Guest preach­er will be Pro­fess­or Diane Speed, Dean and CEO of Sydney Col­lege of Divin­ity. We have sent let­ters of invit­a­tion to former parish­ion­ers and oth­ers con­nec­ted with St Luke’s or St Augustine’s.  Please bring a dish of food to share with our guests.

Sunday 23 Octo­ber at 4.00 p.m. – Even­song with the Brabyn Sing­ers and High Tea.

Sunday 6 Novem­ber – Con­firm­a­tion Ser­vice – Bish­op Michael Stead will be here for the con­firm­a­tion ser­vice. If you or any­one you know wishes to be con­firmed, please see Fr Philip.

Sat­urday 26 Novem­ber – Christ­mas Mar­ket. See Jen­nifer Bestel for fur­ther inform­a­tion and offers of help would be appre­ci­ated.

Book­stall News – Nadia’s book Flight has won the Pic­ture Book Award in the Children’s Book Awards for this year. We have cop­ies in stock.  We also have 2017 Cal­en­dars fea­tur­ing beau­ti­ful pho­to­graphs of Aus­trali­an Anglic­an Churches – only $10 each, and the 2017 Lec­tion­ar­ies have arrived.

ABM Cooks are tak­ing orders for: Lem­on but­ter; Apple Chut­ney; Tomato Rel­ish; Fruit Cake; Florentine Bis­cuits (with or without nuts); Cheese Oat­meal bis­cuits; Zuc­chini Pickles. Place your orders with Moya.

A guest last week asked why we do not wear our name tags!
Please wear your name badge, espe­cially after­wards dur­ing morn­ing tea in the hall so new­comers and oth­ers can know your name and feel a part of our com­munity.




Giv­ing to St Luke’s

Envel­opes in which to place your weekly offer­ing are avail­able at the Wel­come Table at the entrance to the church and also at the Inform­a­tion Table near the Book­stall. If you would like to use this meth­od of giv­ing, please take a box.  Altern­at­ively …

If you want to ensure reg­u­lar giv­ing to St Luke’s, but find you nev­er have the right amount in cash, or are some­times unable to attend on Sundays, then St Luke’s Dir­ect Trans­fer may work for you. Please put your name or the word “Offering” as a ref­er­ence.

St Luke’s Enmore Bank Account Details
Account Name:          St Luke’s Anglic­an Church Work­ing Account
BSB: 062–165   Account Num­ber: 10023547

 Bible Read­ings for the Week 3rd to 9th Octo­ber 2016

MONDAY Gala­tians 1.6–12 Psalm 111 Luke  10.25–37
TUESDAY Gala­tians 1.13–24 Psalm 139.13–18 Luke  10.38–42
WEDNESDAY Gala­tians 2.1–2,7–14 Psalm  117 Luke  11.1–4
THURSDAY Gala­tians  3.1–5 SOZ (APBA 10or 425) Luke  11.5–13
FRIDAY Gala­tians 3.7–14 Psalm  111.1–8 Luke 11.15–26
SATURDAY Gala­tians 3.22–29 Psalm  105.1–7 Luke 11.27–28

Next Sunday:

Jeremi­ah 29.1, 4–7
Psalm 66.1–11
2 Timothy 2.8–15
Gos­pel Luke 17.11–19


Pray­ers for each day of the week

Lyne, Con­stance & Elean­or Cuneen & John MacLu­lich; Neville Daniels; Edi & Oscar Dav­is; Dav­id Drum­mond.

Dav­id Dun­lop; Brent Egan; Michael, Eliza­beth, Thomas, Ellen­or & Nich­olas Flem­ing.

Steph­en Gates & Andrew; Alt­in & Han­nah Gav­ran­ovic; Peter Gil­bert & Alfredo Narnola; Kev­in Green.

Stu­art Grigg & ‘Tricia Blombery; Neville Hack; Richard Hagen & Som­sak­di; John, Martha & Chris­toph­er Haly.

Ray­mond Hesle­hurst; Michael, Jac­queline, Sam & Soph­ie Hicks; Janet, Susan & Alex Hill; Laykum Ho.


Moya Holle; Anne Hywood & Peter Tre­gil­gas; Diana Jef­fer­ies; Noel Jeffs; Linda  Jensath­it; Kenny Khoo.

Eddy, Mint, Atom & Arty Kit­tir­at; Joseph & Esth­er Kumar; Geoff Lind­say & Mandy Tib­bey; Fabi­an LoS­chiavo.


