
The fol­low­ing ser­mons are lis­ted via date and preach­er:

Sunday 3rd September — Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Here I am Semon preached at Enmore, Four­teenth Sunday after Pente­cost, the 3rd of Septem­ber 2023. Read­ings: Exodus 3. 1–15. Romans 12. 9–21. Mat­thew 16. 21–28   The story of the call of Moses is one of the best-known pas­sages in the Old Test­a­ment and much loved by Bible story artists. It is also an…

Sunday 27th August 2023 — Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost

A liv­ing sac­ri­fice Ser­mon preached at St. Lukes, Sunday 27th. August. 13th Sunday after Pente­cost. Read­ings: Romans 12. 1–8. Mat­thew 16. 13–20 Pente­cost is the New Test­a­ment name for the Jew­ish Feast of Weeks, when the wheat har­vest was cel­eb­rated by a one-day fest­iv­al dur­ing which spe­cial sac­ri­fices were offered. All the Jew­ish fest­ivals involved…

Sunday 13th August 2023 — Mary Mother of Our Lord

Mary treas­ured all these words.  Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Feast of Mary, Moth­er of our Lord, Sunday 13th August, Elev­enth after Pente­cost, 2023. Read­ing: Luke 2.1 ‑7   Today’s Gos­pel read­ing set for the Feast Day of Mary, Moth­er of our Lord is a read­ing from Luke’s birth nar­rat­ive. Nearly everything we know about Mary…

Sunday 6th August 2023 — The Transfiguration of Our Lord

It is good for us to be here (Revised) Ser­mon preached at Enmore, Sixth of August, 2023. Tenth Sunday after Pente­cost. The Trans­fig­ur­a­tion of Our Lord. Read­ings: Daniel 7.9–10, 13–14. Ps. 97, 2 Peter 1. 16–19, Mark 9. 2–9   On the 6th August 1945, the Feast of the Trans­fig­ur­a­tion, the first atom­ic bomb was…