The church of St Luke’s, in the Parish of Enmore with Stanmore is unique.
It has endured many vicissitudes since it was built in 1882.
Many of these changes are reflected in the structure of the building
but more than 120 years brings massive change to congregations as well.
St Luke’s is now an inclusive congregation with about 16 different nationalities and almost as many languages.
We have every variety of people also… age, gender, race, marital or family status, sexual orientation, disability and wealth.
It is our determination to offer God’s unconditional love to all.
We worship in the style which is sometimes called Anglo-Catholic or High Church.
This means we use symbol and ceremony, candles, holy water, incense and colourful vestments.
We love processions and singing and as many people as possible taking leadership roles in the worship.
Above all, we delight to gather in a circle around the altar to bless the bread and wine which is for us the body and blood of Christ, and to share it together.
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