Our Pray­ers for those in imme­di­ate need:

Leanne; Bruce Sims & Peter; Car­oline Wilson; Dawn Hol­land; Asia Bibi, Robert and Lyn­dall; Linda Jensath­it; Sheila Cross,  Fr Ron Mor­ris..

Pray­er for the sick or in need.

Shir­ley Allen; Bar­bara & Jade Allen; Beth Arm­strong; Grace & Han­nah Ashton; Fatima Begum; Angela Bell; Ross Black; Lyn Car­ring­ton; Kay & Rus­sell Clark; Paull Gar­rett; Ros Gee; Madeline Gee; Mar­ilyn Gibbs;  Tina Gounder & Jay­den Gounder; Rhi­an­non Henry-Edwards; Joseph Jee­bell; Ann Jeffs, Eddy Kit­tir­at; Melissa, John & Baby Ger­ard; Jude & Isla; Marissa; Emily & Taylor McCormick; Jen­nifer McGov­ern; Janet McLeod; Fr Ron Mor­ris, John Naidu; Pau­line Newell; Peter Pur­cell; Bri­an Rawns­ley; Edward Reddy; Alex Regos; Joy Ree; Steph­en Thomas; Soph­ie Toupein; Janet Walms­ley; Bish­op Greg Thompson & Dio­cese of New­castle; Yavani Mu Daly, Vic­tor­ia, Leigh Gar­retty, Nii Samuela; Dav­id, Dav­id & Chandra; Nilesh Gandar & fam­ily; Alie­sha; Juli­an; Eve Moggs; Pit­taya Nitchar­oen.

Thanks­giv­ing for bless­ings received:


Recently Depar­ted:

Jenny John­ston

Anniversar­ies of the Depar­ted

Mar­garet Doyle; Geoff  Juer­gens; Eunice Dahler; Thomas Kerr; Ruth Cropley; Emily Cham­pi­on; Aus­tin McLach­lan;

Saints Com­mem­or­a­tion:

4th: Fran­cis of Assisi, fri­ar and preach­er (d.1226)
6th: Wil­li­am Tyndale, bib­lic­al schol­ar (d.1536)

Par­ish Inform­a­tion                                ABN.78 161 584 893.


Sung Euchar­ist and Chil­dren’s Min­istry at 9.30 am fol­lowed by hos­pit­al­ity in the hall. Thai Com­munity meets in the Chapel after morn­ing tea. Enquir­ies to Aman­da Mason 0407 101 382.


Wed­nes­day 9.30 a.m. — Morn­ing Pray­er; 10.00 a.m. Euchar­ist (fol­lowed by morn­ing tea)
Fri­day 8.30 a.m. – Morn­ing Pray­er

CONFESSIONS (Sac­ra­ment of Recon­cili­ation) HOME COMMUNIONS, BAPTISMS, & MARRIAGES by arrange­ment.

Rect­or — Fr Philip Brad­ford — 0431 655 220 (Mob)
Office Ph 9557 4219 PO Box 64. Enmore NSW 2042
Par­ish email:
Fr Philip:

Pas­tor­al Care
Lay-Min­is­ters — Part Time
– Lea MacNeil & Aman­da Mason.

OFFICE HOURS: Tues­day 9.00 to 11.00 am; Wed­nes­day 9.00 am to 12 noon; Fri­day 8.30 to 10.30 a.m. Clergy Asso­ci­ate:
Fr Ron Mor­ris (Mob 0409 451362)

Organ­ist: Kathy Drum­mond
Occa­sion­al Organ­ist: C. Brooks

133 Enmore Rd, Tel: 9550 5713
Hours: Tues, Wed & Fri­day 9.30 ‑ 4; Thursday 9.30–3; Sat 9.30 – 2.30, Sunday, Monday – Closed.

Hall Admin­is­trat­or:
Stu­art Veitch Mb 0400–312-354

Jen­nie Win­ton Mb 0401727718.
Eddy Reddy Mb 0410634948
Ruth Cham­pi­on Mb 0400166041Par­ish Coun­cil:
Andy Ser­afin; Jen­nifer Bestel; James Barnes (Treas­urer); Susan Hill; Peter Sey­mour; Fabi­an LoS­chiavo; Amrit MacIntyre & Tony Pur­cell.

Par­ish Nom­in­at­ors:
Moya Holle; Mandy Tib­bey; Susan Hill; Ruth Cham­pi­on & Stu­art Veitch.

Pas­tor­al Care Sup­port Group
Ruth Cham­pi­on; Stu­art Ogg; John Tonetti, Moya Holle; Peter Sey­mour